"en? What's the situation!"

Lin Chen found out! When the nine Heavenly Tribulation battle bodies are activated at the same time, they are faintly fused!

Lin Chen never felt this trend before entering the Asura Palace of Hundred Emperors!

The only time this omen appeared was when the nine elemental attribute values ​​exceeded 21,000 points in Asura's original pot.

Lin Chen has reached his limit and is in a critical condition. After being rescued from Dingchi, Lin Chen has forgotten about many things!

"Fused! My nine types of Heavenly Tribulation Battle Qi are all integrated!"

eyes shrank, Lin Chen can feel the nine types of Heavenly Tribulation in his body Battle Qi is disappearing rapidly with him activating nine Heavenly Tribulation battle bodies at the same time!

"This time, I will see where you flee!"

The blood knife spins to the top of Long Chi's head, and the special bloodline in his body urges the blood knife to have spirituality. Open ten blood glows, flash Nine Heavens and Ten Earths vertically!

"Ten dragon blood devours and swallows Heaven and Earth!"

The blood glow is distorted and disillusioned into a huge monster of baring fangs and brandishing claws, Qilin head, carp tail, horns like deer, He has a long beard and is a ten-headed blood dragon!

ten thousand zhang The blood dragon attacked Lin Chen in completely different directions, and did not give him a way out!

At this time, Lin Chen looked excited! He took all the lost Battle Qi to the end, the combination of the nine Heavenly Tribulation Battle Qi, and condensed it in the palm of his hand in a single thought!

The cluster of light that resembles the rising of a new star, flowing through nine colors of brilliance, is an unprecedented wave of destruction! Like a star shining with nine-color rays of light, held in the palm of Lin Chen!

"hahaha! Long Chi, you fucking try this!"

Lin Chen laughed excitedly and threw the nine-colored stars in his hand at Long Chi! Even more terrifying is that Lin Chen blessed the charge and penetrated rune on the nine-color stars!

The nine-colored stars resembled a meteor from the sky, at extremely fast speed, and crashed into the aggressive ten thousand zhang blood dragon head-on!

The expressions of those watching Battle Sovereign suddenly changed! This move of the two people is really fighting for their lives! !

Many movement method Absolute Art of Battle Sovereign from all walks of life have been revealed one after another, and they are evacuated to the edge of the space blockade like an escape!

Boom~! !

The blood dragon shatters and the stars explode!

Even in the other battlefield, Long Kun and the other two 5th layer Battle Sovereign couldn't help but change. The two stopped at the same time, and they retreated to one side!

"This Lin Chen kid's 2nd layer mid-stage cultivation base can explode this level of attack?!"

A huge dragon body shivered, Long Kun subconsciously condensed the dragon's breath Defense, disillusioned into an azure light dragon armor!

Even the Azure Dragon, known as the strongest defensive Azure Dragon, was frightened out of the defense. It can be seen how terrifying Lin Chen's nine-colored star is!

The blood dragon exploded, and the huge waves of bloody energy that rolled over the ten thousand zhang sky. Even Battle Sovereign is horrible to see!

But what makes everyone's scalp numb is the nine-color beam of light that blooms between Heaven and Earth! In the center of the beam of light, there are waves of energy that extinct the world!

"Fuck me! What battle skill is this?"

"Is this a damn attack that 2nd layer Battle Sovereign can use?

"If we get involved in that beam of light, I'm afraid all of us will die! "

Many Battle Sovereign trembled. If Lin Chen was a 2nd layer Battle Sovereign, they would not believe it if he killed them!!

The purple phoenix wings flapped, a bloody silhouette Withdraw from the blood glow storm, full of golden light silver glow, Lin Chen!

If it were not for the seventh rank high level'Golden Silver Emperor Armor' body, Lin Chen was injured by the aftermath Even if you don’t die, you must be disabled!

Seeing the nine-color beam of light in full bloom connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, Lin Chen looked excited!

