"Netherworld·Six Flashes!"

Lin Chen's pure power erupts, driving the wind and catastrophe Battle Qi, wielding a war knife, and pulling out the light azure blade light. , The blade light that flashed six times in a row, shattered one of the white light sword intents!

When the afterword of sword light burst, Lin Chen was hit, and he launched the battle Qi and turned into the "Ten Thousand Mountains Xuanzhen Jia", and the rays of light from Purple Gold Eye flashed past!

"Tread Gang move! One after another four"

The purple phoenix wings flap, Lin Chen urges the highest realm of Tread Gang to fight thunder, which instantly turns into a purple light Thunder Fire Like an afterimage, the blade light slammed the first puppet on the left!


The late stage of the 5th layer is definitely not a waiting person, the puppet sword edge horizontally, blocking Lin Chen's Number One Blade!

I saw Lin Chen holding a knife in both hands, turning into a sabre light whirlwind alone!


Blade Qi rushes and whizzes, rolling like a dragon, an azure blade light flashes five times in a row, faster than one time, like a daylight rendering, cutting the space crystal wall and cutting off the white-clothed swordsman's body!

He quickly moved the iron sword in his hand, and countless sword shadows, like the airtight sword net, enveloped Above the Heavens and Under the Earth! Take all Lin Chen's Blade Qi!

"The Wrath of Asura!"

The two mighty empty Asura golems are in the form of Three Heads Six Arms, chanting like chants, and burst into two shocks in the Star Fragmentation River. Mental shock!

The mental shock ran into the white-clothed swordsman, shattering his full Battle Qi defense, and causing a short pause in its battle awareness!

Tear and pull~! The blade light of the sixth flash was slashed diagonally, like a horizontal sunrise, slashing the crystal wall of the space, smashing the waist of the swordsman in white, and tore a crack!

"Netherworld·Seventh Flash!"

Lin Chen's palm swept the blade, spurring the third layer change of Asura Jiuhuang!

The nine-color Battle Qi in the body is once again condensed into the third Battle Qi Yuanfu. The cultivation base temporarily breaks the 3rd-layer Early-Stage!

Swing a knife and cut it out, two hell-like blade light flashed past, almost no ripples appeared in the space, only a faint knife mark was left!

The white-clothed swordsman Runwu stabbed a sword that could only prevent the first knife mark, and the second knife ran across his neck, leaving a fingertip-like crack.

Although the edge is weak, it is sharp, this blade completely wiped out the consciousness of the puppet swordsman!

"Okay...Blade Technique..."

Before the head and body of the puppet swordsman separated, he actually murmured to himself, with a satisfying arc hanging from the corner of his mouth, and then fell into the void and lost the battle. Qi, the attribute ball of light dropped to the ground!


The earth-shattering explosion resounded throughout the battle space, and Wan Zaixuan Azure Dragon and another white-clothed swordsman fell into a fierce battle!

In the area covered by the mysterious Azure Dragon domain, no matter how sharp the sword art of the swordsman in white is, the attack power of several households has been weakened by about 30%, and the remaining 70% of the formidable power is the famous defensive power. As far as Zaixuan Azure Dragon is concerned, it can completely resist!

"It seems that we can take this to see how strong Azure Dragon is."

Lin Chen did not go to help, after taking away all the attribute light balls, Instead, step back to the side and open the system panel.

"system, I want to increase the Steel Muscles Iron Bones innate talent to 10%!"

[system hint host, Steel Muscles Iron Bones innate talent: 5% If it is increased to 10%, it will cost 5000 innate talent points. The host holds innate talent points: 13,400 points. Are you sure to upgrade the innate talent? 】


At the moment when the command was issued, the warm current turned Lin Chen's limbs, his skin glowed with a stronger rays of light!

After strengthening the'Steel Muscles Iron Bones' innate talent, Man Jae Hyun Azure Dragon has already divided the victory with the white swordsman, and won it in less than a hundred rounds!

Azure Dragon swept away all the attribute light balls, and Lin Chen's Battle Qi Cultivation Base bottleneck was faintly loose.

If you kill two genuine 5th layers in the late stage, perhaps Lin Chen's attribute light ball can step into the 2nd layer Early-Stage in one fell swoop. But this level of expert, placed in Ling State, belongs to the Supreme Elder level of 1st Rate Influence.

“It seems that now Azure Dragon can fight alone when it encounters the powerhouse of 6th-layer Early-Stage. If it encounters the middle of 6th-layer, the best result is a tie, 6th-layer In the later stage, I can only delay a little time."

After fully measuring the strength of Azure Dragon, Lin Chen put it into his body, and a light screen appeared!

"Participant, Lin Chen. Through the two-person tower Sixth Layer, time: half a quarter of an hour. Officially passed the second round tower match of the Tianling list, the Tianling points will be based on the end of the second round The rankings are awarded to the names of the contestants."

The moment the light screen appeared, many powerhouses took a sigh of relief!

Lin Chen alone fought two 5th layers in the late stage, and it still only took half an hour!

Besides, watching the battle, it’s only a quarter of an hour because Lin Chen stepped aside and used his Wanzai Xuan Azure Dragon to fight alone. If he joins the battle, he doesn’t even need a quarter of an hour!

"It's too strong, it's undoubtedly a half-purple Blade Technique."

"He used that pair of purple phoenix wings with the blue-rank top movement method to approach the enemy's melee field , With that powerful body refinement strength perfectly blessed on the Blade Technique, and with the special secrets of 3rd-layer changes to temporarily increase strength."

"Apart from this, approaching the spirit strength of the mid-Law Manifestation Realm With the outbreak of close combat, cutting off the opponent’s consciousness, the heavenly clothes are seamless!"

"The core method of this little fellow can also convert his own Battle Qi energy into a Heavenly Tribulation battle body, which is too bad!"


"Don't forget, there is also his Wan Zaixuan Azure Dragon, which is originally from the same origin. Offensive and defensive are integrated, and his strength is entirely possible to surpass Seventh Layer!"

Always The proud Heavenly Book Academy can't help but be amazed. Xie Hanfeng, the innate talent of Heavenly Book Academy this year, is certainly against the sky!

But he met Lin Chen! It is destined that he will be bleak in this celestial spirit list conference, because the former’s rays of light are so outstanding!

"Unexpectedly, this little bastard is already full of wings. If he is given two more years, how far will he grow?"

"Hehe, don’t worry, that adult has already been born Now, it won’t take long, this Ling State will be our Bai Family’s world!"

"This kid is not worth mentioning in front of the adult!"

" The adult’s character is definitely impossible for this child to grow up, hehe, this time the Heaven's List Conference also found a lot of outstanding Heaven's Chosen hidden by the Aristocratic Family, when the time comes, immediately obliterate it!"

The Bai Family's powerhouse sneered sullenly in the corner. In the sullen laughter, there was a killing intent that was suppressed for a long time!

Four hours later; the embarrassed Xie Hanfeng rushed out of the Heavenly Spirit Battle Tower, impudent laughed wildly!

"hahaha! Lin Chen, how, in the end is my Heavenly Book Academy one better... eh?"

Before he finished laughing, he made an owl-like growl with dead eyes Staring deadly at Tianling's battle strength, a brand new record on the list.

War Tower Double Match Sixth Layer, record holder: Lin Chen. Time spent; half a quarter of an hour.

"Half, half a quarter of an hour? It's a double match for his mother?"

Xie Hanfeng's mouth twitched wildly, staring blankly in place!

The casting venue;

The second round, the number of participants is less than 4,000, which is nine tenths less than the first round!

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