No matter how angry the seniors of the Soul Family were, they never dared to touch the Conferred God Card!

Because that was left by the great "True God" of their soul family! They are not qualified to touch at all!

"The order continues. Starting today, the whole family must not retreat, calling on the divided Battle Sovereign to pursue and kill Ling State Lin Chen, irreconcilable!"

The leader of the 8th layer Elder, the soul house in the later period, quaked violently, and the soul house who has been silent for tens of thousands of years in the dark of Divine State is about to be born!


This is a vast and vast world, naked eye looks at it, endless, as if there is no end!

Here are ten thousand zhang huge mountains rising into the sky, towering ancient trees covering an area of ​​hundreds of acres standing in Heaven and Earth, lifespan is not known for hundreds of thousands of years, like the vast river spanned by the Star River!

A head of red luan soars into the sky, and there is a blazing fire in the eyes of the beast. In the ancient ruined mountains within the valley, the skeletons of some fierce beasts still flowed in hostility even after they died, and the air in all directions formed ripples and twists!

Near the river, the hundred zhang giant beast is exuding majestic qi and blood. He lowers his head and drinks water and keeps his surroundings on guard from time to time.

Here is full of primordial hong desolate aura! This place is a barren state! Nine Provinces continent has the widest and largest area and belongs to the territory of endless beasts!

And a towering giant tree standing in the vicinity, faintly flowing with the strong fiendish qi, shocked the high-ranking beasts that dared not to approach rashly.


Sound waves are like waves, shattering the wastes! Fangyuan several thousands li wind up the sky, the veins of the earth burst, the crystal wall of the space, destroying countless creatures, some low-level beasts are shattered into powder!

"Unexpectedly, this series of high-intensity battles and escapes really allowed Lao Tzu to get through the 600,000th Dragon Vein. I was promoted to the category of seventh rank high level fierce beasts!"

in a low, muffled voice's roar filled with joy. In the ancient tree, the Azure Dragon lying head-to-head shows a vast dragon body. Even if its size is reduced, its breath is still fierce!

Long Kun is escaping for his life!

When Long Kun turned to Lin Chen who was sitting cross-legged, the ecstasy in his heart was reduced by half.

Compared with itself, the Human Race boy who inherited his predecessor Asura's inheritance is the real guardian!

Back then, when I first met him, he was just a Venerable Realm 9th Layer!

From the inside of the sky tower, follow him all the way out. Long Kun can see his progress, and it is not an exaggeration to call it unprecedented!

Nowadays, even 6th-layer Battle Sovereign encounters him and has to fall! Below Seventh Battle Sovereign, he is almost invincible!

"What a terrifying kid, according to his growth trend, I am afraid that in another ten years, he will be invincible under the holy realm!"

Long Kun was amazed in his heart. From such a Legendary, his progress is really insignificant!

At this time, Lin Chen is silent in the system.

[Heavenly Path Collection System 5.0 version

Host: Lin Chen

Cultivation base: Battle Sovereign 3rd-layer Mid-term-Intermediate Battle Qi Essence : 108.93 million points.

Extreme strength: 3.95 million dragon power (divine force blessing: 4.99 million)-Intermediate Qi and Blood Energy: 95.6 million points.

Intermediate spirit strength: 40500 points (Through Heaven Realm Early-Stage)

Intermediate cultivation technique essence: 5.69 million points-intermediate talisman spirit strength: 9.66 million points.

Heavenly Dao value: 5.96 million points-innate talent points: 8.55 million points.

Intermediate element energy: Fire Element 94660 points, Earth Element 88870 points, Wood Element 86458 points, Gold Element 101225 points, Water Element 153358 points. Thunder Element 98850 points, Wind Element 89280 points, light system 71860 points, dark system 79030 points.

Cultivation technique status bar (open or not) bloodline status bar (open or not)

Passive innate talent: (green rank) Steel Muscles Iron Bones 100%, (green rank) Dual Cultivation Albizia (blue rank) life increase by 200%, (blue rank) divine force 75%, (blue rank) Sovereign,

active innate talent: (blue rank) omen of theft, (blue rank) Ultra-Dimensional Teleportation, (Blue Stage) Deadly Bloodthirsty, (Purple Stage) Ultimate Moment, (Purple Stage) Limit Return to Origin, (Purple Stage) Monarch Overlooking The Whole World (Cooldown: 23 days), (Orange Stage one-time) Godslayer × 2 (fragment 1/3), (quasi-orange step) desperate life and death.

