Chapter 256 Buy a sea view manor

Ye Tian smiled slightly without comment.

Look at the auction table ahead.

At this moment, the auctioned items have changed from a variety of high-precision machines to a variety of factory buildings.

The group of gangster-level figures in front finally cheered up.

One by one raised their hands and flew up.

Situ Xue was instantly interested in the newly auctioned land.

Although he was a little rich woman before, he was fine with his little money and playing in the garage.

But the land building or something is really not enough to see.

But now, listening to what the auctioneer in front yelled, her eyes started to shine.

Three Y Island tropical fruit plantation-facing the sea on three sides.

Owned by the former Sanya Coconut Fruit Group, the plantation is now used to repay the debt, starting at the reserve price.

Starting price, 3 billion!

Among them, the commercial development area is 500 mu.

The auctioneer finished.

On the big screen at the back, pictures appeared.

Looking at the blue sky and blue sea, not only Situ Xue, but also Dai Xiaomeng next to him, couldn’t help but widen his eyes, showing a look of yearning.

Ye Tian noticed the eyes of the two and looked at the pictures carefully.

Can’t help but feel a little moved.

Because at this moment, strictly speaking, in terms of wealth, he can already be regarded as preliminary freedom.

If you have money, you will naturally learn to enjoy it, otherwise, why do you earn so much money?

Regardless of the geographical environment or the content of this plantation, it perfectly fits the word leisure.

Moreover, it is close to the sea, and the picture shows that it also contains a small pier, and the terrain is also open.

No matter what development and research it is used for, it is an excellent place.

I am thinking about how to use it.

The big guys in front have already begun to raise their hands.

“3.1 billion!”

“321Z! ”

In a moment, the price rushed to 5 billion!

Then it slowed down.

“Little Meng, what do you think of this place?”

After enjoying the pictures, Situ Xue first saw the bright color in Dai Xiaomeng’s eyes.

“It’s very beautiful. I have liked water since I was a child, but there are only small rivers and the like at home. I always have a wish to live by the sea, facing the sea, and the spring flowers are blooming. This plantation looks like a fairyland. There are all kinds of fruits, and there are so many small wooden houses, which are very good.”

“You like it too? Then don’t think about it!”

Situ Xue smiled and raised the bidding card in her hand.

“5.1 billion! VIP No. 88 bids 5.1 billion, is there any higher?”

Under the scream of the auctioneer, Situ Xue felt a lot of eyes shooting towards her in an instant.

Most people were a little surprised, and there were a few, but they were dissatisfied.

“5.2 billion!”

Then, a voice sounded.

Raise the price.

Situ Xue glanced at the bidder, who happened to be one of the people who had been dissatisfied before.

After his bid, the court was quiet again.

Situ Xue hesitated for a while, then raised the sign again.

“5.3 billion, VIP No. 88 bids 5.3 billion!”

“Damn it, where did this woman come out!”

In the seat No. 60 that was bidding just now, a man in a suit and leather eyes frowned deeper.

Unable to stop, she gave Situ Xue a fierce look, and then cast her gaze to the few people around her.

“Shao Liu, don’t look at us that way. We don’t know who she is. In Sanya’s site, no outsider would dare to intervene, and more than 5 billion is not a small number, we can’t get it out.”

The few people around Liu Shao didn’t need him to speak. Just by looking at their eyes, they knew what the other party meant, and explained quickly.

“Then except for you, who can take that piece of land and how much value can be developed? I warn you, it is best not to make tricks with me, otherwise, you know the consequences!”

After speaking, Liu Shao watched the auctioneer start to urge. Raised the sign in his hand.

“Five and five billion!”

After speaking, he cast a cold gaze towards Situ Xue.

“Boss, he stares at me!”

Situ Xue also noticed the opponent’s unkind look, and pretended to be aggrieved.

“What people mean is that your bid is too slow. If you want to shoot, hurry up, don’t waste time!”

Ye Tian didn’t have a good air.

Situ Xue rolled her eyes.

“I want to hurry up, but I don’t have that much cash. If you bid maliciously, I’m afraid it will cause trouble.”

“It sounds like you had so much cash just now!”

Ye Tian gave her a white look, touched her chest, and a black card fell on the table.

…0 Seeking flowers………

Situ Xuejiao smiled cleanly, with a treacherous look on his face, and then Ye Tian took a bite, and then he raised the sign.

“Beauty, you can think clearly, that piece of land is not something ordinary people play.

Before the auctioneer’s words sounded, Liu Shao unconsciously got up, looked at Situ Xue faintly, and said.

“I don’t need to play around, I just look beautiful and want to buy a private sea-view manor. Isn’t that okay?”

Everyone in the auction room was stunned when they heard the words, and could not help but glanced at Situ Xue again, looking for similar faces in their memory, but unfortunately, there was no reflection at all.

But this is no wonder they, it is that Situ Xue’s rise is too fast, at best, it is less than half a month.


And even if it was broadcast live, it was only in the middle of the night.

And these people in front of him can be regarded as the top enterprise group leaders in Xia Guodu’s ranking.

So even if I have heard of such a newly-emerging rich woman like Xia Guo, I have almost never seen it.

As for Situ Xue’s remarks, they didn’t even think about it. For more than five billion yuan to buy a manor for vacation, I am afraid that even Xia Guo’s richest man would not dare to be so extravagant.

Naturally, Liu Shao was similar to those people’s ideas.

Seeing that Situ Xue was so perfunctory, she gave a cold snort and raised the sign in her hand.

“Since it’s a private estate, you shouldn’t mind if I bid more times!”

Liu Shao’s voice fell.

The auctioneer on the stage has already seen something wrong.

There was an uplifting look on his face. As an auctioneer, what I like most to see is this kind of scene with sparks.

“5.7 billion, the number 60 VIP bid 5.7 billion, is there any more?”

“Wrong, I said 6 billion! I want to see, who can compete with me today!”

Before the auctioneer’s words fell, Liu Shao had already raised his head, showing a provocative expression in the direction of Situ Xue.

The auctioneer blushed and quickly agreed: “Okay, the number 60 VIP bid is 6 billion, is there any higher!”

Situ Xue blinked her eyes: “Boss, look

“Look at it, let you go down like this, when will this auction be?”

With that said, Ye Tian directly held up the sign in front of him.

Hold it above your head. NS,

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