The moment Lin Xingchen took out his sword, Lin Chen instantly turned into endless darkness!

Heaven and Earth is dim? No, Lin Chen's perception was completely cut off!

Only the point of the five-color cloud light is the most dazzling, and it is transmitted at a'very slow' speed!

It seems extremely slow, but it is extremely fast! Almost Lin Chen's Divine Soul perception can't keep up with his'sword speed'!

The point of the five-color cloud light is the sharpest point of the sword!

"War God set, power adjustment!"

Boom~! Layers of golden brilliance flowed on the surface of the armor, from the time it was incorporated into the arm armor——


The War God gun turned into a round of golden light, and Lin Chen grasped it. With a diagonal swing of the gun, the pure power exploded, and the mighty force of nearly ten thousand wild powers suddenly shook out!

The power of moving mountains and suppressing seas converges from the tip of the gun into a burst, and the darkness is torn apart!

Clang~! boom!

The tip of the gun tore through the darkness and hit the tip of the stabbed sword head-on!

The spears and swords intersect, the moment the Five Emperor Sword and the War God gun collide, a series of sparks erupts!

Lin Xingchen thought secretly in his heart: "It broke my sword of Eternal Night!"

The sword that he suddenly violent, but the semi-chika-level peerless Sword Art! It is the strongest cultivation technique that can be cultivated under the 8th layer of God Realm!

The red-level cultivation technique must reach the 8th layer of the god realm, and the strength of the god-body unity can be cultivation.

The red-level cultivation technique is equivalent to the legend, and it is as strong as the Divine King and is a level with little insight!

Below the 8th layer of the God Realm, the semi-red cultivation technique is the strongest. However, there is almost no Human Race in which Shenjing Yizhong controls the semi-red-level cultivation technique.

Lin Chen fighting intent soaring to the sky, "There is no better chance to kill him than now. I will kill him now while the ultimate sky rebel has more than half of the time!"

"I want to see, when can your special armor be used!"

The wrist shook, the five emperor sword rays of light trembled, and Lin Xingchen picked up with a sword and opened Lin Chen. War God gun.

When the divine spear bounced off, Lin Xingchen gripped the sword with a horizontal cut, the five-color cloud and lustrous spirit rushed out, and the fierce divine force burst out!

Lin Chen stepped into the void, and when he retreated slightly, the War God golden light suddenly condensed into a line, suddenly turned around and stabbed with a sudden thrust!


The sword edge was agitated. When the gun body and the blade were opened, Lin Xingchen's soles stepped on the void, and the divine force was surging!

In his eyes, endless sword monuments, sword circles, sword qi storms emerged, and the laws of the sword were triggered, and all began to flow into the sword body, blessing into the five emperor swords!

The divine light of the sword body trembled, and the sharpness was more than twice as strong as before!

is the law of the sword.

As soon as the match started, Lin Xingchen used the law of sword to deal with Lin Chen!

Behind Lin Xingchen, a bright moon slowly descended.

"Ming Ye Qianshang!"

He held the Sword God and quickly stabs out a thousand swords, every sword coincides with the sword dao to the light, and the stabbing space distortion, the air wave cracks!

"Go by day!"

Lin Chen whirled and danced with his guns in both hands, and the Golden brilliance of the War God gun flashed wildly, bounced off countless sword lights like a whirlwind!

clang! clang! clang! Boom! boom! boom!

The sea vibrates, and the horrible momentum is like a giant beast tearing apart the seabed, setting off a hundred heavy waves.

"One shot of his gun is heavier than a shot, so I must do it quickly!"

"The sword technique used by this five-color Divine Sword becomes sharper and sharper. The sword intent sword technique is fused and controlled by the Divine Sword. It seems to use a lighting war to create a fighter!"

The more fights the more brave is fierce, between the spears and swords, no one retreats. .

life and death battle, only this battle!

For this battle, Lin Chen waited for thirteen years!

