Chapter 206 Make money again

“Then our money, this time we will go with the big troops together?”

Situ Xue asked again.

Ye Tian nodded again, and also pulled out his personal account.

Let Situ Xue get it into the company’s overseas account.

“Damn, the boss is too much money, obviously I feel that the money is not enough!”

“Just now I only heard the 48.8 billion, and then I remembered that the boss still has 16.3 billion in private money.”

“Counting this way, 24.4 billion plus 16.3 billion, a total of 40.7 billion, the boss is enough to enter the rich list with the cash in his hand!”

“Sure enough, the world’s richest man is not a dream. It has already taken a big step. Boss, come on, let those mortals tremble!”

The barrage was another wave of wonder.

Situ Xue also quickly let Zhao Yang complete the transfer.

In the final summary, the 22 billion in Wushuang’s account, plus Ye Tian and Situ Xue’s 65.1 billion, this time, the total amount in Wushuang’s overseas account has reached 132-0 billion.

Such an astonishing number, even if it is put on the global market, it is enough to rank among the predators.

As soon as this dragon took shape, Ye Tian took them directly to the stock market.

For the first time, Ye Tian clicked his paw to the promising stock.

At this moment, Youwei has fallen by 60%.

Ye Tian did not hesitate, and directly scanned the goods in full.

“Dizzy, didn’t you mean that you don’t beat your own people? What is the operation of the boss?”

“Um, it shouldn’t be what you think. It is estimated that the boss is using the other side’s defense method to help defend. The boss has bought all the floating shares in the market that are still desperately lowering prices. It’s a lot of pressure.”

“So that’s the case, let me just say, how could the boss take our money to take advantage of the fire.

“I knew I didn’t read the wrong person. The boss is good. We should earn this money. Even if we don’t earn it, it will be snatched away by the dead foreigners. We support you.”

“Yes, that’s just imposing, and I will just stud the game directly to see how those dead foreigners are still suppressing prices.”

“But it’s a pity, because the price has been hit too much now, and all the stocks in circulation on the market add up to about 500 billion.”

“I don’t think Youwei has a market value of trillions. Why did you buy 500 billion and then disappear?”

“Those foreigners are not fools. They know that the boss has made a move. Before the price drops to their expectations, it is estimated that they will not be sold. Otherwise, if they sell now, they will all enter the boss’s pocket, and they will not have to play. Wait, I guess I can buy some more.”

“Some are not enough, there are still 800 billion that is not used up.”

The barrage fell into discussion.

Ye Tian didn’t struggle for long.

A list of 100 billion has been hung up and continue to scan the stock under promising stocks.

Immediately afterwards, they clicked on other small domestic listed electronic companies.

Start smashing one after another.

It’s all the same as Youwei, sweep as much as you have.

With amazing hand speed, Ye Tian managed a set of operations.

Basically, the other party hasn’t recovered.

All the stocks of Xiaguo Electronics Enterprise have been emptied for more than ten years.

Only scattered retail accounts are still being absorbed by Ye Tian.

Under the wide net, the remaining 800 billion yuan was quickly consumed.

When the closing time was about 10 minutes, there was almost no stock of Xia Guo in the market.

Even if Ye Tian had cancelled those squatting orders at this moment, no one dared to make a move anymore.


“A lot of money is awesome. When the boss makes a move, the other party is all persuaded!”

“Haha, Boss, this is completely cutting off people’s money, but I like it.”

“The only pity is that there are still 100 billion useless. Just like the goddess Xue said, watching the funds idle here, I always feel uncomfortable.”

“Yeen, I have this feeling too,”

Everyone in the live broadcast room has some regrets.

Ye Tian didn’t have this feeling.

His gaze is now staring at the stocks he just bought.

Under the impact of trillions of dollars.

Every stock has ushered in a small decline.

The rest of the U.S. stocks are not much better. They are affected by the chain reaction. Today, except for electronic technology stocks such as Rotten Pear, there are many other declines.

Looking at the overall situation, the general trend is an absolute decline.

And Ye Tian has been waiting for the opponent’s sniper, but also has not appeared.

Seeing that there are 5 minutes left.

…0 Seeking flowers…

Ye Tian no longer hesitated.

Pull the purchase page above the market index in an instant.

One hundred billion, twice the leverage! Fall!


I already thought that this is the case today, and the live broadcast room that has started chatting and spanking instantly fries the pot.

“Damn, here again!”

“Boss, I have to play heartbeat every time! Exciting!”

“I know that the boss Gang has been looking at all kinds of things. He has never left the screen. He is absolutely holding it. Look, he won’t be reconciled if he doesn’t run out of money.

“Wait, guys, it seems we have overlooked one thing, the boss just pulled the lever?”

“It seems to be twice the leverage!

“ー Hundreds of billions still dare to use leverage? How big is your heart!”

“Didn’t you say it. Let the boss rush!”

“Um, let’s go, anyway, it is only 100 billion, and only 200 billion is opened for leverage. What can I do if I lose money!”

“What is the loss, can’t you say something nice? I feel that the boss must have planned this trick for a long time!

“How to say?”

“First of all, today’s U.S. stock market trends are all falling, so the market index will normally follow the stock market dynamics and show a downward state. So far, the opening market index is almost the same as the current market index. Therefore, the possibility of a fall is greatest.

, Buy up!

“Secondly, at this point in time, there are still a few minutes left to close. As everyone knows that the stocks of Xia Guo are bound to fall, even if those people want to snipe the boss at this time, they have no room to operate. It is very likely. Because time is too late, they trap themselves. Because they want to attack the index or stocks, they can only buy against the boss

And once it gets stuck, it’s not a matter of a few minutes, but a matter of one day! Everyone who plays stocks knows that between the closing and the opening, it is likely to represent a daily limit or a lower limit. Who dares to take this kind of risk? And still knowing that it will continue to fall. ”

“So, the boss made this move at this time, and even pulled twice the leverage to buy. It was definitely well thought out and avoided all risks.”

“In other words, we made another profit this time?”

“It’s not that I’m going to earn again, it’s that I’m earning it again. Look, it’s starting to fall, I rely on it, it’s 50 points!”

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