Chapter 222 court death

Liu Tao looked at Dai Xiaomeng and Situ Xue and did not give a solution in the first place.

As soon as his eyes rolled, he uttered a voice.

“ーWan? Liu Shao, we graduated from junior high school with my brother, we don’t know anything.

“What are you afraid of? You are also surnamed Liu. We are a family. If you go home and work, what is there to be afraid of, and it is not free to pay you. You will start at the grassroots level when you go. It will always increase if you do well.

Liu Tao deserves to be a slippery head, and in a few words, they interrupted Chunyan’s worries.

Ye Tian watched silently, but didn’t stop it aloud.

Just like Situ Xue who didn’t speak, “four forty zero”, both of them knew what time period it was now.

The more people around you have concerns, the more weaknesses you have.

Although Liu Tao talked a little bit too much, it was quite appropriate for him to solve this kind of trivial matter.

The settlement of Grandpa Liu, Chunyan and others was settled.

It’s also late.

Michelin is like this. After a meal, eating for three or four hours is normal.

And Ye Tian they also ate two rounds.

Eat directly from the afternoon to the evening.

Liu Tao has quick eyes and quick hands.

Before Dean Wu got up, he trot to drag the waiter outside to checkout.

“This kid, in front of him Laozi, has never been so sensible.”

Looking at Liu Tao’s figure, Dean Wu laughed.

Situ Xue nodded with satisfaction.

Sometimes, the wealth status goes up, and there are many things that you don’t really need to bother yourself, and someone will take the initiative to help you handle them properly.

Talking and laughing, a group of people walked out of the private room.

As soon as I left the house, I heard a loud noise coming from Liu Tao.

Everyone took a look.

Liu Tao and a few young people were surrounded by a group of men.

“He Hui, what do you want?”

“Heh, Liu Tao, I think your scar is healed, forget it hurts, no, your scar is not healed, it’s not a long lesson, have I warned you, don’t let me see you again, Otherwise I see you hit you once.”

“He Hui, don’t overdo it. If it wasn’t for my dad who told me not to cause trouble during this time, I would look for you if you didn’t look for me.

“Oh, I’m getting angry, dare to talk to me like this? How do I remember that some people had been hiding in the hospital before and didn’t dare to come out, and even made a special ward for myself. It seems that you plan to live in it permanently. , OK, satisfy you, cut him for me!”

The man opposite Liu Tao sneered and his face changed instantly.

A group of people around him immediately grabbed Liu Tao and the others by their collars and pulled them out.

At the same time, several security guards at the Michelin restaurant ran over depending on the situation.

But He Hui pointed his hand and his eyes. Scared to go back.


Dean Wu frowned and glanced at Situ Xue.

Then strode over.

“He Hui, I am here with Liu Tao today, what do you mean by that?”

“Oh, it turned out to be Dean Wu. I’m sorry. I have a personal grievance with him. When he was with you, I gave you face and didn’t touch him. Now that he comes out, you won’t stop me anymore. ?”

“you ”

“Dean Wu, you are so old too, are you sure you want to intervene in the affairs of our younger generation?”

As he said, He Hui stared at Dean Wu with cold eyes.

“I can’t take care of your business, but today people came with me. Are you sure you want to take him away?”

Dean Wu was also a little angry when he was so threatened by a junior.

“Hey, I just took him away, what’s the matter? You have the ability to stop and try!”

He Hui didn’t save Dean Wu face at all.

With a sneer, he will leave.

“Dean Wu, I didn’t have time to pay the money just now, so you can pay for it, don’t worry about me, Laozi doesn’t believe He Hui, the bastard dares to kill Laozi!”

Among the crowd, Liu Tao and several people are also struggling at the moment, but it is a pity that two fists are hard to beat four hands. Their struggle is destined to be useless.

She was about to be dragged out of the door.

Situ Xue’s voice sounded.


He Hui and others looked back again.

He glanced at Situ Xue’s direction.

Then his eyes lit up.

“Oh, I said Liu Tao, this little trash, would dare to go to such a place to hang out when he was discharged from the hospital. It turned out that it was a beautiful lady who had an appointment. It’s not bad, you look for these little girls with good looks.

He Hui raised his brows and immediately stopped everyone.

“He Hui, you idiot, I warn you not to make their minds, they are not with me.

“I don’t care if you are together at 1.9. I have made up my mind today. Several beauties, do you have time to go to a party together?”

“How would you like to play?”

Situ Xue smiled coldly.

If Liu Tao had just run into trouble and dragged himself and others into it as soon as possible, Situ Xue would definitely not say anything more at this moment.

But this kid has never looked at his side from start to finish, which is enough to see that this is not a person with a deep mind.

“Look at how you want to play, don’t worry, as long as you happily accompany me and my brothers, how much Liu Tao pays, brother and I pay three times.”.

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