When Jiehai lit a ray of spark, it was on the distant Five Continents.

Here is Divine Realm.

The Star Palace woven with stars, countless magnificent sceneries, endless prosperous world.

This scene should have been covered with God World, and now it belongs exclusively to Divine Realm.

At the intersection of the Star River, the Divine Palace hangs in the sky, and the heavens and stars hang upside down like a astrolabe.

It's close in front of you, but it's far in the sky.

The rays of light seen today are the rays of light emitted by stars that died hundreds of millions of years ago.

Divine Realm is unique in its beauty.

The apex of God World, King of Five Continents!

The power of Five Continents, with the exception of a few, is rarely comparable to the power of Divine Realm!

Divine Realm's noble family, each is a giant that is deeply rooted in Divine Realm!

Somewhere in the west of Divine Realm, a glorious great hall.

A lively feast is being held here today.

There is another force that has achieved many Divine Art achievements. The Divine King has been promoted one after another in the clan, and the imposing manner is like a rainbow, and it is qualified to enter the Divine Realm like a god.

The gods of Five Continents are envious and come here to congratulate.

"Nangong Old Brother, congratulations!"

"I haven't seen it for many years. I didn't expect to receive your Nangong Family's invitation to enter Divine Realm as soon as I left the customs!"


"It's really ten thousand zhang Hui Guangguang enters the door, and luck covers the sky alone!"

"If luck comes, it can't be stopped."

"Standing on the vent, pigs can also fly. Oh no, Big Brother Nangong, I don't mean you are a pig, I just express my endless admiration and admiration for you!"

The new Nangong Family and other powerhouses of Divine Realm are happy to show one's feelings in one's speech.

When the principal of the Nangong Family stood on the high platform, he spoke with passion and emotion. The listener was inspiring, and the listener was overwhelmed by emotions.

It's like working hard and desperately, finally breaking the class, seeing new hope, and moving on to a new path.

After this time, their Nangong Family is also a real big Aristocratic Family!

The big Aristocratic Family of Divine Realm!

But behind the great hall of Nangong, a Star Palace is suspended in the distant sky.

In the Star Palace, there are a dozen people sitting, and the breath is like a deep sea, deep and unmeasurable!

Everyone's temperament, aura, pretentiousness, there is a law between the opening and closing of the eyes, and the brows are full of pride that despises all beings.

They are part of the gods of the Three Great Divine Clans!

If Divine Realm is the culmination of God World, then Three Great Divine Clans is the controller of Divine Realm!

I saw that all of you present here looked through the void with Law Power, staring at the great hall where the'feast' is being held in the distance.

Everyone present, either with joking, or with playful eyes, stared into the great hall.

It's like watching a good show.

Among them, a young boy with red hair and blue eyes leaned on a jade chair, and a beauty pinched his shoulders and legs.

He shook the golden bottle in his hand. The bright red wine in the golden bottle filled with pure aroma.

The fragrance is permeated, as if even the energy of the air has been moisturized a bit.

He casually said: "This sacred wine is produced in the dangerous place of Divine Continent. The process of collecting it alone killed ten divine realms and seven layers and two divine realm 8th layers."

A blonde man next to him raised his glass and drank it. After savoring it, he said with a smile: "It tastes good. The price of the Fall of True God is the best embellishment of the god wine."

A woman in a luxurious snow dress, with a beautiful face, a snowy neck like jade, her beautiful eyes sparkling with blue waves, her skin surpassing snow, and an outstanding beauty.

The woman in the snow skirt is hearing this, trembling with laughter, "Your hobbies are so strange, I will be broken by you."

Blonde man laughed: "Bring it bad It doesn't matter, just don't play it badly."

The woman in the snow skirt handed him a charming white eye, charming to the bone.

When looking through the void with Law Power, it landed in the great hall of Nangong in the city.

The expressions of everyone's playfulness became stronger.

Casually laughed by the red-haired boy: "They laughed so happily."

Everyone looked at each other, slightly smiled.

The girl in the snow skirt giggled said with a smile: "Look at them, they have finally become a member of Divine Realm, so hard work!"

The red-haired boy smiled casually: "Yes Ah, why do so many people always like Divine Realm."

Blonde man said with a smile: "Because Divine Realm has resources and money."

Snow The jade woman in the skirt put her hand on her cheek, and said: "Yes, but the foreigner came to Divine Realm to make money, what should I do if I want to take it away?"

The finger drew a circle out of thin air, blonde man said with a smile: "If you can't take it away, the control resources are only circulated in Divine Realm. The price of all resources is too high, they can only be obtained in Divine Realm."

The boy with red hair raised his head and said with a smile; "Divine Realm makes money and spends Divine Realm, and the resources flow back to Divine Realm."

Everyone laughed at each other and raised their glasses!

"This is called the circle."

They laughed unscrupulously.

Next, the woman in the snow skirt smiled coquettishly: "But if they only use the resources for themselves, and only use it for cultivation, will they become stronger?"

Fingertips hit the desktop, red hair The teenager said with a smile: "It's okay. They want to breakthrough realm, which means they want to go further."

Blonde man snapped his fingers, "There is no end to greed. Go up."

Looking at the lively'feast', the red-haired boy jokingly said with a smile, "And joining us is the way up. Just like they are happy at this moment."

A dozen people looked at each other and laughed continuously.

"So in order to go further, eventually, they will join us, from beginning to end, becoming our thing, becoming a part of us."

"They got it from Divine Realm Yes."

"In the end, they will all become ours."

When the words came up, everyone raised their glasses again, unanimously!

"This is called the pattern."

The laughter is endless.

The woman in the snow skirt covered her mouth and chuckled: "If someone wants to resist, how to put them in the most stable shackles?"

Blonde man smiled confidently; "The shackles of the body, only It can be restrained for a while. But the shackles of consciousness can restrain a lifetime."

The snow skirt woman asked curiously: "Oh? How can you see it."

Blonde man continued: " The shackles were painted golden and named the Divine Art feats. More shackles named Divine Art feats were cast, and the ones who joined us later were modeled as models and models, and they were put on the golden shackles."

"Let the humble slaves under the ground look up to us and look forward to us, so that they want to become us and fight, fight and demean each other, and try to climb up."

The teenager smiled slightly; "You will see them kneeling on the ground and belittle each other. Even helping the same kind will be laughed at by each other. How funny and how ridiculous."

The girl in the snow skirt laughed."

It's so charming, "It makes people feel funny when you listen, doesn't it."

Blonde man said with a smile: "Miss Yue, you are a little more interesting, good slave, and you say it hard."


"Work hard, what is it?"

"Slave, kneeling slave!"

hahahaha! !

A night of laughter came from the Star Palace in Divine Realm. It's as if eternal and eternal.

Everyone laughed and raised their glasses again.

"This is called history."


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