"Me? I am a human...and not Human Race..."

Mysterious person is a little hesitant and hopeful, making Lin Chen's mouth twitch.

"Where are you from? Why do you want to take me away?"

Seeing that the other party didn't respond, Lin Chen could only brace oneself to ask.

"I...I come from outside the Nine Provinces continent. I am here to find someone who can carry the power of my clan. You are a qualified person... You are stronger than those Human Races in the Holy Realm..."

Listening to the answer of the mysterious person, Lin Chen was even more frightened! This feeling comes from a powerhouse outside of Nine Provinces?

Listening to his tone, feeling that he has even been to the Holy Realm?

"What kind of race are you? Why did you choose me to inherit the power of your race? What is your purpose."

Seeing that the other party seems to have no killing intent for himself, Lin Chen His mind immediately stabilized, and Yan Qianyun met with a glance, and quickly asked three key questions.

"I am the Fiend clan...your innate talent is worth training for my clan...and as for the purpose..."

Suddenly, a terrible fighting intent burst out of the mysterious person's body! !

"In order to challenge the gods."

At this moment, Lin Chen and Yan Qianyun have not realized what the concept of "the gods" is.

The two of them only know that this person is very dangerous!

"Are you sure you have seen my details, my current state is only temporary. When time passes, I will regain a weaker existence than the ants you just looked down on."


Lin Chen confessed decisively, if the other party forcibly takes him away, then he will stop cooking!


Mysterious person startled, looking at Lin Chen's breath, it seems that it is indeed slowly weakening at this time.

"Right, my innate talent is not worthy of your Fiend clan training, or you will find a more dignified one? I'm just a scumbag!"

Lin Chen wiped his sweat while hesitating, didn't expect Lin Chen would have a day when he would rather have a weakness in his innate talent! If this mysterious person is attracted to this, I am afraid that I have to take it away forcibly!

Mysterious person looked at him around and muttered to himself-"It is indeed getting weaker, so it seems that it is not qualified... However, the innate talent is still worthy of attention. I will give it to you. In some days, you are not allowed to be lazy and try to cultivation."

The mysterious person's instructed Lin Chen to twitch the corners of his mouth, and try to cultivation to be taken away by you? Then fix a fart!

On the surface, Lin Chen smiled with a smile—"That's natural, yes, senior, what is your name?"

After all, Lin Chen touched mysterious The person's arm activated the innate talent of the'God Stealing Omen'!

【Failure to activate the omen of theft, the spirit level of the target student should not be too high, beyond the intervention range of the innate talent, please the host to give up. 】

When the system light screen pops up, someone Lin almost jumped with anger!

Damn, what's the use of your broken innate talent!

He also wanted to see if he could steal some top grade attribute or treasure chest from this mysterious person, but he didn't even touch his feelings!

"You don't need to know my name, I will come to you next time."

mysterious person wants to come to come, wants to walk to walk, just put it away Lin Chen was opened, and when he flashed in the air, it disappeared!

Lin Chen's mouth twitched slightly. Is this what I want? Is this treating me as a cargo? Free shipping? Take it if you want, leave if you want?

"This person's strength is too terrifying... When did you provoke this kind of powerhouse..."

Yan Qianyun turned his head in doubt, Lin Chen shrugged——"How am I? I know, since Danzhou, I have felt that someone has been following me. He has followed me all the way, and he is only showing up now."

Anyway, Lin Chen at least knows that he has been an extreme The terrifying existence is eyeing, the other party knows the holy realm, I am afraid it is at least the existence above the holy realm!

I was stared at by a Saint, and my scalp was tingling thinking about it!

"My strength is weakening, I have to hurry and leave."

"Go directly to the No. 2 main city! This is closer to the No. 2 main city!"

We made up our minds with Yan Qianyun, and Lin Chen took her away. In this battle, the gains can only be described as horror!

The spirit ring of Yun Mingqing and Yun Potian were taken away by Lin Chen. These two are the old Battle Sovereign of the No. 1 main city, and they have a rich heritage!

Wanzai Azure Dragon Emperor also benefited from refining pure-blood sacred heart, Dragon Vein smashed to 140,000! 1.4 million dragon power!

Lin Chen in the state of Godslayer, he was only in the middle of his thoughts, and between the flapping of the Purple Phoenix wings, he took Yan Qianyun to the No. 2 main city with Yan Qianyun.

"system, I want to update version 5.0!"

[Updating the Heavenly Path Collection System version 5.0 requires consumption: 400,000 intermediate cultivation technique essence, 800,000 Heavenly Dao value. Time-consuming: 48 hours. Expected updates: Level 5 feature rune function, decomposition function, open fourth bloodline status, innate talent evolution function. The host holds Heavenly Dao value: 1.02 million points. Intermediate cultivation technique essence: 450,000 points. Is the host sure to update? ]


[Host system enters the update state: 0.01%... During the system update, you cannot use any system functions. 】

Lin Chen’s Godslayer innate talent, only lasted for half a day and then completely dissipated.

Yan Qianyun at first is also worried about whether Lin Chen’s body will exceed the burden, etc. After all, she will not believe in such a terrible divine ability if she does not pay a heavy price...

However, what refreshed her knowledge once again was that after the horrible aura in Lin Chen's body disappeared, he was actually a lively dragon and animated tiger, and nothing happened!

After experiencing the skyrocketing from Yuanzun Realm and Battle Sovereign Realm Two Great Realms, this guy has nothing at all... Yan Qianyun sighed once again that common sense does not exist on this guy!

No wonder it is better than that God of Human Race that the secret person will look at him!

At the end of the Godslayer innate talent, Lin Chen released the Dragon King on his way. Two days later, in a blink of an eye, the two were about to arrive in the No. 2 main city.

One step earlier than arriving in the No. 2 main city is the advent of the new system!

【Heavenly Path Collection System 5.0 version has been updated. 】

[Heavenly Path Collection System 5.0 Version

Host: Lin Chen

cultivation base: Yuanzun Stage Seventh Stage Late Stage

Ultimate strength: 980000 dragon power.

Intermediate Qi and Blood Energy: 1,476500 points.

Intermediate Battle Qi Essence: 1,498,600 points.

Intermediate spirit strength: 1765 points (Law Manifestation Realm Perfection)

Intermediate cultivation technique essence: 55,000 points.

Intermediate talisman text energy: 315500 points.

Heavenly Dao value: 224080 points.

Innate talent points: 435400 points.

Intermediate element energy: Fire Element 5450 points, Earth Element 5050 points, Wood Element 4998 points, Gold Element 5175 points, Water Element 5358 points. Thunder Element 8750 points, Wind Element 4880 points, light system 5550 points, dark system 4960 points.

Cultivation technique status bar (open or not) bloodline status bar (open or not)

Passive innate talent: (green rank) Steel Muscles Iron Bones 30%, (green rank) life increase 100%, (blue-level) divine force 25%, (blue-level) Sovereign. Active innate talent: (Blue Stage) Omen of the Steal, (Purple Stage) Ultimate Moment, (Purple Stage) Ultimate Return to Origin, (Purple Stage) Monarch Overlooking The Whole World (Cooling Time: 15 days)

Features rune: Slow Level 4, Penetration Level 4, Charge Level 4, Phantom Level 4.

Hold treasure:...]

Lin Chen surprisingly discovered that all of his innate talents have a new level division! And there is an'upgradeable' function in the upper right corner of the innate talent column!

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