Just glancing at Qin Hou’s appearance, he fell to his feet in shock and fell to the ground in horror, crying with horror: “How, how is it possible? Please, please don’t kill me Even if it is dead, we will die in the hands of Little Junior Brother, not wanting to die in your hands without feelings and broken stones!”

The next second, a pale, slender arm pierced from Xi Pingchen’s heart to his chest, lifting him into the air.

The master of that hand is a handsome young man with a high crown, dressed in azure clothes and carrying a sword on his waist.

Xi Pingchen vomited a mouthful of blood, turned his head hard, looked at the person behind him, and looked incredulously towards Qin Hou, with a sad tone: “Why, how come there are 2 Stone’s Spirits?!”


azure clothes The young man’s ruthless palm flew Xi Pingchen’s head out, and threw his headless body on the ground like garbage, and his eyes without human emotion mechanically locked Qin Hou.

Qin Hou stared at Stone’s Spirit, whose eyes were exactly similar to his dress and even his hairstyle, and his face. His two large characters haunted his heart and could not disperse for a long time.

“Your mother!”

Stone’s Spirit doesn’t have a plan to talk to his’twin big brother’. Qin Hou feels that he only knows how to attack and kill, and he probably doesn’t have the ability to communicate with people. I saw that Stone’s Spirit’s face suddenly twisted and turned into the appearance of Xi Pingchen who had just died.


I don’t know why I changed back to Qin Hou again, opened my mouth, and spit out 2 big words jerkyly.

“Your mother?”

In the blink of an eye, he rushed to Qin Hou like a hungry wild beast.

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