My different world is game mode

Chapter 288 Coming one after another

"Mr. Rico!"

"The forest, the forest is rioting again!"

Looking at Cape City, a man wearing a green robe was rushing into the house in a panic.

This is an independent copy room in the library next to the city hall.

It is also the base camp of life scholars in Cape Lookout City.

There were three people in the copy room at the moment. Kangqi, who was standing on the edge of the scroll rack, shook his head gently at the man:

"Etty, don't lose your sense of proportion just because you're anxious."

"The movement in the forest was so obvious, and we were all watching it."

In the copy room, besides Kang Qi, there were two other life scholars. One of them was a man sitting at the table, while the other woman walked to the window and looked towards the forest outside.

Around Cape Lookout, towering plants make dangerous noises, causing residents in the city to panic.

This situation undoubtedly brings trouble to the plans of life scholars.

The female scholar looked at Kang Qi:

"I've read records from Cape Lookout. Even in the worst years, riots in the forest occurred up to three times a year."

Kang Qi sent away the young man who came to summon him, and then replied with a stern face:

"That's right."

"But now it's been three times in just one week."

At this time, the man sitting at the table interjected:

"I must remind you two—

If we want to maintain the stability of the city, we must leave working manpower stationed there, and at the same time send people to investigate the cause of the matter. "

The female scholar by the window heard what the other party meant, and her tone became sharp:

"Riko, the world of Montenegro is next door, and it won't wait for us!"

"There are more and more businessmen in the city now, and it's obvious that they are also preparing to assemble a team to develop that world. At this time, as long as we take one step late, we will lose a lot of initiative!"

The life scholar sitting at the table had a firm attitude:

"But we can't give up on Cape Lookout."

“The biodiversity of the Forest Garden is extremely rich, which is in line with the research requirements of our school’s techniques.”


The skill of the life scholar lies in the element of life.

The man at the table came up with this reason, and neither Conchi nor the female scholar at the window could refute it.

The air in the copy room was quiet for a few seconds.

Immediately, the female scholar by the window sneered:

"Then let's talk about something else."

"The state of the forest has always been stable, but when there is no problem, something happens just when we are gathering people to prepare for development."

The female scholar looked at the other two people with sharp eyes:

"Don't you think this is too much of a coincidence?"

The life scholar at the table asked:

"But who do you think has the ability to disrupt the normal operation of a world?"

——Cosse Willet.

This name appeared in everyone's mind at the same time.

As the only seven-stage expert in the Forest Garden, the old wizard was undoubtedly the biggest suspect while the organizer was recovering from serious injuries.

Kang Qi shook his head and denied:

"Impossible, that's Coseveret."

"He came for the dragon beast. Now that the matter is over, he will leave in a while. There is no reason to have trouble with Volcano City at this time."

The female scholar by the window continued:

"What if his next stop is also Montenegro?"

The man sitting at the table denied:

"Wizards adhere to the rule of 'one body and balance'. They themselves are maintaining the normal development of the world. How could they interfere with the normality of the forest courtyard for such a thing?"

Seeing the confrontation in the copy room becoming more and more tense, Kang Qi quickly suggested:

"Maybe we can think differently."

"While retaining control of Cape Lookout City, reduce some of the manpower sent to Montenegro?"

The female scholar by the window frowned:

"Kangqi, exploring a strange world is a very dangerous journey. Reducing manpower means being irresponsible for the safety of the pioneers."

Conchi put forward his own opinion:

"Strangeness is not absolute."

"Don't forget, there is a young man who crossed over from the Black Mountain world in Cape Lookout City!"

The three of them are professional scholars stationed here from Volcano City.

They are quite familiar with each other.

The woman by the window immediately noticed the details in Kang Qi’s words:

"Kang Qi, have you arranged for someone to contact him?"

Kang Qi nodded:

"Will is leaving in the morning."

The female scholar left the window without saying a word and was about to leave the copying room:

"Then the importance of this matter will increase. I will go and take a look now."

Kang Qi followed suit.

But before walking out of the copy room, he turned to look at the man sitting at the table:

"Riko, where are you?"

The man sitting at the table did not leave with the two of them:

"With the unusual movement in the forest today, I will definitely deal with the problems in the city first. You two can just go and take a look."

Kang Qi didn't say much, turned around and chased his other companions.

The two scholars left the library and walked straight towards the northeastern city. They exchanged their views on the road. The female scholar asked first:

"Kangqi, you should have communicated with that young man before. What kind of person is he?"


Conchie had intended to use that word to describe Lindsay.

But he thought about the description of Stage 3 abilities that Lindsay had registered.

Then he gave up his intuitive judgment, followed the rational judgment of a scholar, and answered:

"This lucky boy."

"It is impossible to catch the opportunity of the death of the dragon beast and run here from the Black Mountain world. It is impossible to be unlucky."

"That's not it." The female scholar shook her head, "I'm asking about his character."

Conchi did not jump to any conclusions:

"Lindsay and I just met each other on one side. It's impossible to say how well we know each other. But he is still a young man, and as long as he gives what he wants, there will be no problem."

"What you want..."

The woman thought about it carefully, and the memory about the hidden border was brought out by her.

"I remember that there was also a life scholar in the Hidden Frontier, and the teacher was... a great scholar? Yes, it was Master Yang Ye! He joined the expedition and left for a long time. There is no record in the past hundred years..."

Kang Qi asked softly:

"Does Volcano City have any records of Master Yang Ye's interruption?"

The female scholar nodded first, then shook her head:

"The record has been interrupted, but the reaction of the life seeds left in the volcano is still there."

Kang Qi's expression suddenly became subtle:

"I've seen information before. Lindsay opened a plant shop in the city."

Female scholars also reacted:

"So he may be Fenn's student and Master Yang Ye's disciple?"

The expression of the female scholar became more and more exaggerated:

"But his skills are those of a gamer that has nothing to do with life."

Conchi suggested:

"He is still young, less than 20 years old this year. It is too late to give up this power and return to the track of knowledge."

"Gamer?" The female scholar frowned, "We cannot let an outstanding young man, especially the successor of a great scholar, make fun of his own future in this profession."

Conchi speculated:

"The Hidden Frontier is isolated from the world after all. With a lack of resources and knowledge, it is possible to make some helpless choices."


The two life scholars continued to rush towards the northeastern city while discussing.

But after they arrived at the target location, no smile appeared on their faces, and their expressions turned gloomy.

Because it's right in front of Lindsay's plant store.

In addition to the apprentices sent by Kang Qi in the morning, there were also several carriages parked and several businessmen standing.

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