The five-color Dragon Spear splits and kills the pure ten thousand zhang Dragon Mark Tianhe, wringing endless shots, Tyrant Absolute in the Whole World, Battle Qi galloping for thousands of miles and thousands of miles!

"Ba Sword·Cut!"——The ten thousand zhang energy sword condenses, the whole body is burning with the rolling Battle Qi flames, and the white Battle Sovereign slashes in turns, splitting the clouds!

"All beings bury the golem!"

The handprint changes suddenly, and the soul burial sky is wrapped in endless chains, transforming into a golem, and standing in Heaven and Earth, with a faint finger, Spiritual Fluctuation and the majestic Battle Qi form a purple beam of light across the sky!

"Dark wolf bite!"

A blood-swallowing wolf slaughtered and attacked Lin Chen. The speed was so fast that it slammed into Lin Chen's spear glow!

The three major 9th layer Battle Sovereign's all-out strikes, even if Lin Chen is in Godslayer plus the ultimate moment state, launches two Offensive Talisman articles, still being blasted backwards!

The attack of the three tore apart Lin Chen's spear glow, and they attacked Lin Chen with all their strength!

The purple high level battle skill is also available for the 9th layer Battle Sovereign! Even if it is far inferior to Lin Chen's high level high grade "Hundred Spears", the formidable power is still not to be underestimated!

This is the tricky existence of this series, and their background is not inferior to Lin Chen!

"One trick is two tricks!"

The nine types of Heavenly Tribulation Battle Qi developed by Lin Chen are already ready to go, the previous three Heavenly Tribulation Before Battle Qi got over, he immediately used the other three!

"91 Style·Blood Asura!"

Lin Chen’s vitality burns fiercely. The fierce and world-defying pure power is like a barbarian dragon, condensed in the hand and stored Explosion!

This 91-style is a short and powerful blow that burns blood!

Raise the gun and slash, the gun front sweeps the wasteland, splits a section of blood glow, the whole body condenses the water robbery Battle Qi, such as Mad Dragon Rises from the Sea, when Seventh Gold Qi is circulating, no stronghold one cannot overcome!

The blood glow center also releases the dark robbery Battle Qi that swallows everything, wherever it goes, space distortion, drain everything!

Bang~! The blood glow shredded the aftermath of the three major 9th layer Battle Sovereign attacks, causing the three of them to soar into the sky in an imposing manner. Between the Battle Qi rushing horizontally and horizontally, there was another wave of fierce attacks!

"Blood Moon Killing the Emperor!"

"Heavenly ascension with thirteen swords!"

"Evil Dragon Roar!"


"Extreme Return to Origin! 92-style · Xiu Luo Jiuzhong kill!"

Nine guns are swept into 9th Heavenly Layer, and one shot is 1 Heavenly Layer!

"Sun Luo Wanxing Mirror!"

The ten thousand zhang ancient mirror with twinkling stars shines on Heaven and Earth eternal, like a pillar of extinction between the turnings!

"Ten dragons, point star dragon!"

The Azure Dragon dotted with stars is vivid and powerful!

"Ice Breath and Cold Moon Arrow!"

The bow of the half moon, the arrow of the ice sky, the bowstring is fully stretched and the bow is so full that the mountains and rivers are frozen by ice, blasting towards Lin Chen!

"Type 93·Sky Slash·Slash the sky!"

Lin Chen is like an Asura War God coming, covered in blood, with five dragons and the emperor's spear in a row with ten shots, each shot There is a division of Heaven and Earth, splitting the sky! Kill the three major 9th layer Battle Sovereign head-on!

Even so, Lin Chen's offensive was still broken! His eyes flashed with hysterical madness and turmoil, and endless monstrous fighting intents emerged. If one move is not enough, then two moves, three moves! Ten tricks!

War! war! war! The imposing manner that shook the endless fighting intent of Nine Heavens turned into a killing intent, ascended from Lin Chen's body at an extremely fast speed, all around powerhouse retreated in horror!

This is a pure killing intent belonging to the Asura family. How can it appear in Lin Chen?

"The 94-style·Asura destroys the world!"

