My different world is game mode

Chapter 289 Value Imbalance

The entrance to Lindsay's Plant Shop.

The young scholar Will was sweating profusely.

There were two businessmen standing around him. One of them, a girl, almost hung her body on him. At the same time, he promoted his products to Will in an extremely intimate manner:

"Mr. Will, you didn't buy anything last time in my store."

"Would you like to think about it again this time? I can only charge you 1/3 of the price."

Will couldn't tell what the sweat he shed felt like.

at the same time.

Lindsay, who was in the store, had a very subtle expression on her face.

Sitting in front of him was also a businessman, a businessman he had only met once, but who had mastered the six-stage ability.


The businessman made no direct threats or temptations.

Instead, he pushed a golden double snake coin onto the table, and then proposed a deal to Lindsay in a calm tone:

"Mr. Lindsay, I would like to purchase your memory."

Lindsay can also guess the other party’s purpose:

"About the world of Montenegro?"

"That's right." Kuite thought he was showing full sincerity, so naturally he wanted to introduce his bid, "This double snake coin contains the value that I personally deposited in it. You can use it to buy anything you want. , and even use it to order some people to do things they don’t want to do.”

Lindsay asked tentatively:

"A complete, six-stage awakening power?"

Kuite nodded generously:

"Of course, you are a smart man."

"In transactions related to the Black Mountain world, I will never harm a talented person like you. Moreover, I plan to invite you to Yueyue City later to cultivate appropriate relationships in advance. Measures that may cause misunderstandings should be avoided."

Lindsay's eyes naturally fell on the surface of the double snake coins on the table.

He doesn't even need to switch skills, he can feel the strong essence contained in it just by observing it with his naked eyes!

And even if Lindsay is not targeted.

Within the Double Snake Coin, a strong temptation still exists, exerting its power on everyone in the store!

It was as if there was a voice in the dark.

He was trying to trick people into stuffing the coin into his pocket.


The way Lindsay looked at the double snake coins was also noticed by the merchants in the store.

A confident smile appeared on Quite's face.

At this moment, Lindsay restrained her desire and looked up curiously at the six-stage businessman.

The allure of this golden double snake coin is so powerful.

The other party could clearly beguile me directly, so why did he propose a deal?

"Lindsay, the double snake coin can indeed be used to seduce people's hearts."

At that time, it was Elini beside her who spoke:

"We generally don't advocate forced buying and selling when doing business in serious places."

So in an inappropriate place, you can just do it casually?

Lindsay glanced at Elnie.

The two are now considered friends, but the business lady can still distinguish between key positions.

But it's more subtle.

Even though Elini was on Quite's side, she did not forget to remind Lindsay while the two were negotiating.

This guy really can't offend anyone...

Lindsay sighed inwardly, and her eyes returned to the surface of the golden coins on the table.

If we really meet in the wild.

If a six-stage businessman brings out this kind of power, it may be difficult for him to resist the temptation.

But if you agree to sell the memories of the world in Montenegro...

Lindsay instantly rejected this idea, and continued to discuss the transaction on the surface:

“The memory you want to buy must be a complete third world experience?”

Kuite nodded as he should:

"Of course, this is exploring a world after all, and I must ensure completeness."

Although it's unclear what Lindsay's specific concerns are.

But Kuite also understood the impact of selling memories on a person, and immediately comforted her with a bewitching tone:

"And you don't have to worry,"

"Once sold. You will not forget everything that happened in the Black Mountain world. At the same time, I can also promise you that this memory will be kept strictly confidential and will only be shared between the two of us."

Just a few words.

Lindsay has already organized a rejection plan in her mind:

"Since it is a transaction, the price paid by both parties should also correspond in value, right?"

Kuite's face showed the joy of victory:


"But after all, you are not selling the world to me, but just a piece of news and memories, I think this offer is quite..."

Lindsay shook her head and interrupted the businessman:

"Mr. Quite, your offer is not enough."

"There is a lot of important news in my memory, and the weight is far beyond that of a Double Snake coin."

Quite stopped smiling.

In his assessment, the odds of Lindsay rejecting a trade are slim, but have been taken into account.

The only thing that the six-stage businessman didn't expect was that Lindsay actually came up with this reason - unequal value!

A double snake coin that houses the power of the sixth-level awakener.

It would definitely cost a lot for Kuite himself to make it.

No joke, it can have a great impact on other awakened people in the sixth stage. No matter in any world, it is a very important treasure.

The businessman's voice began to reveal a little dissatisfaction:

"Mr. Lindsay, I know you may have concerns, but please believe in my sincerity!"

“If you think the price I paid is not enough, let’s weigh it up!”

So saying.

Kuite waved one hand in the air, and when Dan's palm landed on the table, a scale was also placed on the table.

It is different from the jade scale that distinguishes true from false in the Capital of Law.

Quite's scales are made of gold, and there is also a certain aura of greed and allure lingering on them.


Lindsay raised an eyebrow.

But there was still no need for him to ask questions. Elini explained at the right time:

“It’s a trader’s scale.”

"It can measure the true value of the payment from both parties in the transaction, making it almost impossible to fake it."

Lindsay was noncommittal and asked directly how to use it:

"How should we measure something like memory?"

Quite first picked up her double snake coin and placed it on the left.


One side of the scale suddenly fell heavily on the table. Only then did the businessman speak:

"You just put your hand on it."

"If the value of your memory exceeds my Double Snake Coin, then it must..."


The scale made a clear and loud sound.

Lindsay just tried to put her fingers on it. The double snake coin that was originally weighing heavily on one side immediately lifted to the highest point, as if a ball of cotton was competing with an equal volume of steel!


The businessman's expression immediately became dull.

Lindsay wanted to laugh a little in her heart.

The Crown of Extinction, The Righteous One, The Codex of Anthroposophy, The Dark Abyss, The Secret of the Resurrection...

If the memories of Lindsay's experiences in the Black Mountain world were to accumulate into actual value, it would really be no joke.

Even if it is just information, a double snake coin provided by a six-stage merchant is far from enough in value.

But consider your own safety.

After Lindsay weighed the scales, she still gave a reasonable explanation:

"Mr. Quite, I actually witnessed the death of the dragon beast with my own eyes."

"After all, it is something that can cause the death of a dragon beast at the peak of the seventh stage. Your double snake coin is indeed not worth enough."


Quite couldn't answer for a moment.

The businessman now enters an unexpected situation.

He never expected that the difficulty in today's transaction that he was bound to win was that he did not bring enough funds!


"You guys, get out of my way!"

At this moment, several people in the store heard commotion outside.

Everyone looked towards the gate and found that two life scholars were also coming here.

The girl who had been seducing the young scholar just now stepped aside.

Conchi and his companions immediately walked into the store with Will, who had been taught a lesson, and the former even greeted Lindsay politely.

"Lindsay, excuse me."

The female scholar on the side shrank her pupils.

She directly targeted Kuite, and her tone was full of coercion:

"Quite? Why are you here?"

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