"Congratulations on making it this far."

Pan Xie said with an evil smile on his face as he approached Ye Qiubai and the others.

Ye Qiubai and the other three looked at Pan Xie in unison.

For endless purgatory.

None of the three of them had a good impression.

First, the methods are too ruthless, the character is too vicious, and it is a completely evil practice!

Second, he had murderous intentions towards them and was an enemy.

"Why, are you so impatient that you can't wait to show your fangs here?"

Pan Xie waved his hand and said, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to cause trouble this time."

Not here to cause trouble?

Mu Fusheng took a step back and put one hand behind his back, holding a killing talisman between his two fingers.

This position can not only hide one's purpose, but also ensure that the opponent is within the attack range of this talisman.

Pan Xie, who had suffered a loss at the hands of Mu Fusheng, saw this and twitched his brows, saying, "Mu Fusheng, I'm not here to fight with you. Just put away the talisman behind you."

to be honest.

Among the three people, Mu Fusheng, Ye Qiubai and Xiao Hei.

What Pan Xie fears the most is not Ye Qiubai, who can unleash the power of the fairy sword, nor Xiao Hei, who has a tyrannical bloodline.

But this Mu Fusheng who seems to have countless back-ups!

Mu Fusheng smiled, put his hand back in front, and put away the talisman in front of Pan Xie.

However, another talisman had already been suspended behind Mu Fusheng...

A filament of the soul that is difficult for others to detect is tied to the talisman and can be detonated at any time with just a thought!

Pan Xie smiled at this time and said: "That's right. It's not the time to go to war yet. We need to conserve our energy to deal with the crisis later."

Mu Fushengxu said: "Yes, yes, you are right."

Ye Qiubai and Xiao Hei on the side were speechless.

From now on, you will never believe a word of nonsense from this kid Mu Fusheng!

"So, the purpose of my coming here is to discuss something with you."

"What's the matter?" Ye Qiubai asked.

"Let's make an alliance."

Make an alliance?

To be honest, Ye Qiubai and the others did not expect this result.

It’s a completely unimagined path!

Pan Xie spread his hands and said with an evil smile: "Your strength, after so many battles, cannot be treated with common sense. Therefore, as long as we join forces, there will be no force in this Juehun City that can be our opponent." !”

Hearing this, Ye Qiubai asked with a half-smile, "Oh? What benefits will we get from forming an alliance with you?"

"Of course there are many benefits." Pan Xie said with a smile: "Our purpose is just for one thing. As long as we get one of the things we want, the rest of the inheritance or treasures will be yours. "

"We in Infinite Purgatory will never compete for it."

"Don't distrust our Infernal Purgatory, even though we are evil cultivators."

"But precisely because we are evil cultivators, the distribution of spoils is simpler and fairer. Everything is distributed according to strength!"

Having said this, Pan Xie sneered and looked at the powerful cultivators behind him, "It's not like those who claim to be famous and upright, they look grand and upright when they talk, but they are extremely ugly when they act. "

This sentence is indeed correct.

This is true for some well-known and upright ascetics.

Mu Fusheng smiled and said, "It sounds quite tempting."

"What's your choice?"

Mu Fusheng and Xiao Hei both looked at Ye Qiubai. ..

After all, Ye Qiubai is the senior brother.

When you are away from home, if your master is not around for some important matters, you will naturally have to ask Ye Qiubai, your senior brother.

Ye Qiubai smiled and said decisively without any consideration: "I think you are quite ugly too."

The benefits Pan Xie promised were tempting.

But the other party's style and deeds have proven that they are not a trustworthy partner.

"Are you sure?" The evil smile on Pan Xie's face gradually faded.

"If you don't agree to form an alliance, I'm afraid... you won't be able to get out of Juehun City alive..."

The smile on Ye Qiubai's face became even stronger.

"With your words, I feel relieved."

"how do I say this?"

Ye Qiubai touched the Hunyuan Immortal Sword on his waist and narrowed his eyes slightly: "This way our brothers will not have any burden when we try to kill you."

"Do you have a bad tone?"

"Did you win the previous Ten Thousand Realms Competition?"

"Forget about the past, things in Juehun City are different from before."

Xiao Hei took a step forward and said calmly: "You can't beat me even in Juehun City."

Pan Xie looked ugly.

Pointing at Ye Qiubai and the others, he said: "The background and methods of Infinite Purgatory are beyond your imagination. When the time comes, you will see the real chapter."

"I hope you won't regret the decision you made at this time."

After that, he took Jiang Chen and the other three people away from this place.

On the way, Jiang Chen asked: "Senior Brother Pan, why do you want to find an alliance with them? When we reach the center of Juehun City and the Biluo Huangquan Palace, how can they be our opponents?"

"And, when the time comes, aren't we going to kill them and extract their souls?"

Pan Xie said with a gloomy smile: "Their strength may indeed become a variable, so I thought of recruiting them first and then dealing with them in the end."

"But now these three people are ignorant, so let's deal with them together."

After the four people from Infernal Affairs left.

Lin Zhinan, Gu Xi, and Su Muyou from Lingxian Palace all came over.

Chi Bing and the three monkey men from Xian Yuan Village also came over.

I saw Lin Zhinan asking: "Why, those guys from Infernal Purgatory want to cause trouble for you?"

Ye Qiubai smiled and nodded: "They said they wanted to form an alliance with us, but I refused."

Make an alliance?

This made several people slightly stunned.

Su Muyou nodded coldly and said: "Rejecting is the right decision. Now, we have begun to secretly form a alliance and gather manpower. As long as we find the sect's hinterland of Wujian Purgatory, we will take action after the end of Juehun City!"

After the Ten Thousand Realms Competition.

All major sects and hidden forces began to secretly connect with each other.

After all, the cancer of Infernal Purgatory has grown again.

Once it breaks out, it will be a disaster for the entire mid-latitude realm!

To rise from the ground before it is fully mature!

Ye Qiubai looked at Chi Bing and asked, "Isn't Chu Lan with you?"

Chi Bing shook his head and asked, "Where is Senior Brother Zhuang?"

After Ye Qiubai told what happened.

Chi Bing just nodded silently.

His face was slightly gloomy.

Ye Qiubai also sighed softly, and Chu Lan was probably in danger...

"However, the number of people should be here soon, right?"

Another half day passed.

Three people came from a distance.

When the three people came, the barrier began to shake!

And among the three.

One of them is Le Zhengchi!

Among the remaining two people, there was no sign of Chu Lan.

PS: It’s not that I’m being harsh, it’s that this strain is really bad.

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