In the last seven days, the whole deserted state has been riotous! The major fierce beast families were so shocked that they sent seventh rank fierce beasts to investigate the news, but the result was gone forever! Either it's been beaten up!

I don’t know when, there is a legend circulating in the barren state, there is a youngster clan and two Azure Dragons, wherever they go, barren, root hair will not be left!

This man and two dragons even looted the warehouses of many fierce beast families and the medicine nursery that specializes in cultivating natural materials and earth treasures!

Finally, after the super-class beast family in Huangzhou began to send a powerhouse to investigate, the two dragons disappeared completely!

Divine State on the other side is even more troublesome! !

The Soul Family was officially born and declared to the world, officially wanted: Ling State Lin Chen. If you can capture or kill the person, bring his head to the soul house to receive: a purple high level top grade battle skill, a seventh rank top-grade battle skill, and a seventh-rank top medicine pill!

This reward shocked the entire Divine State continent! Each reward is enough to make Battle Sovereign over seven can't help it!

On the tenth day of the Soul Family Incident, Danzhou, the backyard of Yang Mansion.

"Miss, hurry up! That Long Ao is going to bring someone here!" In the backyard, several close-fitting maids hurriedly pulled Yang Qing'er in a snow-white cloud gown and flew to the air. Outside the backyard.

"But, if I leave, what should daddy do..."

Yang Qing'er said in a hurry, anxiously.

"This is what the master meant. The master said that the young lady already has a sweetheart, why should you let you be wronged in the past."

A maid who took Yang Qinger away turned her head and said.

Yang Qing'er feels warm, but it is precisely because her father loves herself that she can't make her dad embarrassed!

This Dragon Ao, whose ancestors were from the Azure Dragon clan from Huangzhou, he himself has Azure Dragon bloodline, he is a Peak Heaven's Chosen from Danzhou, but he is already 3rd- at the age of seven thousand years old. layer Battle Sovereign is a Heaven's Chosen who can be recorded in the annals of history!

By chance, Long Ao fell in love with Yang Qing'er at first sight, and had a tough attitude. He came to offer several kisses, and now it is eight carrying the Long Sedan chair and wants to take Yang Qing'er over!

This person is not only extremely talented, but the forces behind him are a little scary. Not only is he far from the ancient aristocratic family, but he also has a background of Dragon Clan! Even if Yang Mansion is the same ancient aristocratic family, he dare not easily offend him!

Yang Qinger waved her sleeves, and immediately let go of the maid’s hand, and turned and flew back. The maid’s expressions changed slightly!

"What's wrong, Miss Qing'er."

Suddenly, Yang Qinger's expression was overjoyed by the juvenile's doubts! When she looked back suddenly, Lin Chen was sitting on Long Kun's dragon's back, floating behind Yang Qing'er.

As soon as she saw Lin Chen, Yang Qinger seemed to have found the backbone of her heart, and she was crying and pitiful.

"Lin Chen Young Master! I, we Yang Mansion is in big trouble! Can you help us?"

Lin Chen's expression changed!

Mansion Yang is in big trouble? Then how can Yang Peak sit on the sidelines!

"It's okay, no matter how big the trouble is, leave it to me!"


The Yang Mansion lobby; the seniors in the Yang Mansion have a bit of expression Ugly.

"Stop talking nonsense! Either let Qing'er go to the dragon sedan chair today. I will greet her personally, or I will demolish your ruined mansion!"

A back of a tiger and waist of a bear The rugged young man waved his hand brutally and domineeringly, wearing a dragon robe, wearing a knife at his waist, and arrogant!

Its cultivation base is as high as 3rd-layer Early-Stage Battle Sovereign! The age placed in Battle Sovereign is also an extremely young existence, it is that Longao!

"Everyone of the Yang Mansion, the ancestors of the giant dragons behind us, also want to see the level of our granddaughter-in-law's refining medicine in the future. I hope everyone still hopes for the beauty of adults, right?"

At this time, two black robed old man chuckled, the breath in the body was faintly exposed. It was two Battle Sovereign powerhouses from 6th-layer Early-Stage!

In their tone, they made no secret of their unyielding meaning!

Besides, they have clearly indicated the giant dragon ancestor behind them! Dragon Clan’s powerhouse!

Although Yang Family patriarch sits still, his expression is a bit dilemma.

"Hehehe, I didn’t expect to encounter such a wonderful drama when I just came here and waited."