The Nine Tribulations battle body urged, the'Golden Eye Twins' found the weakest point of attack, Lin Chen shot out abruptly Like a dragon, endless killing intent, anger, fighting intent, condensed into a peerless blow, like a falling star! The attack that pierced the three major 9th layer Battle Sovereign!

"Fire Luo covers the stars!"

"Eternal Night Three Thousand Swords!"

"Demon Sovereign controls Heaven and Earth!"

"95 Style·Glory and Death!"


Bang! boom! hong long! Shih~! Tear!

An unprecedented battle broke out from the four-person clashing circle! Unstoppable, unstoppable!

The four of them fought all the way from the sky to the continent plate, the sky split, the earth collapsed, and countless abysses were torn apart!

Lin Chen is frantic, and the limit Return to Origin is continuously displayed, and the mad attack is endless. The imposing manner from the cultivation of the Asura Palace of Hundred Emperors has risen to the extreme at this time!

With a radius of million li, everyone fled like crazy. Even the confrontation between Shen Lianyun and the four 9th layer Battle Sovereign in the highest circle was affected, and the fighting was stopped for a while!

Whether it is the 9th layer Battle Sovereign or the First Battle Sovereign, at this time they are full of horror looking towards the four people, this is simply desperate!

Tsing Yi Old Ancestor of the Bai Family Alliance Not to mention, the two Old Ancestors of the Soul Family are absolutely desperate! They are bound to win the fate of Lin Chen, and they have no intention of keeping their hands. The tricks are all murderous intention!

Lin Chen is also dying, or even worse!

"This kid is so strong? Even the soul burial student has shown his trump card?"

The two old Ancestors who had delayed Shen Lianyun in the middle of the 9th layer had their pupils trembling. , Looks shocked!

Soul Burial is the existence of Old Ancestor, the second only to Chixiao Old Ancestor! Number One Powerhouse under the late 9th layer!

Lin Chen is not only able to fight him to this point, but he can also force the other two's hole cards one by one. This battle strength is far beyond all of their expectations!

very terrifying strength! His strength is far beyond the two of us! "

Fang Ling and Jingyu's battle was once affected by Lin Chen's battle, and they were forcibly disintegrated, with unprecedented shock in their eyes!

Both sides were shocked by Lin Chen's battle. strength! This youngster is simply the first monster in the history of Nine Provinces!

It's crazy! It's all crazy!

Whether it's Lin Chen or the three 9th layer Battle Sovereign, They are all doing their best, and all the cards are out!

It's really a shocking battle, and the battle is crazy!

"Lin Chen Young Master is really the fortune of my Nine Provinces! If he is a descendant of a false god, I can't imagine that we have to face such an opponent! "

White Young Master waved his sleeves and shook back a 4th layer Battle Sovereign. When staring at the void that was far away from several millions, he was shocked and afraid!

" Damn it, I thought I could fight him with the cultivation base. Now it seems that I can fight it with him! He can squeeze Lao Tzu to death with a single finger! "

The Red Axe youths who entangled the two 4th layer Battle Sovereign couldn't help being shocked! Singled out three 9th layer Battle Sovereigns and turned upside down. This can be with them. It's not an order of magnitude at all!

"The younger generation of Nine Provinces, no one can surpass him. "

The indifferent black clothed Sabrewielder cherish words like gold commented on Lin Chen, and did not conceal the shock in his eyes!

I don’t know how many rounds of the match, the two sides face each other. Parted quickly, each on one side.

All three of them were injured, but the soul was only slightly injured. The most serious white-clothed Old Ancestor did not break an arm.

Lin Chen’s injuries are a bit terrifying!

He is covered in blood, his eyes are cold and blood is dripping from his right arm holding a gun, three sword marks on his right leg, a claw mark on his chest, gold The silky silver emperor armor is 70% broken!

There are several horrible to see blood holes on his left shoulder, and the blood of the gleaming Battle Sovereign continues to flow from the top of his head, and the purple phoenix wings behind it are even more cracked. Dozens of cracks, bloodstained!

If it weren't for the'fatal bloodthirsty' innate talent, Lin Chen's injury would be even more serious!

Destroyed! Compared to the injuries of three people , Lin Chen’s status is truly driven to a dead end!

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