This battle, Lin Xingchen waited for one hundred and thirty years!

Both are eager for the moment when there is a battle to end each other, and both sides believe that now is the best time!

After becoming a god, especially Lin Chen who became a god of body refinement, he has become more skillful and fit in the manipulation of the Golden War God suit.

Lin Chen used the Golden War God set before, but the cultivation technique battle skill could not be used under the overwhelming majority situation, but this time he was able to skillfully use the Spear Art of "The Heavens"!

The principle is very simple. It is not that War God prohibits Lin Chen's cultivation technique from playing, but Lin Chen has used the power of'exceeding the limit'.

Every time Lin Chen uses the War God suit against the enemy, he basically belongs to a powerful enemy who is approaching the limit.

In this case, Lin Chen is basically in the case of overdrawing the shell.

The pure power of the War God set is like riding a dark horse with great strength and strength. The more powerful it is, the more difficult it is to control. It is very difficult to control the direction of movement alone, let alone play it out. Skills.

The acquired power is too large, and it is very reluctant to just accommodate and then play out. In such a limit state, I want to mobilize other powers and skills to use together, which is almost impossible.

But there is a very mysterious and coincidental opportunity today, that is, the nine Heavenly Ghosts!

About half of the nine of them have the Asura bloodline, making the Divine Spark of Lin Chen's two [Asura natural enemies] broken into Lin Chen, temporarily increasing a large amount of pure power and increasing continuously divine force!

If it were not for the Divine Spark fragments of the "Asura Natural Enemy", Lin Chen would have to use the Golden War God suit to fight against Lin Xingchen in this battle.

But not necessarily anymore; Lin Chen still has room to rise!

In this situation, the on-the-spot increase brought by the Divine Spark fragments of the'Asura Natural Enemy' is comparable to the superimposition of [Godslayer] and [Godslayer].

Now is the best time for Lin Chen to kill Lin Xingchen!

Clang~! Boom~!

Another confrontation, the rotating golden brilliance gun shadow and the sword light pierced like a rain of infinite swords collided and killed each other, shaking the sky and the earth.

The only nine Heavenly Ghosts who can slightly distinguish a ray of consciousness to watch the battle, and the eight guards of the Martial God Mansion, both sides couldn't help but be shocked.

What kind of enchanting two!

The battle between the two gods, the first stage of the battle, was as powerful as the 9th layer Early-Stage of the gods!

The higher the rank is a genius, the higher the rank is Heaven's Chosen, the higher the rank is the god.

But these two people...

They not only got higher, they also got higher ninth rank!

"The fucking monster is..."

"Crazy, so crazy."

"No wonder the Lin Family people are here, could it be Is it true that Lin Xingchen was born?"

"The old man saw these evildoers for the first time, you said that they are God World number one genius old man and believe it!"

When both parties were horrified , A sword light Across the sky, the five-color sword rainbow pulls away from the sky with a sword!


A bunch of golden afterglow was shot down and fell into the sea, setting off heavy waves!

It was Lin Chen who was shot down?

Today is different from the past. Not only does Lin Xingchen break through as a god, he uses God World number one genius' bloodline aptitude to make a perfect promotion, divide force thousand hammers, hundred refinements, to reach an unprecedented height!

If calculated by Huang Li, now Lin Xingchen, divine force alone is comparable to one hundred thousand Huang Li, and his foundation is terribly strong! !

Lin Chen's perfect promotion, the divine force of the first level of the gods is 11 thousand wild forces, almost the limit of mortals. Relying on the effects of core method and innate talent, it has reached 55,000 hordes.

And Lin Xingchen's divine realm is the first level, divine force is comparable to one hundred thousand wild strength, which can be called the limit of surpassing countless gods!

With the divine force based on light theory, Lin Xingchen is enough to match the 6th-layer Early-Stage that controls the law of plural numbers.

The foundation of Lin Xingchen is far beyond Lin Chen!


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