yellow robe fatty jumps flexibly, the afterimage is jumping like a star pill, jumping out 2,000 miles in one step, avoiding the light of the storm and arrows, and hasn’t reacted yet, it looks like a water moon. sword light swift and shoot!

Tear and pull~!

Fatty Battle Sovereign drives the Battle Qi, and his body flashes, wiping his cold sweat! This attack is too weird!

The four Battle Sovereigns of theirs are fighting separately, but Lin Chen’s four Avatars have a clear heart. Even if they fail to hit the target in front of them, the aftermath of the attack can support or assist the other. The battle on one side!

Clang~! Dang~! clang!

The arrows collided with the sound of sword chants, and the sword king in white swiftly pulled the sword, and shot down and smashed many approaching arrow lights time after time! Although these arrow lights failed to cause him those physical injuries, they could interfere with his fighting rhythm.

The'purple light Wan Lei Arrow' that twisted countless lightning arrows did not hit the Fatty Battle Sovereign, but instead supported the Avatar who was fighting hard with the Sword King on the other side!

"The seventh rank high level knife is very strong. Even this seat has not touched the rank, and your Blade Technique is also the strongest among the young sword kings who have been fighting for many years in this seat!"

The White Sword Emperor's eyes flickered, and the fighting intent was awe-inspiring! He is rising up with Battle Qi. In terms of hard power, his battle strength does not lose to the late stage of the 4th layer. It is still a bit difficult to rely on Lin Chen as an Avatar to block him.

However, Lin Chen’s Avatar didn’t know what was timid, and Mingyue Tianqing in his hand made another slash, cutting through ten dark sword marks that split the sky!

"The sword moves Nine Heavens!"

The sword edge is doubled, the sword tip is dotted with the void like dragonfly touches the water lightly, and the white rainbow sword light flashing with stars rays of light is lightning. Shape, split the dark mang knife mark!

Tear and pull~!

Moonlight shuttles, Avatar is holding the Mingyuetian Qingdao and blocking his waist and facing the Sword Emperor is a crosscut!

The blade is reversed, and the sword emperor raises the three feet azure edge, slashing down vertically!

Clang~! The sword light was violent, and when he blocked a cross-cut, the white sword emperor looked back like a swimming dragon. While retreating, he held the Qi Condensation with both hands and held his palm against the hilt of the sword.

"Hah! Sword Dragon · Broken!"

The sword emperor with sharp sword qi all over his body soars into the sky in an imposing manner! Then both hands pushed the sword and twisted it, suddenly burst out a straight stab! The sword light shot out by Zan Jinghong runs through the sky!

"Judgment to break the soul!"

The wind of swords dances wildly, countless winds and tribulations, Battle Qi, disrupts the wind and clouds, and turns into one after another Blade Qi that devours light. Go and form a heavenspan tornado! Gradually chop up the sword light of Jinghong!

The more the two battles, the more intense they become, and they seem to have become the fiercest battle in the second only to Lin Chen body battle circle!


silver robe silhouette fights with swords, the white jade azure sword whirled by the frosty rainbow grinds back a black clothed Battle Sovereign again and again, and the corners of his mouth have begun to bleed!

My own 4th layer Early-Stage's cultivation base, fighting skill against this kid is not his opponent?

In addition, his life force is extremely tenacious. With his wood Element restoration secret technique, it is simply'fire of war is endless, Wood Spirit is reborn'!

The most frightening thing is that this child can instantly restore all the consumed Battle Qi at a critical moment. Many weird methods have made this famous battle Sovereign retreat!

Tear and pull~! Boom~~!

When the Dragon Qi's vertical and horizontal dragon domain is formed, the afterimage of Azure Dragon flapping by the purple wings appears like lightning. When the dragon claw is waved, the expression of the black clothed Battle Sovereign is horrified!

"Not good!"

The Wanzai Profound Light Blade, which is as heavy as the day and menstrual sky, erupted at close range, and fell on his chest!

"Ten Lunar Styles·Blue Moon Slash!"

