Remember in a second.

Senro seed Avatar immediately turned into a huge fairy ball blocking Qin Hou and Stone’s Spirit, and there was another living dead vine entangled in Stone’s Spirit, Qin Hou turned around and ran away.

At this moment he finally understood why when they met Gu Feiyan and Liu Ying before, why did they run away without saying a word.

“Don’t the damn Stone’s Spirit randomly change to look like anyone in the maze of gray fog? But why do you have a special liking for my face, which turned into Xi Pingchen’s appearance and changed back again?”

The fairy ball and the living dead vine failed to stop Stone’s Spirit. It had no emotion and no pain. It instantly tore the living dead vine, and the whole person directly crashed into the huge fairy ball, hitting a humanoid hole, unscathedly unfolding Qin Hou Persevere in the pursuit.

Forget about yourself, the outsider in all the maze of fog is no higher than Qi Concealment Realm Peak. For this Stone’s Spirit, it is the existence of trivial ant.

“OK, you still chase.”

Qin Hou turned around suddenly, and behind her gave birth to two wings of green leaves. The wind blew through, and the whole person rose to the sky. Looking directly at Stone’s Spirit, he proudly said: “You don’t walk here, go for father Buy 2 oranges and go back.”

Stone’s Spirit lifted that Qin Hou exactly similar face, Mu Ning stared at Qin Hou’s eyes, suddenly pulled off his right arm, no blood flowed out, only a piercing sound of gold stone cracked, and threw at Qin Hou suddenly go with.

Stone’s Spirit is not simply self-masochism, the right arm blasted towards Qin Hou as accurately as a tarsal maggot!

Qin Hou’s pupils are enlarged. After all, these two green leaves are not real wings. They cannot hide in the air like Gu Xunhe. The rod and sword are out of the sheath. on.


Only a loud noise was heard, and Immortal Startling Sword in Qin Hou’s hands continued to buzz and tremble, and the green leaves behind him suddenly collapsed and the whole person fell from the air. The right hand wrist holding the sword was directly twisted and bloody, but it was not dangerous for Immortal Startling Sword. Let go.

“Click.” The pale right arm dangling, quickly returned to Stone’s Spirit’s arm, and re-use it perfectly with it.

Stone’s Spirit strode toward Qin Hou, and the sound of footsteps was like a death knell for death.

Qin Hou complexion pale as paper, he smirked 2 times, only suffered a simple blow from Stone’s Spirit, and his face was already the same as the emotionless broken stone. Now I want to say that it is not twin brother, who believes?

“You… mom?”

Stone’s Spirit came to Qin Hou and once again spoke jerkily and spit out Qin Hou’s hello before him.

Qin Hou tried to stand up and grinned: “Who is your mother, that is my eternal secret.”


Stone’s Spirit roared and shattered the ground with one foot, punching towards Qin Hou’s chest with all his strength.

Could this stone pimple really give birth to spiritual wisdom?

Qin Hou said that almost all of the spirit strength was injected into the three Senro seeds.

The first senrow seed Avatar was turned into tenacious, the incomparably Yellow Grade ironwood tree was at the forefront, and the second senrow seed Avatar was also turned into ironwood tree follow closely from behind.

The last senrow seed body grows into a tight spring grass that dies on Qin Hou’s own chest.

Stone’s Spirit’s relentless fist penetrates the trunk of 2 ironwood trees, cuts the multi-gravity path, hits the spring grass and squeezes it less than 5 inches… Qin Hou suddenly looked paler, and the spurt a mouthful of blood, the smile on the corner of the mouth gradually impudent.

For a time, the entire person of Qin Hou was released by the spring grass with a huge force and flew out directly. Its speed can be described as 1000 miles, and the dust is extinct.

Even Stone’s Spirit had a muddle of mud in his brain for a moment, chased 2 steps, and simply changed his target and attacked in other directions.

“Chen Dayi, thanks to you.” Gu Xunhe pats next to the shoulders of a subordinate, sincere and gentle said with a smile: “If it is not for your’listening wind ear’ Spirit Tool, this Young Master is set before You will be deceived by that damn Stone’s Spirit, and then die without a burial site!”

“It is my honor to serve the Young Master.” Chen Dayi thanked Dai Yi for a cup of one fist in the other hand, his eyes scorched.

Gu Xunhe’s eyes gloomed sadly: “It’s a pity that Xi Pingchen, who is anxious and righteous, has voluntarily stayed behind for us, and now I am afraid that he is already in a different place. Chen Dayi, rest assured, this Young Master will never treat you badly Such a hero, the first thing to wait for after returning to Holy Sect is to reward you and make you a Core Disciple.”

Chen Dayi to be wild with joy said: “Young Master is a wise hero, and his subordinates are willing to go through water and tread on fire for the Young Master.”

“ao ahhhh ……”

“what sound?”

Chen Dayi frowned, and his shiny metallic ear moved: “Young Master be careful.”

Gu Xunhe waved his hands and didn’t care: “This Young Master didn’t hear anything, only your’listening wind ear’ can hear it, it means that the master of the voice is still far away from us.”

“No, Young Master, that voice is getting closer and closer!” Chen Dayi exclaimed in a loss of voice.

“Well, this Young Master also heard, probably who is being chased…”

Gu Xunhe stood up and talked, but his words could not be finished in the future, a high-speed fly –>> This chapter is not finished, click on the next page to continue reading

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