Chapter 249 Celebrate with a banner

Yes, this news was previously confirmed by Elder Yi himself, and he forgot about it in a hurry.

As long as the chip problem is solved, the rest will not be too difficult. As long as you have enough money, you can open the manufacturing industry indefinitely.

Thinking about it, Ren Woxing quickly nodded: “Boss, I will turn it over for you now! How can I cooperate?”

“After I take the shot, what should you say and how do you say it, just talk about the situation now.

“Oh, let’s do this first!

After speaking, let us hang up the phone and walk back to the meeting room quickly.

“Everyone, the matter has been settled, the boss has a way to solve the current crisis, and let us have a fun at the end, do you have any comments?”

Everyone was happy: “More than one lithography machine?”

Let me go nodded: “You can say so.”

“That’s great, what do you mean to end the game?”

“The boss said that using the enemy’s money to continue to earn the enemy’s money is the stimulus, let us transfer the money to it.”

“Then what are you waiting for, hurry up, we’ve been greedy for a long time, and now the initiative is in our hands, there is nothing we dare not, and the boss is our major shareholder, he will never even have his own company’s Don’t care about the money.”

“Okay, since everyone has no opinion, let’s play!”

After talking, let me go with an excited look and immediately gave the assistant the order to transfer money.

In the villa, Ye Tian has returned to the computer.

“Boss, whose call is it,||?”

Situ Xue learned the lesson from last time, this time Ye Tian just entered the room, she ran over and listened to the corner.

Asked at this moment knowingly.

Ye Tian glanced at her own woman appreciatively.

Start typing.

“It’s the previous investment alliance. They added another investment and transferred it in immediately.

“Damn, do you still transfer money?

“What kind of investment alliance is this? It is so rich. Before 2.2 trillion yuan, there is still money.

“What’s so strange about this. If you have money, you can’t turn around in the face of such good news?

“Then need to say, in this situation, even fools know how to play, but unfortunately, I have no money.

With everyone’s discussion.

On Ye Tian’s account, a striking number appeared.

“This f*ck is really awesome, and it’s 1.2 trillion. What’s wrong with this world? Is it already popular in trillions?”

“Sure enough, in this world, the richer you are, the better you can make money. After this wave, this investment alliance is probably even more terrifying.”

“In fact, there is nothing to envy, we make more than them.

“It’s all a family. Whoever makes money doesn’t make money. Moreover, this is also taking us to make money together.

“How to say?”

“The money went into the Wushuang company’s account, which proves that it is the same as our wealth management products, but now all of our money has been bought by rotten pears, and there is no money to make a profit. The other side now has this money. Come in, didn’t you just fill the gap? It’s equivalent to buying us double insurance.”

“It makes sense, then it is really possible for us to follow this wave!”

Everyone is talking.

Ye Tian, ​​who got the money, quickly bought all the money for promising stocks.

At this moment, Youwei has risen a lot, so the plate that was capped at about one trillion before.

When the stock price rose and all the other party’s funds were also involved in the rotten pear side, the 1.2 trillion yuan was bought in no time.

This wave of purchases instantly caused Youwei’s stock price to rise by about 3%.

As for the rotten pears, they also fell by 2%.

Moreover, just after Ye Tian smashed all the money in.

Youwei’s official website also raised banners.

“Warmly celebrate the amazing record of pre-sales of mobile phones. Within half an hour, the domestic market orders reached 30 million units, and the overseas market reached 300 million units!’

At the same time as the banner came out, a detailed introduction followed.

It also highlighted that the 300 million overseas pre-sales have been paid in full.

Now there are manufacturing plants around the world that are already running at full capacity to manufacture overtime.

It is expected that this order will be completed within one month.

The news came out.

The whole world was in an uproar.

There are three hundred and thirty million orders in half an hour, and another three hundred million are paid in full.

Youwei, this phone, is it so awesome?

The jaw-dropping data seemed to dispel the suspicion of many people eating melons in an instant. (Is Lee Zhao)

Because the overseas market is very different from Xia Guo.

If you don’t have the ability, how can you dare to take so many orders?

Is it true that the false propaganda that was previously rumored is false?

Under such speculation.

The popularity of Promising Charm 1 regained the top spot in the hot discussion list.

And with the fermenting of fishing vessels and the news that huge amounts of funds have been entered into the account.

The promising stocks take off directly as if sitting on a rocket.

In half an hour, the price jumped by 70% abruptly.

Needless to say, Rotten Pear has sold 300 million units overseas, and they have lost 300 million potential customers in disguise.

The stock price has a direct avalanche. .

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