Holding the sword in both hands, the white jade azure sword draws and cuts a sword wind, and the spiral sword glow like a spring is extremely fast Spin! From a distance, it looks like a faintly spinning blue moon, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood towards the black clothed Battle Sovereign!


A round of black clothed Battle Sovereign was cut by Qingyue, and his chest was full of bones! Seriously injured!

Avatar and the Dragon Sovereign chased after the victory, playing fast and rising steadily in an imposing manner, completely suppressing the name Battle Sovereign!


The highest aerial combat circle; the blood knife slashed fiercely and slashed between the gun bodies, smashing the Blade Qi that shattered the universe!

Lin Chen retreats with a gun in his hand, and his body is soaked with blood. When Long Chi stabs him back, he takes advantage of the victory and pursues, and he forcibly maintains the ultimate moment.

At this time, Lin Chen's injuries in his body are tragic! Internal organs Except for the heart, there are scars everywhere, more than half of the bones have cracks, and all meridians broke apart 20%!

If it weren’t for the life-growth innate talent’s powerful life-healing power and the four-fold increase in the ultimate moment, the full restoration of the "Wood Spirit Essence Method", this kind of injury would have to be closed in minutes for several years, and it would be impossible to maintain it. Fighting with such high intensity right now!

"Damn it, 5th layer Peak Battle Sovereign is really terrifying. Crossing the Level 3 half battle in Battle Sovereign, the burden is too great! If there is an Avatar to share the pressure for me, it would be good, otherwise it is Hundred Spear Fighting Sovereign can't beat this Old Turtle..."

After wiping the blood on the corner of his mouth, Lin Chen's eye has already seen that the black clothed Battle Sovereign has been smashed by his Avatar and Dragon Sovereign. Suppress it, within a quarter of an hour, you will definitely be able to decide life and death!

"hehe, Lin Chen, I know you are dragging time. But why should I care about the life and death of those people! I only know that you are dying! gā gā gā!"

Long Chi was somewhat irrational and crazy said with a smile, bloody dragon scales appeared on his arm, and he made dozens of strokes, slashes, diagonal cuts, vertical splits, and speed slashes!

The rushing bloody sword gang turned into a baring fangs and brandishing claws 100,000-meter evil dragon, from all directions crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood to Lin Chen!

"Battle Emperor 79 Style·Dance of Dragons!"

When the golden gun dances, one after another revolving Nine Tribulations Battle Qi transforms into countless dragon shadow phantoms, and finally Return in one point, break the corner of the evil dragon!

Bang~! Sneer~!

blood energy When the side of the evil dragon splits, a beam of purple flames and moonlight shuttling through the void, just avoiding the strongest point of the sharp edge, the evil dragon knife gang twists around the previous position and explodes. Open dozens of blood glow tornadoes!

"This formidable power is also a purple-level intermediate! This guy is going to live and die with me!"

Lin Chen, who flashed 18,000 miles away, stood in the air, left There was pale-gold blood on his arm, which was the blood of Battle Sovereign.

Lin Chen squinted his eyes, and he exerted his full strength in the Douhuang 79 style, but he could only tear a part of the hole in the many offensives, and used the movement method to escape. This formidable power must be an intermediate purple rank!

"Running very fast, but all around is a space blockade. Next, I see how you hide!"

The blood light veins quickly condensed, a pair of hundred zhang blood Wing stretched away from behind Long Chi, his face became particularly pale, but he was extremely cold and solemn!

"Avatar will take a while, this Old Turtle won't give me this opportunity anymore. If that's the case, I can only do my best!"

A fierce emergence, Lin Chen's expression is like a lone wolf going to death, a limit of Return to Origin replenishes all Battle Qi again!

The cultivation base of the 5th layer Peak, if the opponent wants to desperately, he can only use the last 20 styles of the Hundred Spear Fighting Emperor!

In the last twenty formulas, Lin Chen’s cultivation base is still reluctant to control. One carelessness will hurt oneself before killing the enemy.

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