Chapter 223 Do it

“Who is this idiot?”

Situ Xue cast a cold look at He Hui.

Dean Chao Wu asked.

“He Hui, He Run Real Estate, He Dafu’s only son. Relying on how much money he has in the family, he usually uses Zhang Baqi.”

Dean Wu was obviously also angry. Seeing Situ Xue’s question, he spoke decisively.

“Very good, He Run Real Estate, right!”

Situ Xue fumbled out the phone.

“Zhao Yang, inform all investors that from now on, He Run Real Estate is my mortal enemy. Anyone who dares to cooperate with him will not give me Situ Xue face!

In addition, check the main lending bank of Herun Real Estate and tell the other party the news so that they can figure it out. ”

Two commands in a row.

Situ Xue said it lightly.

But He Hui frowned.

His own Herun Real Estate is one of the best enterprises in Dongcheng, with a market value of billions.

I can’t say that everyone is well-known, but from his birth to the present, no one has been completely shameless after knowing that he is the young master of the Herun Group.

“He Shao, the woman looks so familiar, it seems that I have seen it in 20.”

“He Shao Situ, I know, he is Situ Xue, the newly richest man in the East City! It is said that he has a net worth of hundreds of billions. In the past few days, he has entered the U.S. stock market with trillions of funds and has turned upside down. Oh my god, it is actually. she!”

The little brother on the side swallowed his saliva and exclaimed.

He Hui’s face sank.

As a young man in the top circle, how could he not have any news about the big figures in Dongcheng.

It’s just that Situ Xue had been relatively low-key before, and he had never seen it before.

When he wanted to meet, he was already a little too high.

Now think about the other party’s command just now.

There was a look of anger in his eyes.

“Situ Xue, right? I advise you to take back what you just said! Otherwise, I will let you know that being rich is not everything!”

“Heh, don’t you feel like a face slap when you say this to me?”

“Okay, let’s take a look, but let me remind you, before you go against me, it’s best to find out what we started from!”

After speaking, He Hui snorted coldly.

Take your hands and leave.

“I said, let you keep people!”

Situ Xue narrowed her eyes. Shouted coldly.

“What are you? You call the police if you have the ability!”

With a sneer on his face, He Hui looked at his group of men.

“Have you heard, the richest man in East City asked you to let them go. Don’t let them go, and don’t move them.”

The voice fell.

Hearing He Hui’s obviously ironic words.

A group of subordinates showed a cruel expression on their faces.

After following He Hui for so long, how could they fail to guess what He Hui meant.

Without warning, a group of people grabbed their fists towards Liu Tao and others.

He Hui showed a look of surprise, looked at the restaurant monitoring, and then hurriedly said: “Don’t hit people, are you crazy? Check it out, don’t hit Mr. Xue. You can see it, I can’t persuade you.

He Hui’s yin and yang weird words.

But it made a few people fight more vigorously.

Ye Tian’s eyes swept across Wu Lan lightly at this moment.

The latter’s face has also become gloomy.

Electric light flint room.

There was a loud noise in the field.

One of He Hui’s men who was beating people hit the dining room wall with a bang.

The next moment, another subordinate flew out.

Everyone hasn’t seen what’s going on yet.

Screams rang out one after another.

The sound of fists to the beating of meat made the scalp numb of the people in the restaurant.

After a while.

All the thugs screamed and lay on the ground screaming.

Moreover, it is definitely not the kind of skin and flesh wounds.

For several of them, it is obvious that the front teeth have been knocked out.

There are also two arms that are directly distorted to whiten.

“You, who are you, in the public, do you dare

He Hui was also about to split his eyes at the moment, watching Wu Gang walking towards him, and quickly exclaimed.

But the words didn’t finish.

A loud slap has slapped him into a top and flew out.

Just after landing, he kicked his stomach again.

With a bang.

He Hui glided on the ground for several meters.

He hit the wall hard and vomited blood.

For a while, the whole restaurant was silent.

Everyone looked at the figure standing in the crowd in disbelief.


Is this still a woman?

F*ck is too awesome.

One person, less than two minutes to turn over a dozen brawny men.

Don’t even take a breath?

Moreover, he was completely merciless when he started. Listening to the screams of those people, you know that it is definitely not a pretense.

Dean Wu and Liu Tao are completely dumbfounded now.

I thought Situ Xue, the richest man, was already strong enough.

Unexpectedly, this beauty, who has no words from start to finish, even if she eats, is actually so tough.

Swallowing saliva, Liu Taoshou quickly thanked Wu Lan.

“Goddess of war, thank you, can I learn from you. The few shots you have just now are so handsome.

Wu Lan ignored him and went straight back to Situ Xue.

Dean Wu came back to his senses.

“Mr. Xue, Boss, He Hui’s family background is not ordinary. When so many people see you making a move this time, I am afraid that the other party will not give up!”

“ーEveryone should do things alone, Goddess Xue, you should go first. If the police come, I will say that I did it and it has nothing to do with you.”

Liu Tao also woke up and quickly said.

But 440 is the voice just dropped.

I heard the siren outside from far to near.

Then stopped at the entrance of the restaurant.

Several police officers walked into the restaurant.

He glanced at the people on the ground, frowning tightly.

“What’s the matter? Who called the police?”

But the voice fell for a long time, and no one said anything.

“Who called the police?”

The lead police asked again.

Still no one answered.

“Who is in charge here?”

The police asked in desperation.

“Comrade police, I am the lobby manager here.”

A middle-aged man wearing glasses and a suit came forward.

“What’s the situation here?”

“I’m not very clear. I only know that the two groups of guests had a little conflict, and then there was a fight.”

“Who beat these people on the ground?”

“Me! I did it!”

Liu Tao raised his hand and walked to the police on his own initiative.

“Uncle police, these people blatantly beat me and some of my companions in this restaurant. We fought back in self-defense and beat them.”

“You, you fart, Captain Lu, he wasn’t the one who beat me, it was the woman in camouflage over there!”

Suddenly, an angry low drink sounded.

On the side of the wall, with blood on the corner of his mouth, He Hui stood viciously and pointed at Wu Lan. .

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