My Disciples Are All The Emperor Level Talents

Chapter 694 Three Cities Behind the Gate of Hell

When the barrier blocking everyone's front began to tremble and sway, it became illusory.

This means that all the cultivators who are qualified to reach the center of Juehun City have arrived.

The rest of the people who didn't come either returned the same way or died on the way.


If they had not come here, most people would have died in the process.

No one knows what is hidden in the center of Juehun City.

However, there is such a strong inheritance in Zhongwei.

So how can things in the center of Juehun City be bad?

Few monks can resist the temptation.

According to Chu Lan's character, he is naturally one of them.

And he was not among the crowd.

That means that he is already in danger...

Now, Tianjianfeng, Zhuang Zidong and Chu Lan have all been killed.

Chi Bing was silent, his face heavy.

Ye Qiubai patted Chi Bing's shoulder and comforted him: "Now is not the time to think about these things. You must complete the rest of Juehun City, obtain inheritance, and improve your own strength. Only then can Tianjian Peak's The younger generation will not be too weak.”

"When the time comes, it will be up to you to support the sect."

Chi Bing looked up at Ye Qiubai and asked, "Didn't the sect master entrust the sect to you?"

Ye Qiubai was the sword hand-picked by the sect leader Huo Zhengheng.

After Huo Zhengheng abdicated, Ye Qiubai became the undisputed new generation leader of Tianjian Peak.

Ye Qiubai said with a smile: "Senior Huo and I have already agreed that we will not take over the sect."

Chi Bing nodded.

"Elder brother, let's stop talking now."

Mu Fusheng was suddenly beside him, pointing forward and saying with a solemn expression: "Look over there."

Hearing this, Ye Qiubai looked in the direction pointed by Mu Fusheng.

Suddenly, his eyes slowly widened.

His eyes were full of surprise!

It’s not just Ye Qiubai and others.

Lin Zhinan, Su Muyou, Gu Xi, Le Zhengchi and others.

They all looked solemn.

Only Pan Xie's Infernal Purgatory and Qiu Genyin's Biluo Huangquan Palace looked at this scene with dull expressions.

It seems that this situation has been known for a long time.

After the barrier disappears.

What you see is a huge door!

The door is wide open, and there is a sculpture of an evil ghost above the door.

If you look carefully, this evil ghost seems to be roaring at you, sucking the source of your life.

Click, click, click...

Suddenly, the big mouth of the evil ghost sculpture slowly opened.

It made a harsh sound as if it was being forced open due to rust due to being untouched for a long time.

A sound that seemed to come from the depths of hell resounded in everyone's ears.

Like an evil ghost summoning souls!

"The gate of hell is closed. Ten people go there, and nine don't come back."

"When you enter the gate of hell, you will die every step of the way. If you retreat now, you may be able to save your life safely."

"If you want to enter the real center of Juehun City, then just step through this door..."

Hearing this terrifying sound, everyone frowned slightly.

However, no one wants to leave!

Those who can come here are all the proud sons of various sects and forces.

There are also top figures among casual cultivators.

Which of these people is not a proud and arrogant person?

What's more, we have already reached this point, and are only one step away from the end. How can we be frightened by a word and an evil ghost sculpture?

The first to take action was the Infernal Purgatory headed by Pan Xie.

Before the four of them stepped into it, they glanced at Ye Qiubai and the others with murderous eyes.

As if to say, you will regret your previous decision.

Ye Qiubai and the others ignored this.

have to say.

They have seen this kind of look so many times that they are not surprised.

I haven't regretted it even once.

Immediately afterwards, there is the Biluo Huangquan Palace.

After the two forces entered, the rest of the people began to squeeze in.

Including Le Zhengchi and other casual cultivators.

Lin Zhinan smiled and said: "Brother Ye, Su Muyou, how about we form an alliance for the time being?"

Su Muyou nodded slightly.

After this hell gate, there is no telling what kind of crisis there is, and now forming an alliance is also a good choice.

Ye Qiubai and the others didn't mind and agreed.

The three parties, with their respective sects, also passed through the gate of hell.

But, at the moment of stepping into the gate of hell.

A black light fell on the back of everyone's hand!

as they passed through it.

Look down at the back of your hand.

I found the outline of a skull on the back of my hand!

In the outline, there should have been a word or an image filled in, but now it is empty.

Presumably it will also be related to the later tests and the like.

After death.

It's a long dark passage.

I don’t know how long I’ve been gone.

Only then can the light shine on everyone.

It is the starlight shining down from the bright galaxy in the sky.

However, the scene in front of them once again surprised everyone slightly.

There are actually three roads ahead.

In front of every road, there is a stone monument.

The stone tablets are all marked with ancient characters.

On the left is Purgatory City.

On the right, Nebula City.

In the middle is the Demon King's City.

Every road leads to a city?

Gu Xi frowned slightly and asked doubtfully: "What does this mean?"

"The meaning is very clear." Lin Zhinan pointed upward.

I saw that there was a starry sky light curtain above the three roads.

There are words engraved on the light curtain.

Everyone needs to choose their own city, and there is no limit to the number of people in the city.

When you choose to be in a city, the people in it will become an alliance.

After everyone has made their choice, the three cities must attack each other. The city left to the end will get the final reward of Juehun City.

City battle?

Lin Zhinan smiled softly: "This is interesting."

Su Muyou and Gu Xi both looked at Lin Zhinan.

If the city is the center to attack others, this is Lin Zhinan's home field.

After all, he is a person who is called a think tank.

"How about it, Brother Ye, continue the alliance?" Lin Zhinan looked at Ye Qiubai with a smile.

Ye Qiubai asked: "Which path will you not choose?"

Lin Zhinan spread his hands: "There are no clues, no clues, you can choose any one, but as for Purgatory City, the Infernal Purgatory and the Biluo Huangquan Palace should have passed."

Wait until he finishes speaking.

Le Zhengchi suddenly walked towards the road of Nebula City.

Behind him were a group of casual cultivators.

These casual cultivators are also well-known and tyrannical existences in the mid-latitude realm!

"It seems that these casual cultivators are ready to form an alliance."

And this time.

Xiao Hei suddenly walked out, pointed to the middle, the road leading to the Demon King's City, and said, "I want to go here."

Hearing this, Ye Qiubai didn't think much, smiled and nodded: "Then let's choose this path."

Mu Fusheng said indifferently: "It's up to you."

Xiao Hei rarely stands up and makes decisions.

Once he makes a decision, it means he has his own ideas.

Wait until the decision is made.

The alliance is also confirmed.

Ye Qiubai and others were heading towards the Demon King's City.

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