Chapter 250 Reduce the price, fight it!

“Damn, damn!”

“This f*ck, it’s so awesome, this time I made a profit!”

“Kneel to the boss, it took me a few lifetimes to meet such a good boss!”

“How much money is this, can someone report the number?”

“Report what, report, where is this going, there is still half an hour before the market closes, such a sudden good news comes out, the rotten pear has not fallen enough!”

“Fifteen percent, don’t you say that one percent of rotten pears is used as ten percent? Isn’t that one hundred and five percent?”

“It can be said, but 15% is still too little for Rotten Pear’s blow this time. At least a 50% drop is good enough.”

“It’s not possible. Rotten Pear is just a bit less expensive than ours in terms of price. The quality of their Rotten Pear 6 is still okay.”

“The advantage in price alone is enough. Our price is one-third less than theirs. As long as you know how to choose, don’t you?”

“This is not necessarily true. Some people think highly of themselves and think that the brand is important. So our current 460 advantage is really not that big, unless there are other overwhelming victories.”

“for example?”

“For example, all kinds of black technology, rotten pear can’t compete with our black technology at all!”

“Then it’s a bit difficult, I still hope that the general trend will let him fall slowly by himself!”

There was a discussion in the live broadcast room.

On the side of Rotten Pear, everyone’s complexion was dark.

Although its own decline is not too sharp.

But is he a rotten pear, a mobile phone company standing at the top of the world.

Even in the face of any storm. Rotten Pear’s stock price has never fallen so much in such a short period of time.

This is totally an insult!

“Mr. Bird, I’m afraid it will be a problem if this continues.”

Soros was the first to export.

“Is there any other way? Rotten Pear 6 is already the latest product that I can come up with. Although the publicity of Rotten Pear Seven is put up, as long as you know it, the concept and the reality, the representative is Time, moreover, at least two or three years.

Those who say they have to wait will not wait until they react.

“So, you have to abandon something now!’


“Profits, our plan must show obvious results. It will take at least many days. If you let the stock price fall again, even if your rotten pear survives, your vitality will be greatly injured. Let’s talk about the stock price stable in the acceptable range.”

“The key is how to spell it!”

“Price reduction!”

Soros said without thinking.

“Price reduction? How is this possible! Apart from new models, when did we reduce the price of rotten pears! Moreover, where is our quality, the price reduction is an insult.”

“Then you can figure it out by yourself, I am just an opinion, and I have one more situation to tell you.

“The other party owns 74.9% of your Rotten Pear’s equity. Strictly speaking, he is now your largest shareholder. If you let the other party respond, take advantage of his equity and want to do something. Anyway, you won’t have any room for struggle when that happens.

In other words, if the opponent is anxious on this battlefield with you, it will be you who will die first.

Because the stock price fell, for him, it was profit.

At the same time, the equity is in his hands. If you don’t move, he can make money with peace of mind.

Therefore, you have to take advantage of him to tell him with practical actions that it is absolutely impossible to make money with peace of mind. ”

After a few words.

Wubusi’s face was black and white, white and black.

After a long time, watching the stock price fall by 2% again, Cabj Si finally gritted his teeth.

Called his subordinates: “I will announce immediately that the price of our rotten pear 6 will be reduced by one-third. Moreover, users who previously owned our rotten pear mobile phones can exchange their old phones for new ones, just to subsidize the price difference.”

The subordinate swallowed saliva with a look of disbelief.

The order was beyond his imagination.

On the side, Soros applauded applauded.

“As expected to be Chief Bird, this courage makes me feel ashamed, and your trick is to trade the old for the new, even I did not expect that you can be a lore!”

“Heh, as you said, since you are desperate, you can’t have any reservations! I want to see, I fight for the cost price, and what you can do with me over there! And trade the old for the new, relying on my users No matter how much he uses, it will never be effective.”

In discourse, the latest news of Rotten Pear has been announced.

Such a price reduction is the first time in the history of rotten pears.

In an instant, the whole world was in an uproar again.

“Rotten pears are crazy! I like this price!”

“Haha, I was still entangled in who to choose the phone, now I don’t have to think about it. Since I can trade in the old for the new, then I must use it as a waste!”

“En, I feel that I can make a comparison with the money saved.

“The brain circuit upstairs is really clear. I have to say that this is a good idea. However, the rotten pear is only down by a third. If you want to start two at the same time, it feels a bit of a loss.”

“Yeah, if we can drop it again, it will be perfect. We don’t have to worry about it at all.

The sudden change.

Niaobusi’s face sank, who was already contented.

On the side, Soros was picking the corner of his mouth.

“Mr. Bird, don’t worry, these people are just joking. As the world’s leading mobile phone overlord, the price is already a cost price. Why can he fight a price war with you? If I am not wrong, their lithography machine is something that has been successfully developed, and it is definitely not comparable to ours in terms of various performances.

At this price, I am afraid that it is bleeding with tears, just to suppress our aura!”

The voice fell.

Niaobusi also breathed a sigh of relief.

Because this is the case.

As a giant in the mobile phone industry, he may not be so clear about other data, but he knows all kinds of prices in the mobile phone manufacturing industry.

In other respects, everyone uses or adopts basically the same craftsmanship, and there will not be much difference in cost. In terms of labor, Rotten Pear has gradually outsourced parts and components to areas with cheap labor in recent years.

So, what we can fight now is the chip.

And Chip, standing on the shoulders of giants, how can a new guy on the other side compare to himself?

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