Characteristic rune: Slow Level 5, Penetration Level 5, Charge Level 5, Phantom Level 5-Innate Talent Combination Skill: Deadly Bloodthirsty-Ultra Dimensional Teleportation.

Hold a blank attribute: 9540 points (can be converted into any attribute value at will).

Hold treasure:...]

The attribute value of this harvest can not be described as an exaggeration in the word “horror”!

Lin Chen, who decomposes all the souls, has rune energy close to 10 million points! Innate talent points over 8 million points!

"system, I want to use the third innate talent combo box!"

Lin Chen's heart is full of excitement!

"The third innate talent, just register: Monarch Overlooking The Whole World!"

[Registration is successful, the innate talent combo is: Deadly Bloodthirsty—Super Dimensional Teleportation—Monarch Overlooking The Whole World. If the combo is triggered, the cooldown is not shared and can be used immediately. 】

Originally, Lin Chen planned to register the innate talent of Desperate Life and Death.

But this innate talent is completely desperate! Burning lifespan, Battle Qi origin, life force, spirit strength combat, only by killing the target can these consumption be returned and the innate talent status removed.

For this innate talent, it is too dangerous! He hadn't used it yet. The ghost knew what the consequences would bring, so he rushed to register, maybe it was Court Eunuch who would kill him for fun.

Although the trigger combo will continue to use the number of innate talents, Lin Chen has the ability to decide.

But he didn't dare to use "Death to Life and Death" rashly. Registering this innate talent is equivalent to locking the third combo box. Instead of this, it is better to register for the safest and most practical "Monarch". Overlooking The Whole World! '

"Ignore the cooldown, which means that Monarch Overlooking The Whole World, which could only be used once a month, can now be used unconditionally as long as the innate talent combo is triggered!"

Lin Chen is more confident!

Damn, in future group battles, someone Lin will be the first to rush forward!

Monarch Overlooking The Whole World innate talent with combo skills is in hand, just hit it to death!

"It's a pity! I can't register for a one-time innate talent, otherwise I register for Godslayer, Nine Provinces continent, I will let Lin Chen wave to the end!"

Lin Chen sighed, Godslayer Innate talent really makes him love and hate!

"system, the innate talent of the strong Divine Transformation is 100%!"

[Consumption of 400,000 innate talent points, the innate talent of the strong Divine Transformation: 100%. ]

Boom~! A force blessed the possession. Lin Chen's pure power was originally 3.95 million dragon power, 75% of the divine force blessed it was 4.99 million, and now he rushed to 5.05 million dragon power in one breath!

"Blank attributes, converted into spirit strength!"

This time, the 9,540 blank attributes obtained by Lin Chen's decomposition were all converted to intermediate spirit strength, and the refined Divine Attribute exceeded 50,000. Point, the spirit strength of Through Heaven Realm Early-Stage has faintly approached the bottleneck in the mid-breakthrough period!

"It’s time to set off. This time I return to Ling State. What I have to face is all the ancient aristocratic families. No matter how high the rune energy attribute is, it is lacking. For the time being, I will not activate the fusion function. It's up to you."

Lin Chen opened his eyes suddenly, and a flash of shock!

The current strength is not what it used to be, but in heads-up, you can still only play against the Seven-Early-Stage Battle Sovereign. Perhaps all the Avatars can contend against the Seven-Early Mid-term.

But in the face of Battle Sovereign's seventh late stage and above, he still has to use'Level 5 Rune of Slowness' or'Nine Tribulations Stars' to contend, so his rune energy cannot be used indiscriminately.

"Boy, are you done?"

Long Kun raised his head and asked, Lin Chen took back the sharpness between his eyebrows and chuckled: "No problem, let's go. Danzhou!"

Leaving Danzhou!

Return to the last step of Ling State, call someone! !

Who is awesome!

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