Lin Xingchen has this strong background of divine force. Divine force is comparable to one hundred thousand wild strength, which is equivalent to the 6th-layer Early-Stage of the gods that holds the law of negative numbers.

Regardless of Lin Xingchen's background, from core method to cultivation technique battle skill and so on.

Such a strong foundation support, in exchange for the ability to control the Five Emperors Sword!

That’s right, this peerless Divine Sword that even Divine King has changed, has long recognized Lin Xingchen as the master.

If Lin Chen's trump card is the Golden War God suit, then Lin Xingchen's killing move is the Five Emperors Sword!

When Lin Chen fought against Lin Chen in the Holy Realm, Lin Xingchen could not exert one billionth of its formidable power, so he could only use this sword with all his strength.

Now as a god, he has gradually begun to control this peerless Divine Sword.

Control the peerless swords standing on the top of God World, as well as the foundation and innate talent that are dubbed the God World number one genius.

Lin Xingchen is powerful and unimaginable.

Even, this is just the beginning.

Many gods’ true innate talents begin to show their brilliance after becoming gods!

"Sure enough, is this enchanting youngster stronger..."

"Different from borrowing that weird armor, the innate talent and potential of this child is the first time this king has I've seen it best!"

"The gap seems to be one line of difference, but in fact it is huge. Lin Chen does not have the probability of a turnaround. Sure enough, this child is the real Lin Xingchen..."

More than a dozen Divine Kings. During the melee, I occasionally looked at the battle between the two with distraction.

Lin Chen's disadvantage is expected by the Divine King.

At the moment, Lin Chen does not seem to have a chance to come back!

At least, the Divine Kings and even Lin Wanxuan who believes in Lin Chen can not imagine the conditions and key to Lin Chen's victory.

"Your Spear Art is getting stronger and stronger. The same is true for my Divine Sword. The sword dao rule and the sword intent are in the body. It must be painful, Lin Chen."

High in the sky, Lin Xingchen flickered in the sky, and his brows were full of arrogance.

His sword qi glows all over his body. When he holds the sword, the law of one after another sword dao comes out and disappears. The long river of sword qi lingers on the top of his head, cutting through the void.

Lin Chen is the first enemy who used the Five Emperors Sword against the enemy after Lin Xingchen became a god!

With the continuous influx of Lin Xingchen's divine force, and the seal of the Five Emperors Sword is gradually loosening, the strength that can be displayed will also rise straight!

However, Lin Xingchen is also burdened. When the sword is too powerful, the sharpness is enough to hurt his owner.

Therefore, this battle is also not suitable for Lin Xingchen to fight for a long time.

Foot on the Flowing Light Illusory Image, when the movement method is used, Lin Xingchen wants to win the chase.

Ye Qianqi, who was suppressing more than a dozen powerhouses in Jiehai, saw this scene, and finally couldn't help but want to act.

Ye Qingwu stopped her with a sweet smile; "Don't worry, he is not the man who fell here, trust him. First, pick up the things on these guys. Their resources and things, he must Need."

"This..." Ye Qianqi hesitated a little.

While Lin Xingchen was chasing after victory--

The Divine Soul consciousness stored by the woman in the silver skirt suddenly sounded transmission, shaking Lin Xingchen's heart!

"Stop the stars, right!"

Shh~! Brush~! The sonic boom is rolling, the huge waves rise to the sky, and the roaring anger.

It is almost the tone barely fell of a woman in a silver skirt, and Lin Chen, who is entwined in the azure divine wind, flashes like a ghost-like!

【The host uses the ultimate Aeolus suit, and the Aeolian four-piece set is charged: 100%. ]

[Host divine force is sufficient, turn on the suit feature·divine wind gift, Fengshen four-piece suit enhances the full attribute speed up to: 400 times. 】

At the moment when he approached Lin Xingchen's ten zhang range, the corner of Lin Chen's bloody mouth slightly raised.

The four-piece set of Fengshen that he was circling in the divine wind was released instantly!

【The host switches to the Golden War God suit and turns on the accessory weapon: War God gun. 】

With the Divine Spark fragments of the'Asura Natural Enemy' activated, Lin Chen will use all the divine force to instantly increase the speed, and the divine force will quickly fill up!

