Lin Chen fought the three of them at the same time, and only reluctantly parryed them. It is extremely difficult to fight them back!

The most terrifying thing is that of the three 9th layer Battle Sovereign, two of them are the soul family Old Ancestor, they are paying all the price to kill Lin Chen!

Two 9th layer Battle Sovereign, desperate to kill themselves, are more terrifying than powerhouses of the same level!

"Godslayer innate talent alone is not enough, I must bring it up a level!"

Lin Chen's eyes flashed with crazy turbulence! Being crushed like this, I decided that there was no chance to fight back!

"This kid's combat experience is so old that it is not inferior to many old monsters we have played against."

Another white-robed Battle Sovereign returned from the air, although he was Lin Chen He was slightly injured in the hit, but he still had the strength to fight.

"Let’s attack with all your strength, don’t give him a chance to breathe, his secret technique won’t last long, I don’t believe he can keep his best condition!"

Three people stand side by side, the old man in the cloak said solemnly, for Lin Chen, their trip is bound to win!

"If she makes a move, we will definitely be able to take down this child in a very short time!"

The old man in the cloak glanced in a certain direction, and sighed in his heart. Believe in their soul family, always beware of their backlash!


At this moment, a terrifying imposing manner spread from the southeast. A group of silhouettes and Azure Dragon flapping the purple phoenix wings at both ends, aggressively broke into the battle!


The old man in the cloak was stunned. From his cultivation base, he could perceive that the unexpected 39 people were extremely powerful, enough to affect the entire battle!

"Damn, you guys are too slow! Why are you here now? If not, people on my side will have to stop cooking soon!"

Lin Chen is hearty With a smile, Battle Qi sound transmission, shaking Yunkong.

"Your Excellency Lin Chen, your request has been completed, and all the people in the area around Ling State have been safely transferred!"

The Seventh Stage Battle Sovereign in front of the team said with a big smile.


"The breath of really strong! This child is really shocking!"

Sword Emperor Fang Ling and Dao Emperor Jingyu The eyes of Lin slammed on Lin Chen, and they could feel that Lin Chen today is more terrifying than before!

"As expected to dare to return to Ling State to dominate the entire battle, he really has the cards!"

From the eyes of the two, it is natural to see that Lin Chen today is just Battle Qi Cultivation Base is not weaker than them, not to mention his body refinement strength comparable to the late 8th layer.

They have seen Lin Chen’s battle strength, which far exceeds the same level! With his current overall strength, he can at least fight 9th layer Battle Sovereign! Even the two of them may not be opponents when they join forces!

"hahaha! Let me wait to learn how strong the emperors of Ling State are!"

Many powerhouses in Battle Sovereign scene laughed with pride and turned into a stream of light , Joining different battles, Yan Family and Academy's Battle Sovereign are even more ecstatic! They didn't expect Lin Chen to bring back so many powerhouses!

There are ten in the 5th layer Battle Sovereign, ten in the 6th-layer Battle Sovereign, eight in the Seventh-layer Battle Sovereign, and two in the 8th layer Battle Sovereign, and they are extremely powerful!

And those young sacred monument Inheritors, their battle strength is equally good, everyone's battle strength is directly behind the 5th layer Battle Sovereign!

Jing Yu and Fang Ling seem to have a heart-warming heart. They are separated from Lin Chen by a million li. They just meet with each other, and the two of them understand each other. The two have a direct turning point, flashing towards the highest end of the battle!

The 8th layer Battle Sovereign of the Soul Family and Bai Family Alliance changed their expressions suddenly!

"Fang Ling? Jingyu! You two desperate guys!"

The soul family has Supreme Elder and recognizes the two, the always indifferent twin emperors. An unprecedented burst of laughter!

"The running dog of the soul family? Hahaha! Good come!"

"Unexpectedly, there was unexpected harvest in this trip. It turned out to be the running dog of you pseudo-gods. Good come. Today I Fang Ling wants to see what you can do to interfere with the Ling State structure! Take the sword!"

