Chapter 205 Mr. Xue, it exploded again!

“This time, the total revenue is 719 billion, after deducting our additional calculation of 22.7 billion, a total of 696.3 billion, we have drawn management fees, which should be 34.8 billion!”

“So, the total assets of Mr. Xue and the boss now should be 34.8 billion plus 51 plus 8.9 billion, for a total of 48.8 billion. In addition, there is a fraction of about 30 million, which I did not count.”

Depend on!

“I can’t be happy anymore!”

“I was happily just now, thinking that I was a rich man, but I was compared with the Snow Goddess and the boss! Blue thin mushrooms!”

“48.8 billion!!! Is this the record in a few days? Earn the market value of a listed company in a few days? I’m a god!”

“Fortunately, this money is data and not cash, otherwise, I am afraid that it will directly bury the boss and the snow goddess alive.

“It’s terrifying! With this speed of making money, the boss is afraid that it won’t take long to become the richest man in my Xia country!”

“Look at your promise, Xia Guo’s richest man? Can that be the boss’s goal? Obviously he is the world’s richest man.”

“You say that, I am really looking forward to it. If one day, the boss really becomes the richest man in the world, you say, those foreigners, whatever their expressions are, it will be a bit funny when you think about it.”

430 “Haha, look forward to this day!”

Listening to Zhao Yang’s report in the live broadcast room, there were constant exclamations and jokes.

Situ Xue was also in a good mood.

Facing Zhao Yang, he nodded in satisfaction.

“You have worked hard these days. The 30 million you said is a bonus for these few days and will be given to everyone!”

“The total snow is mighty!


On the side of Wushuang Company, hundreds of employees who stayed up all night with them burst into cheers.

With such a proud boss, it’s hard not to get excited.

Every time I make a lot of money, my goddess boss has never been stingy.

In a few days, 30 million bonuses were distributed to everyone, which was a hundred thousand.

It is equivalent to the salary of more than half a year before.

After giving the instructions, Situ Xue glanced at Ye Tian, ​​fearing that he would not be upset for such a generous and old financial fan.

In the past, Ye Tian would still feel distressed in the face of so much money.

But now, tens of millions is really no different from the previous one or two dollars.

Even Ye Tian didn’t even think about it (cabj), but pointed out the account to Situ Xue.

Situ Xue understood, and nodded quickly.

Talk to the camera.

“Everyone, the U.S. stocks have not yet closed, so this time the purchase of wealth management products is set in 5 minutes. I solemnly remind you once again. The boss has made it clear that this purchase is very risky, please Invest carefully, uncles and aunts who cannot take risks, if you want to invest, you can keep the capital and only use the profit you make to invest

Just fine. ”

After finishing speaking, Situ Xue asked Zhao Yang to pay close attention to the settlement and reopen the purchase channel.

After her voice fell, the barrage in the live broadcast room became lively again.

“Pingpen, Snow Goddess, is Snow Goddess, and those shit securities investment companies are simply not the same level.”

“Yeah, that group of silly x, as long as someone is willing to vote for them, I am afraid that the front teeth will be laughed off, how can I be like the Snow Goddess, for everyone’s sake, remind us to be cautious again and again.

“This is the pattern! The Snow Goddess and the boss really want to make everyone rich, otherwise, the boss only charges 5 percent of the management fee, I am afraid it will be the only one in the world.

“No, I just asked about our local investment company with good performance yesterday, saying that they have a super star fund manager with an annual return rate of 90%, and they have to charge 100%. The twelfth management fee. I asked if I could reduce it, and I was told directly, “I love to buy it or not!”

“So, the people from the silly x securities company who ran to grab the business of the Snow Goddess before are probably all squeezed by the door, and they dare to run here to pry the corner without looking at the management fees Xue Goddess charges us.”

“Anyway, I don’t care. The opportunity to make money is right in front of me. If I say that I am willful, or that I am not obedient, I will give it all, Snow Goddess, come and hit me if I am not convinced!,

“Upstairs, you have to be shameless. The beating of the Snow Goddess, is that someone like you can stand it? I ran back and lined up. I didn’t mention it just now. If I want to be beaten, I have to be beaten first. .”

“Damn, brother, we want to go together, I didn’t cash it out, too lazy to waste that effort, Snow Goddess, do you remember to deduct the management fee, or you will suffer!”

The live broadcast room was full of enthusiasm.

Seeing everyone’s enthusiasm, Situ Xue couldn’t laugh.

But looking at the time on the wall, the market will close in half an hour, and I don’t dare to chat too much with everyone.

In front of everyone, it was announced that the time to reopen the channel was ten minutes.

For a while, the barrage quickly went quiet.

ten minutes later.

Zhao Yang sent the video again with dry mouth.

“Mr. Xue, the channel has been closed, this time. It has exploded again!”

“What’s going on again?”

Situ Xue was taken aback for a moment.

“The amount of investment, our Wushuang Wealth Management app registered users have reached 8 million. This time, nearly 6 million people have invested in it. The total amount is twelve hundred and thirty billion, which is a lot more than before without withdrawal.

“Forehead ”

Situ Xue didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“Big guy, I told you to make your investments cautiously. What are you doing now?”

Facing the camera, Situ Xue said with a smile.

“Don’t get me wrong, Goddess Snow, we are not in agreement, it’s just how capricious the money is!”

“Yes, it’s just playing. It doesn’t matter whether you win or not. What you want is the feeling that the boss takes us to fight.

“However, I am not talking about this problem. If there is too much money, for many stocks, it will directly exceed the other party’s ability to withstand it. As a result, a lot of money will not be used. Now you also know that it is during the stock market disaster period and it is impossible to invest randomly. , There will be a lot of idle funds vacant, it is better for you to put the bank to pay interest.

Situ Xue explained.

“The interest is only a few dollars. We believe that the boss’s strength is only more than one trillion yuan. With the boss’s level, it can help us spend it in minutes.”

“Yes, Goddess Xue, you told each other before that you are going to die, what if you don’t have enough funds, don’t think about our feelings, just do it!”

“Yes, I don’t want to make money, but please be happy!

Situ Xue laughed again and shook his head before looking at Ye Tian.

“Boss, so much money, is it okay?”

Ye Tian didn’t even think about it, and nodded contemptuously. .

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