A ray of golden light emerged during one ten thousandth of the breath, Lin Chen held it with one hand, the golden brilliance burst, and the War God gun reappeared!

Lin Chen raised the War God gun high, and the divine spear slammed it down at the top of Lin Xingchen's head!

"Day by day!"

"What?" Lin Xingchen was shocked and moved!

What a perverted speed! It looks like Law of Wind, but far surpasses Law of Wind!


Rays of light trembled, it was not Lin Xingchen who first reacted, but the Five Emperors Sword in his hand.

Faced with Lin Chen at close range, when Lin Xingchen was able to defend with his sword, the sword body was already 70% ready!

The tip of the spear slammed into it fiercely, fiercely on the Five Emperors Sword above Lin Xingchen's head!

Clang~! The tip of the gun collided with the sword edge, the five-color cloud light flickered violently, and the rays of light trembled.


Lin Chen, who was caught off guard, was shot by Lin Chen!

Boom~! boom! !

Lin Xingchen was smashed and fell straight into the sea.

Looking from a distance, it was like a five-color aurora suddenly falling into the sea, shaking the waves of thousands of weights away.

"Pu chi!"

On the cracked seabed reef, Lin Xingchen heard the sound of bone cracking all over his body, and he vomited blood suddenly.

His eyes were filled with rage and crazy hatred, like a hunter who had missed a bite by a wild beast.

"Lin Chen!"

Lin Xingchen raised his sword and stood up, showing a stronger killing intent!

【Consume 6390 Divine Grade Heavenly Dao points, continue to use the undead Divine Spark to restore the host’s injury. 】

Lin Chen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, holding on to the characteristics of the law of sword dao in his body, said with a sneer.

"I, Lin Chen, can make countless mistakes."

"But you, Lin Xingchen, can only make one mistake."

tone barely fell ——


【The host causes a defensive attack on the enemy, triggering the effect of the ultimate heavenly adversary innate talent. 】

【The strongest orange rank top innate talent · Ultimate Sky Adverser effect: Break defense, kill instantly. 】


At the moment when a crisp cracking sound rang, Lin Xingchen's face was unbelievable.

When he looked down towards his arm, it was full of cracks.

His vitality is fading.

His bloodline is weakening.

His cultivation base is falling apart.

The icy cold that penetrated Divine Soul poured in, and Lin Xingchen's soul trembled.

The perception in front of him gradually disappeared, and his vision became dark.

As if the absolute Death Trial is coming, Lin Xingchen's heart gave birth to a trace of fear for the first time!

"My life is being shattered...How can this be..."

This is not an injury, it is a complete death! Life is dying, turning into nothingness!

The consciousness of Divine Soul was also shattered completely!

With one shot of the wave, Lin Xingchen was smashed into pieces, dropping a lot of attribute light balls and a azure treasure chest.

And, there is only one Five Emperor Sword left to fall in place!

This moment is extremely weird!

All the powerhouses present seemed to be pinched by an invisible hand!

The eight gods of the Martial God Mansion, eyes shrank.

Jiehai’s powerhouses suddenly felt a tingling scalp.

The corners of the mouth trembled when the nine Heavenly Ghosts saw this scene in the battle.


Isn’t this the situation where this child killed all gods with a single shot? It’s exactly the same!

However, Lin Xingchen was only injured just now, why did he suddenly die?

Could it be that?

Combining the powerhouse and the others of Jiehai and the nine Heavenly Ghosts who survived by themselves, they thought of an extremely terrible probability.

"The people who survived before were all those who resisted Lin Chen’s attack just now and suffered any injuries..."

"The first shot he had seemed to be The power was dispersed for a wide range of damage, could it be..."

"Could it be that when fighting with Lin Chen now, I must not be injured, and I must die from the wound?"

The scalp of the powerhouse Tingling.

If so, this guy is too bad!

This is the first level of the gods, and I have mastered this killing move!

Compared with the Death Law, the cutting rule, and even the Three Thousand Great Daos, which ranks within a thousand, the'fragmentation rule' that ranks within a hundred.

Compared with Lin Chen's hand, it is simply not worth it! You have to step aside!


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