Choke~! blades and swords unsheathing, Longyin Long Xiao! Two Sword Sovereign and Sword Sovereign in the middle of the 8th layer joined the battle of the 8th layer Battle Sovereign on both sides. The battle changed dramatically in an instant!

Nine 8th layer Battle Sovereign from the Soul Family and Bai Family Alliance, 5 people were to be separated to deal with the two in an instant, and the battle was stabilized in an instant. The 4 8th layer Battle Sovereign from Academy and Yan Family were grateful Take a look at the two of them!

Now it's back to four to four! Instead, the Academy has the advantage!

Fang Ling and Jingyu, as old rivals who have fought for countless years, are both the best rivals and the best partners. The sword technique Blade Technique of the two is combined, and it seems to be a seamless one!

In addition, the sword king and the sword king themselves are better than the powerhouse of the same level, as well as the 8th layer Battle Sovereign at the top to stop Xingzha. Among the 5 people who blocked the two, only two are the 8th layer. Medium-term cultivation base!

This battle, set off the momentum of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering! The battle of the two kings of swords has become the second only to the most terrifying battle outside the Three Great Wars!

The situation reversed in an instant. From the very beginning of the Bai Family alliance suppression, it became the evenly matched now, and there was even a faint point for the Academy. Here, the trend of suppressing the soul family and the Bai Family alliance!

There are 236 Battle Sovereigns on one side and 124 on the other, but now with the powerhouse called by Lin Chen, there are 163 Battle Sovereigns!

The most important thing is that these 39 Battle Sovereigns are all elites among the elite, and each of them can be the enemy of the 5th layer Battle Sovereign!

Moreover, there are Dragon King of Long Kun and Lin Chen, plus his four Avatars!

Each of its Avatars are extremely strong. After the reinforcements are added, the pressure on the Avatars has dropped sharply. You can try to help those Academy Battle Sovereigns who are suppressed by the number of people!

Counting Longkun and Dragon King and the Big Four Avatars, there are 169 Battle Sovereigns on the Academy’s side!

"Damn it! I didn't expect this kid to have this hand!"

Old Ancestor flustered and exasperated from Bai Family Alliance, he is about to act, the soul house Old Ancestor is awe-inspiring Hah !

"Wait a minute! Don’t be confused. Although this child’s reinforcements are strong, they are not enough to overwhelm us. The current situation is just balanced. As long as we help us win this child, any of the three of us One person can reverse the situation!"

Old Ancestor hearing this in Tsing Yi, after calming down, his eyes turned to Lin Chen!

The old man in white swallowed a medicine pill, and the injury gradually recovered completely.

The old man in his cloak uncovered his black robe cloak, his face was thin, and his left face still had a centipede-like scar!

"Boy, I didn’t expect you to have such a hand. The old man should pay a price to take you down! The people who have seen my soul burial stunt are all dead. Today, neither do you Exception!"

Soul Burial gave a grin, Lin Chen smiled coldly, and said awe-inspiringly.

"Don't worry, from now on, let's see who falls first!!"

Lin Chen squeezed the Five Dragon Emperor Spear, and continued to launch the'Ultimate Moment' and 'Extreme Return to Origin', shoulders shook, and the purely terrifying imposing manner shocked all around the space, as if shaking the sun and the moon!

The three suddenly dispersed. Lin Chen directly swung his spear. The dragon power was like a tens of thousands of giant dragons flying into the sky. Between his arms, the power of the dragon power screamed out, and the battle Qi rushed to condense. The tip of the gun slammed down!

"90 Style·Asura Slash Sun and Moon!"

Lightning surrounds, the fire is like a dragon, and finally the light is on the Battle Qi! Five-color Dragon Spear slashed and killed the pure ten thousand zhang Dragon Mark Tianhe, and attacked the three of them!

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