"What a perverted formidable power! This should be the formidable power for the Nine Tribulations combat body condensed in "Nine Tribulations of Creation" to truly enter the Great Accomplishment period! It’s just my own battle skill! "

"Born in response to the nine Heavenly Tribulations, it is also my own battle skill, this move, created by Lin Chen, called the Nine Tribulation Stars! "

Even if this move'Nine Tribulations Stars' exhausted all of their Battle Qi in one go, this formidable power is worth exploding!

"Limit Return to Origin! "

It consumes 13,500 innate talent points again, Lin Chen activates the limit Return to Origin, and when Battle Qi fills in, his expression changes slightly!

The Battle Qi life wheel at the heart position , Rays of light have dimmed a bit, and have not recovered because of Battle Qi's supplement!

"My Nine Tribulations origin, Battle Qi, lost part of it? It is because of the stars of the Nine Tribulations! ”

Extreme Return to Origin can restore Lin Chen’s Battle Qi, skin fatigue, weakness, loss of spirit strength, etc., but does not include restoring the origin of Battle Qi!

This It is the root of Battle Qi. If it is substantively damaged, the cultivation base will be damaged, the body will be severely injured, and the source will be shattered and fall on the spot!

"According to my cultivation base and status, this move is It can only be used once in a short period of time, and it takes several days or even ten days of rest to make it up. If you use it twice, the cultivation base may be reversed and the Battle Qi backlash may be tragic. As for the third use, you don’t know what will happen..."

Lin Chen is cold and sweaty! Just now he almost I just want to send the stars of the Nine Tribulations again! If this is used for the second time, he is afraid that he will be injured and disabled and the cultivation base will be regressed!

"Sure enough, this ultimate weapon impossible has no cost. , Can only exist as my last life-saving trump card! "

After thinking about the many thoughts surging in my mind, Lin Chen turned to the nine-color light beam that slowly disappeared again, and the final scene made everyone's scalp numb!

The blood knife of Long Chi's seventh rank top grade is already broken at this time, nearly 50% damaged!

There is also Long Chi himself, who is already drenched with blood at this time, right face The flesh and blood were burnt, the right eye was blind, the left leg disappeared, the right arm was broken, the flesh and blood of the right shoulder evaporated, revealing the turquoise Battle Sovereign bones, horrible to see!

In Lin Chen’s eyes, except for Long Chi’s remains In the same way, there is a flood of attribute light balls!

He stared at Lin Chen with bitterness and resentment, a hatred that could not be washed away in all directions!

It's miserable! It's terrible!

A Battle Sovereign in the late stage of the 5th layer, smashing the wind in the No. 2 main city, is an Overlord level in the No. 3 and No. 4 main cities, and was forced to this point by a young junior!

Even if this kind of injury is cured, it is still in a half-waste state. It is almost impossible to advance to 6th-layer Battle Sovereign in this life!


Terror The facts seem to be one after another! When the two heaven-shaking, earth-shattering explosions resounded, the hundred thousand li mountains and rivers outside the nine tombs of Asura were completely shattered and reduced to ruins!

The previous five silhouettes in the sky, now there are only two people left! The yellow robe fatty in the middle of the 4th layer and the white sword king are still fighting!

The remaining three people have all fallen. Now!

Slaying the emperor! Continuously slaughtering the emperor! And it is a 3rd-layer late stage, two 4th layer Early-Stage!

However, the two avatars have also fallen! They are dying During the fight, completely perish together with each other.

The corner of Lin Chen’s mouth, but slightly raised. Avatar that's all, as long as rune has enough energy, he can show it in minutes!

The dragon emperor’s whole dragon scales broke, and when he twisted the dragon body, he flew through the air, and recovered Lin Chen’s weapons and two battles. Sovereign's sacred ring and their Battle Sovereign body, and most importantly, there are hundreds of attribute light balls! All were inhaled into the dragon king!

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