On the competition stage, Murong Qingxue held the forging hammer firmly in his hand and focused on casting the embryo in his hand. The same is true for Meng Xiangqing next to her. There are many natural phenomena cast by the two women, which made the Heavenly Dipper Realm in the audience feel an extraordinary oppression before they were born.

A silhouette emerged from the passageway into the competition stage, and walked straight into the competition stage. The moment before, Murong Qingxue, who was extremely focused, felt the emergence of this breath, and his teeth bit his lips and Fang was confused. .

Since it was discovered that Lin Chen left last time, his Battle Qi Xingyu unexpectedly appeared abnormal, and Murong Qingxue was full of the silhouette of the person who had rescued him.

"It seems that the game has entered a critical moment. I came just at the right time!"

Lin Chen, who stepped onto the stage, gave a chuckle, Meng Xiangqing on the side Said seriously with a sullen face.

"Lin Chen big brother, Xiangqing will do his best this time, please don't hold back the big brother!"

"Don't worry, as you wish." Lin Chen nodded, glanced at the beautiful woman next to him, and blew a whistle frivolously. "Beauty, legs are pretty good-looking."

"The prodigal son! I will squeeze you down this game!"

Fiercely gave Lin Chen a blank look, Murong Qing On the contrary, Xue's heart calmed down a bit, subconsciously meditating; how could this kind of rascal be the benefactor.

Lin Chen appeared on the stage and immediately attracted the attention of many Casting Item Masters!

He waved with one hand, two top-level sixth-rank minerals, "Wannianfeng Xuanjing" and "Blazing Bright Mine"!

When Lin Chen casts the Grade 7 casting technique'golden sun casting technique' with his bare hands, it is still so shocking! The fist covering Seventh Gold Qi broke the blazing mine with one punch!

It means that like a gust of wind, it is indestructible. Lin Chen cuts and casts two rare and exotic mines, and then flicks with the finger, and shoots two pre-prepared sixth rank high level fierce beast core, start smelting!

As time passed, Lin Chen’s casting speed was still far faster than all the contestants. He clearly entered the venue on the fourth day of the second round, but on the sixth day. There are already signs of a finished product!

When I saw Lin Chen had two embryos, a casting master suddenly stood up from the auditorium, his pupils shrinking!

"What're you kidding about, it took him such a short time to cast the weapon. During this period, he plans to cast two sixth rank weapons at the same time?"

All the Casting Item Masters sitting outside the venue are not calm anymore!

With Lin Chen's performance in the first round, he is basically impossible to come up with a level lower than the first round!

In other words, the two weapons he cast are at least the sixth rank intermediate!

Two days of casting two sixth rank intermediate weapons? Even if the Grandmaster, the caster present, comes out in person, it is impossible to do it!

If the sixth rank weapon can be cast so simple, it would be a rotten street!

"His golden sun casting technique has reached its peak! Undoubtedly, his casting skill is more terrifying than our old guys!"

Meng Xiangqing’s grandfather , The dream master who at first held Lin Chen's thigh and begged to be a teacher said enthusiastically and excitedly!

Lin Chen's perfect inheritance has inherited the memory of the previous generation of golden sun casting technique'Jin Xia Hua', plus, his body refinement strength is definitely not inferior to Jin Xia Hua.

His comprehensive casting level is already at the same level as Jin Xiahua before his death!

However, when he had two Heavenly Tribulation battle bodies, he perfectly surpassed Jin Xiahua in his lifetime and brought out the golden sun casting technique perfectly!

This casting technique requires powerful Metal Element Attribute and Fire Element attribute Battle Qi. Lin Chen’s golden robbery and fire robbery are perfectly integrated. It can even be said that there is almost no one in Nine Provinces. , Can be more suitable for golden sun casting technique than him!

If you give him a period of time to become the seventh rank Casting Item Master, it is only a matter of time!

On the seventh day, three rays of sunshine rose up into the sky almost at the same time, reflecting the entire venue, and there was more than a glimmer of light!

It is Lin Chen and Murong Qingxue, both of them have finished casting at the same time!

"Very good, it's a sixth-rank middle-level inferior!"

Murong Qingxue stared at the frost ice sword in front of him. The flowing axe and coldness on the sword's body far surpassed the sixth-rank low-level , Making her pale pretty face excited.


Suddenly, the Frost Sword was slightly rippling and turning, and several biting sword qis were emitted. Murong Qingxue was about to urge Battle Qi to resist, but there was a sense of weakness in his body!

"That's awful! I consume too much Battle Qi when forging!"

The pretty face is pale, and the sword qi flashes, just as we are about to hurt the vitals. , A silhouette hovered in front of her, warm and powerful arms around her waist.

"It’s okay? Why are you so careless."

The young man’s voice echoed in her ears. Hearing these words, the lady’s loving body trembled suddenly, this tone, and that The benefactor who saved his own one day is exactly the same!

Murong Qingxue raised her head eagerly, and what was greeted by her eyes was a childish face of a handsome young man with a wicked smile on her mouth.

"You, you!"

Murong Qingxue pushed Lin Chen away, thinking that the gentle and perfect Young Master and the boy in front of him are completely different personalities. She coldly snorted; "No, I don't need your help..."

The popularity is lacking, and her soft voice seems to be coquettish between lovers. Lin Chen shrugged, waved her hand, several The azure glow of ten zhang rolled around, completely suppressing the sword.

"Not every time someone can come to rescue you, you have to be careful next time."

Lin Chen waved his hand back to his stage, this casual sentence Let Murong Qingxue's heart shook again, and she stubbornly pursed her mouth—"You can control it!"

Lin Chen shook his head and laughed, and took the brand new weapon he forged with one hand. The handle is one meter long, the blade is lightly curved and flexible, and the blade is pale green, killing the cold. When every edge of the blade circulates on the blade, it winds out the wind blade that cuts the void.

One handle; the length of the sword is one meter two, the hilt is double-winged, and the blade is blazing. The spine is wound with Dragon Mark, the whole body is crimson, and the center is inlaid with a Luminous Pearl-like crystal nucleus. The edge is fierce and sharp, and only a slight stroke can leave a faint sword mark on the crystal wall of the space!

Lin Chen's swords and knives were all damaged in the first battle of Soul Mobai. He wanted to take this opportunity to recast his weapons.

He only used two sixth-rank top rare and exotic ores and ten sixth-rank intermediate ores, plus a sixth-rank high-level beast core, to cast these two Lianyuan 8th layers. The top grade weapon that everyone covets!

"Well, it's called the hilt of the sword like a red wing, and the spine of the sword is carved with a Dragon Mark. It's called a red dragon! The sword is like a wind blade, and its imposing manner is fierce, called Wanfengyuanming!"

Lin Chen pushed the newly-forged Scarlet Dragon Sword and Wan Fengyuan Mingdao with a palm, hovering in front of referee Elder, and the referees immediately looked at the two weapons with solemn expression!

"Swords are ranked sixth rank high level top grade! Knives are ranked sixth rank high level high grade!"

"My God! Old man is really alive. I’ve seen it for a long time, if I didn’t see it with my own eyes, I’m afraid no one would say that an old man would not work! In just three days, two second only to sixth rank top grade weapons were cast!"

" This kid really shocked the world as soon as he shot it! How many days have passed! Even us Old Guys have been ashamed of being inferior, and we are returning to referees!"

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