"This Patriarch Yang is also a man of value emotion, value friendship, like Yuan ancient Aristocratic family, joint marriages, there are many people who easily marry his daughter out for profit. He even plans to keep his daughter."

"Dragon Clan’s powerhouse is not to be trifled with, Those guys are also a bunch of lunatics. Second only to Ancient Times’s Asura clan’s craziness, even if Yang Mansion is Danzhou’s alchemy Aristocratic Family, I have to weigh it!"

In the corner of the hall, there are a crowd. silhouette Watching the situation of Yang Mansion calmly.

Among them, some are 5th layer Battle Sovereign, some are 6th-layer, and even seven-layer Battle Sovereign, there are several!

And the two people in gray clothes who were silent in the corner, the coercion revealed by their aura is even more terrifying...Compared to the Seven Battle Sovereign, they are several grades fierce!

However, they seem to have no intention of intervening in this matter.

"Sir Long Ao, besides the little girl, other women in my Yang House can..."

Patriarch Yang wants to speak, Long Ao’s eyes are like electricity, imposing manner like Mad Dragon Rises from the Sea, one after another Cang dragon phantom disillusioned from his pupils, raising his hand like lightning and violently punching out!

The senior executives of Yang Family were stunned. He didn't expect this person to be so overbearing and arrogant, he would shoot if he didn't agree with him!

Boom~! boom!

A Azure Dragon phantom rushed out of his fist, and the dragon pierced through the clouds, blasting the entire hall of the Yang Mansion with one punch, breaking through the 9-Layer building, and blasting a big hole!

"Fuck! Give your face shameless things! You Yang Mansion don't refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit!"

"This Young Master gives you one last time Opportunity, whether people hand in or not, Lao Tzu is attracted to Yang Qing'er! The woman who wants to lie under Lao Tzu's body can be queued to the barren state from here! Lao Tzu's long sedan chair is brought up, and I want you women from the Yang Mansion, that is Give you face! Don't give your face shameless!"

Long Ao spat in disdain, Yang Mansion Elder dared not speak, but Patriarch Yang's expression became more fierce!

No matter how bad they are, they are far from the ancient aristocratic family. This fist almost hit him in front of Yang Family patriarch. What kind of dignity is there!

Seeing that Patriarch Yang's expression changed, the Elder of Battle Sovereign who accompanied Long Ao suddenly narrowed his eyes, and Battle Qi was running secretly.

Just as Patriarch Yang was about to get angry, two hurried silhouettes broke into the hall, and the headed young man waved his hand anxiously.

"Patriarch Yang, I heard that Yang Family is in big trouble, what's the matter, do you want my Lin to help..."

Everyone looked at it.

Long Ao was first happy when he saw the silhouette of the beautiful woman, and then thunder was furious! Because he suddenly saw that the silver robe boy was holding Yang Qing'er's jade hand?

Have someone catch the worm by the early bird?

"Damn it, die!!"

Aside from anything else, Long Ao's figure smashed away, like a raptor going out to sea, when he approached Lin Chen, it was a punch when he met!

This time, he took out his true ability, dragon-shaking heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, and swept the world!

You know, Lin Chen didn't even look at him. While pushing Yang Qing'er away a little, he waved his hand to rob Battle Qi and swallow Longao's Battle Qi!

Lin Chen grabbed his fist with one hand like lightning and turned by turns. Not only did he unload his pure strength, but it also overturned him!

Everyone is shocked!

Long Ao's this fist and 4th layer Battle Sovereign are impossible. So casually resolved, this child overthrew Long Ao with a wave of his hand?

Overturning Long Ao with one hand, Lin Chen slapped it directly!

Slap~! boom!

Long Ao vomited blood with a slap, and even punched his dog's head into the ground!

Next, Lin Chen was unremarkable. He didn't even look at Long Ao during the whole process. He just raised his foot and stomped on his face!

pu chi ~! Click~! ka!

Bone cracks burst, teeth burst and bullets fly out!


The Yang Family members in the audience gasped fiercely!


One lift! One palm! Kick! Moving clouds and flowing water!

What the hell is this Divine Immortal? Just two or three hits Longao from 3rd-layer Battle Sovereign to vomit blood!

Put Long Ao under his feet with one foot, respect the old and cherish the young ten best young man Lin asked anxiously from the heart.

"What about the trouble, where is the big trouble? Patriarch Yang, you speak! You are so anxious to death me! Where is the big trouble in Yang Mansion?"

The powerhouse in the lobby is frantic. Pump...

Brother! big brother!

The big trouble is under your feet! The teeth are flying!

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