"system, I want to upgrade all features rune!"

Aside from anything else, Lin Chen's immediate update of system is to upgrade feature rune!

【System hint host, the host holds 27 rune evolution stones, which is not enough to evolve all runes to Level 5, and 20 characteristic rune evolution stones can upgrade a Level 4 rune to Level 5. ]

Huh? Only 20 Evolution Stones can be upgraded to Level 1?

Lin Chen's mouth is frantically pumped, so why not increase the price?

[System hint host: Level 5 rune, too much stronger than Level 4 rune. The dividing line belonging to the characteristic rune can use less rune energy to play a stronger rune characteristic. There are a lot of rune evolution stones required. Please choose the upgraded characteristic rune as appropriate. 】

Lin Chen is worried about this, so he can only choose one? Each of the four major runes is his trump card. It's really difficult to choose.

After careful consideration, Lin Chen issued an order.

"system, I am sure to upgrade Rune of Slowness!"

[System received, consumes 20 rune evolution stones, Rune of Slowness is upgraded to Level 5. ]

Next, Lin Chen clicked on the'upgradeable' option in the innate talent column, and clicked on Steel Muscles Iron Bones innate talent.

[Steel Muscles Iron Bones is a green-level innate talent. If you upgrade to the green-level, you can increase the defensive power of the meat shell by up to 100%, and you need to consume 30,000 innate talent points. ]

[Life grows to the innate talent of the young rank. If you upgrade to the blue rank, you can increase your life resilience by up to 200%, and you need to consume 100,000 innate talent points. 】

Lin Chen looks all the way, and even the ultimate Return to Origin, the active innate talent at the ultimate moment can be upgraded! It's just that the price really stopped Lin Chen, millions, tens of millions of innate talent points, this is really an astronomical number!

"System, what is the level of Godslayer innate talent?" Suddenly, Lin Chen asked.

【Godslayer innate talent is between the purple rank and the orange rank innate talent, if the conditions are sufficient, it can become the orange rank innate talent. 】

System’s answer made Lin Chen amazed, Godslayer can actually compare to the orange-level innate talent!

In the end, Lin Chen chose to upgrade the two major innate talents, "Life Growth" and "Steel Muscles Iron Bones", which had been strengthened to the limit by Lin Chen, and now they are at the breakthrough limit.

After upgrading the two innate talents, Lin Chen then spent another 100,000 innate talent points to increase his life growth to 150%, and Steel Muscles Iron Bones to 100%.

With these two innate talents, plus his Wood Spirit essence method, as long as he is not hit hard by the Battle Sovereign powerhouse, there is basically no need for the temperament to be threatened!

"system, I want to activate the decomposition function to decompose all the cultivation techniques I have on hand."

[The host holds 790 blue-level battle skills, half-purple level 89 battle skills, 31 low-level purple ranks, all decomposed, will consume 9900 Heavenly Dao points. Is the host sure? 】


tone barely fell, Lin Chen holds Yun Potian, Yun Mingqing and other spiritual ring cultivation techniques all turned into one stream of light is sucked into the system at the center of the eyebrows.

【Boom~! After the decomposition is complete, the host gains: 87500 points of intermediate cultivation technique essence. 】

The system light screen pops up. With this batch of cultivation technique essence, he can learn the purple-level intermediate cultivation technique "Dark Thunder Qianjun Arrow" obtained from the ruins of the sky.

Suddenly, Lin Chen moved in his heart and asked curiously-"system, can the decomposition function decompose all the resources on my hand?"

【system answer the host: the decomposition function is applicable For all the resources and treasures that the host has, most of the decomposition results are attribute values. 】

Hearing this answer, Lin Chen turned on the system again, and put part of the seventh rank rare and exotic mines and seventh rank treasures of his own collection into the decomposition function.

【Consume 4540 Heavenly Dao points to decompose 13 kinds of seventh rank heavenly materials and 21 kinds of seventh rank ore. The host gets: 390 points of Fire Element Energy, 220 points of dark energy, 390 points of Wood Element energy, 400 points of Wind Element energy, 345 points of Thunder Element energy, 13540 points of Qi and Blood Energy, 35 points of spirit strength...]

Can this also factor out the elemental attribute value?

【System hint host, the decomposition function can be attached to the host's body. When the host touches things from the outside world, it can choose whether to decompose the target thing, but it cannot be used by creatures with high intelligence. 】

Lin Chen's heart beats! This decomposition function is a bit powerful and abnormal. Wouldn't it be possible to decompose all his cultivation resources and convert them into attribute values?

Of course, Lin Chen will not do this naturally. He is a pharmacist, and keeping the medicine ingredient in his hands has its own magical effect.

Lin Chen flew down low in the sky. Yan Qianyun looked at him suspiciously. Lin Chen landed on an ancient pine tree that had grown for tens of thousands of years. His palm was on the body of the ancient tree. The'decomposition function' has been added.

【Consume 90 Heavenly Dao points, decompose evergreen ancient trees, and obtain: 60 Wood Element energy. 】

thousand zhang The vast ancient tree turned into nothingness, and turned into three attribute light balls into Lin Chen's palm, his eyes brightened!

"Damn! I'm making a big fortune this time! Find a Secret Realm with a long history, Brother Chen, I broke it down all the way, hahaha! The world is full of attribute light balls, it's not too much Cool!"

However, the only drawback of this feature is that it needs to consume Heavenly Dao value. After updating the system, Heavenly Dao value now has 200,000 points left. Someone still has to save some use!

"It’s almost the No. 2 main city. Go to the main city and submit the task first!"

Lin Chen was excited, and took control of the Dragon Emperor into the air. Qian Yun was stunned throughout the whole process!


No. 2 main city, when you enter the main city, you still can't use any Battle Qi external amplifiers.

Lin Chen could not help but think of that mysterious person. At the beginning, in the No. 1 main city, the other party could monitor herself, is it possible that she can use her strength in the main city?

Thinking about it like this, it's a terrifying thought!

Lin Chen I heard that even the holy realm can't use the cultivation base when entering the main city!

"It seems that I really got into a big Buddha, forget it, when the boat gets to the pier-head, it will go straight with the current."

With a wry smile, Lin Chen and Yan Qianyun stepped into the mission hall of the No. 2 main city.

He opened the task manual, activated the spirit ring, and placed the pure-blooded head and the beast core in the secret room of the hall. Elder in the hall was stunned!

This child is so young that he can kill the seventh rank beast? It's still a fierce thing like pure blood 狻猊, who is not afraid of death!

To hunt down a powerful seventh rank beast, it often requires multiple Battle Sovereign teams. Regardless of whether a single player has enough strength to kill the opponent, even if a single player can kill the opponent head-on, he will have to pay a lot of money. The price.

If you encounter other powerhouse glare like a tiger watching his prey, maybe you will get a killing disaster because of a task! When Lin Chen took out the pure-blooded head, it was not difficult to understand that everyone in the mission hall was so shocked!

After Elder in the lobby carefully determined that the target was correct, Lin Chen received the reward for the task he took last time: 200,000 sky coins!

Long Chi’s bloodfiend Avatar does not have much treasure, Lin Chen only got a blade device.

And the spirit ring of Yun Mingqing and Yun Potian and the others holds a total of 260,000 sky coins, as well as six seventh rank weapons, which are added up by the four fallen Battle Sovereigns. Net worth!

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