The old man in Mai walked slowly and walked to Lin Chen's side, calmly said with a smile: "Have you seen a teacher?"

Lin Chen was suddenly shocked came back to his senses, "senior, was it the Divine Soul will of Hao Futian senior just now?"

The old man shook his head; "That's just an insignificant Divine Soul fragment of the teacher, even Divine Soul will It's not even considered senior, he has left us forever."

"It's just that whenever a youngerster with the same core method of cultivation enters here, the fragments of his Senior's Divine Soul will occasionally reappear. ."

The old man in Mai looks into the distance, with complicated eyes Divine Idol, thinking deeply, "You are already the twenty-third youngster who has entered here, and those youngsters who leave here don’t know where they are going."

Next, the old man Mai beckoned, and the five-volume cultivation technique was suspended in front of Lin Chen.

The five-volume cultivation technique suspended in the sky, without the momentum of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, and the natural phenomenon of auspicious light.

There is only a faint brilliance to protect the contents of the book from being eroded by the years.

Lin Chen has accepted five scarlet brochures, which are listed in five big characters-"Tai Yi Fu Heavenly Art"!

From First Volume to Volume 5, everything is complete!

When he sensed that there was no seal of Primordial Spirit or Divine Soul in the book, Lin Chen's pupils shrank, extremely moved, and shocked.

"Cultivation technique recorded with pen and ink!"

Cultivation technique seventh rank, yellow, green, blue, purple, orange and red.

The cultivation technique from the Qing Dynasty onwards, with pen and ink, is almost extremely difficult to cultivation.

The complexity of high-level cultivation techniques basically requires burning with spirit strength to record a large number of precise cultivation points.

If written in pen and ink, it will be unimaginable mass content.

The five-volume "Taiyifu Heavenly Art", which was dubbed the'Akasaka cultivation technique', was actually written in pen and ink!

Such a powerful cultivation technique is not only created by Hao Futian with Saint King cultivation base, but also can be inherited with pen and ink. What a talent for shocking and stunning!

It seems to be surprised to see through him, calmly said with a smile: "The teacher created a red-level cultivation technique by Heavenly Art, and there is no cultivation threshold."

"Down to Three-dimensional Human Race, up to the gods of God World, as long as the Human Race wants to learn, they can be cultivation."

"This is the universe of all heavens, and this is the only one. The teacher's thinking is the strongest The core method. He gave it to the people of Human Race without hesitation."

Lin Chen's heart was once again shocked by this shining eternal pride!

All red-level cultivation techniques, whether it is battle skill or core method, also require at least the 8th layer of the gods. Only after the gods are in harmony, can they be cultivated.

Taiyifu Heavenly Art, such a powerful red-tier core method, can even cultivation the human race that has not become a god......

Lin Chen exclaimed: "Why is it so? This one?"

The old man in Mai took his hand and recalled the past, showing a bit of eternal pride, and said in a cold voice.

"In order to change the world."

He looked at Lin Chen with deep eyes, and said: "Junior Lin Chen, you have seen the cruelty of Jiehai today. And the old man What I want to tell you is that in the previous era, God World Human Race was full of cruel worlds ten times worse than the 9th layer of the sea."

"At that time, Human Race, Human Race since After the Qin Dynasty, it has entered the darkest period. There is Demon Race invasion outside, Three Great Divine Clans inside, and the strongest Asura clan glare like a tiger watching his prey on my Human Race territory."

"The teacher came from the three-dimensional universe. Seeing this era, in order to find a way to break the status quo, he embarks on the journey at a young age, teaches us, and follows him."

The expression of the old man in Mai is glowing. Somewhat old-fashioned, "teacher is the Number One Person in the history of Human Race God World in the 50 million epoch. He will not be stingy with his wisdom and give it all to the people of Human Race."

Lin Chen was so fascinated to hear that, when he received the five-volume core method, he didn't even cultivate immediately.

Lin Chen asked: "Senior, since the senior of Hao Futian is called the Heavenly Emperor, it must have reached the Divine Emperor cultivation base. The life essence of the Divine Emperor, even in God World, can be 100,000 epochs. Immortal, why does he leave us now?"

The old man in Mai took a deep look at Lin Chen, and said with a trembling tone: "That goes back to the last battle."

"That battle changed everything about Human Race. It seems that nothing has changed."

"You don’t need to ask more about the cause and effect. Use your legs to go. Go for a while, use your eyes to see it again, and use your heart to feel it again."

Lin Chen meditated the words of the old man Mai, silently.

When Lin Chen raised his eyes to the stone tablet above the sacred mountain again, the rays of light shone all over, and there was no more haze near the sacred mountain.

Lin Chen walked to the sacred mountain and asked: "senior, these are..."

The old man in Mai looked at the sacred mountain with complicated eyes and said: "Every stone tablet has Represents the will of a god or a student. Everyone’s core method is connected. One space connects each other’s wills. The inner voice is kept, and then transferred to this place by the old man to write it down."

Lin Chen's heart trembled, and he raised his eyes to look at the vast stone tablet stand in great numbers of this sacred mountain, towering into the sky, not only one hundred thousand, but millions!

"senior, can I stay here for a while."


"I want to read them all."

The old man in Mai seems to be surprised and surprised by Lin Chen's decision.

The old man said seriously: "You can be sure that after reading these stone tablets, it may take several years."

Lin Chen said: "It's okay, there is no shortage of these few years. At the time, I troubled the senior to say hello to my friends outside. I want to retreat here and see you after I leave the customs."

Hearing Lin Chen's decision, the old man in Mai unprecedented with a smile of relief. , The gaze looking towards Lin Chen became more and more admired.

"Don't worry, the old man will answer for you on external matters."

After the old man in Mai left, Lin Chen set foot on the mountain.

His eyes are fixed on each stone tablet standing here.

Lin Chen reached out and touched each of the inscriptions above, and that magnificent and magnificent history seemed to reappear in front of him--

"Will future generations remember us?"

"What will it be like in the new era."

"I really want to drink another bowl of wine from my hometown."

"This battle is over."

"Since ancient times, the fate of my clan is not faithful to fate."

"There is nothing to lose. Only this blood in this cavity proves this iron determination!"

"If we fight for another ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years, we will still not perish."

"Prosperity, all beings suffer. Death, all beings suffer. In this case, our generation is bound to create a Suffering, the era of Human Race Great Harmony!"

"The hell we have experienced, let future generations experience it again."

"If the youngster in the future forgets why we fight, then Everyone’s blood is really in vain..."

"Flick your fingers for forty years, and watch the spring breeze in the world from afar."

"Ask the vast land, who is responsible for the ups and downs ."

"Why do you always have tears in your eyes, because we love this land so deeply."

"Go to Quantai Recruitment Department, and slash Yan Luo with a hundred thousand banners."

"Xiongguan Mandao is really like iron, and now we are stepping forward from the beginning."

"After they leave, we are them."

"This is one, never imagined The road. Whether the end is still there, it is left to future generations to answer."

Lin Chen walked up the mountain to observe the will of that period of time.

When Lin Chen came back to his senses, he already had tears in his eyes.

"This is history!"


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