two figures are hidden outside the auction on Haiyue Island.

The two not only evacuated with many True Gods in custody, but also protected many young girls who were trafficked here.

A young man with a cloak in azure clothes, clicking one's tongue in wonder, "Senior Sister, how did you say Lin Chen is so vigorous..."

The black clothed woman nodded with a waterfall of green silk and said; "His pure power makes me vaguely feel similar to one of the legendary ten Grand Laws, the law of power......"

"hiss." The young man in the cloak was surprised, "Three Thousand Great Among the top ten laws of power in Daos? I have not seen that powerhouse controls such brutal laws..."

The black clothed woman turned her gaze, "Let’s watch it change, let’s He also held his target, and was injured. I’ll get better at it later."

"Sneak attack? Hehehe, I like this. I like the unexpected output from the back."

The airflow reverses, the atmosphere

[Get 121 points of Divine Grade Heavenly Dao, 290,000 points of Divine Grade essence, 3200 points of Divine Grade Water Element energy...]

Lin Chen's attribute value is constantly rising, unstoppable.

The attribute value obtained in this battle far exceeds the previous ten thousand gods encirclement and suppression battle.

In the ten thousand gods encirclement and suppression battle, Lin Chen is almost a fighter looking for breakthrough in the cracks. Although his record is fierce, he can kill only a limited number of opponents.

But this trip is different. Few of these powerhouses in the world are willing to unite, and they have become a piece of loose sand. They are crushed by Golden War God, which is completely different from before!

Seeing the three stubbornly resisted to the end, and began to have more and more powerhouses groping for tricks on how to break out of this collapsed void, Lin Chen immediately made a decision!

He suddenly charged ahead, crushed the void, turned into a golden flash, and took the initiative!

Boom! boom! boom!

Golden's flash passed by in an instant, and it smashed dozens of True God Realm 4th layers along the way, like a hot knife through butter, crushing opponents with pure power!

"The collapse of the space is lifted!"

"This child has a hand and is calling someone!"

Just as the Island Lords were about to retreat.

Om~! The dark divine force of the deep abyss appeared in the space, and Lin Chen slapped it!

[The host activates the Divine Spark Fragment, which consumes 1120 Divine Grade Heavenly Dao points. ]


The black and secluded stalwart divine force condenses into Formation, covering all directions. Hundreds of True Gods are suppressed, and the three in the center are almost breathless by the terrible divine gravity!

Today’s Divine Spark has four shards and consumes enough Heavenly Dao. It can even release the Divine Spark Formation that suppresses the 6th-layer, the seventh layer, and even the powerhouse!

In the electric light and flint, when the three were suppressed by the divine lead Formation, their movements were restricted. Lin Chen turned around on the volley and slammed Haiyue Island Lord's temple with an elbow!

Crack~! boom!

The head of Haiyue Island Lord flew in the sky, and the blood was sprinkled on the spot!

Without the need to maintain the strength of the bending dimension, Lin Chen's pure strength has a greater explosion!

Haiyue Island Lord, a generation of formidable person, died!

As the powerhouse of First Layer Realm, Haiyue Island Lord’s strength and sphere of influence are almost the top level in First Layer Realm!

Boom~! With punches like a dragon, time and space roared and trembled, Lin Chen exploded with a punch of more than 200,000 wastes, and ran straight towards the second elder beside the Island Lord!

The shining golden fist wind instantly penetrated their law of defense, and there was an unbelievable presence on the face!

Never even dreamed that the youngster they thought could easily'murder a person with a borrowed knife' was the end of their life!

"The youngster now is really the monster of the monster..."

The rule is shattered, the two elders fall, and two more gods are destroyed in the late stage of the 5th layer!

Lin Chen's pure power that could severely hurt the 6th-layer of the Divine Realm in an instant hit, plus a hand of "神引Formation" to hit three completely unprepared, was forced to resist, failed to carry it, three The famous powerhouse in the world has died!

In this round of blitz-like combat, Lin Chen instantly consumed a large amount of energy and attribute values, but he achieved a reversal of the fighter.

After the two elders and Haiyue Island Lord, they drop new attribute treasure chests.

There are a total of four attribute treasure chests. Lin Chen immediately opened it, his eyes filled with expectations, as if he was saying from the inside out: What about the ultimate innate talent fragments?

[The host opens the treasure chest of the gods and obtains: 50 million Divine Grade essence. ]

[The host opens the treasure chest of the gods and obtains: 10000 Divine Grade innate talent points. ]

[The host opens the treasure chest of the gods and obtains: 20000 Divine Level Talisman energy. ]

[The host opens the suit treasure chest and obtains: King of Speed·Extreme Aeolus suit component-Aeolus right leg armor. 】

The fourth Fengshen component!

Lin Chen is moving; it is actually a Fengshen suit part, so there are three pieces left from the complete suit part!

"Although there are no fragments of the innate talent of the ultimate sky rebel, but at any rate, it is not a loss. This fourth Fengshen component can help me increase my strength..."

Suddenly, Lin Chen The whole body cramped violently, from the arms to the shoulders, legs, and knees, as if the muscles and bones were twisted!

"Is it too much to use Golden War God..."

Lin Chen shook his head and laughed, exerting the power to penetrate the dimension for a short time, which is still too heavy on his body.

The most intuitive thing is that the cultivation base is still not enough. Lin Chen not only needs a stronger shell, but also a higher realm to control it.

When the War God set was released, many powerhouses were already scared and rushed to escape, leaving Haiyue Island in a desolate state.

True God, which is a killing intent against Lin Chen, killed at least one third in this battle, and there are even dozens of True Gods that control the law!

In almost a quarter of an hour, the scene of Haiyue Island changed drastically, and the center of the island split into two halves.

The forces and buildings on the island collapsed and collapsed, and after the Formation of Haiyue Island shattered, the island will sink into seabed soon.

The seabed of Boundary Sea is full of chaotic four-dimensional space turbulence and a large number of space fragments. It is not an area where creatures can get involved.

[The host gets 212 points of Divine Grade cultivation technique essence, 128 points of Divine Grade innate talent, 5500 points of Divine Grade Water Element energy...]

Lin Chen’s Avatar collects for him When the attribute light orb, a silhouette fell into the sky, bursting into the sky with blood mist!

That jade green beauty! at first, one of the 5th layer experts of the gods to pursue Lin Chen first!

The core method is running, Lin Chen enters the alert state, staring at the two silhouettes in the sky, ready to use the divine elephant · Divine Spark at any time.

These two people were the two people he had previously eavesdropped on in the auction. The cultivation base should not be underestimated!

For the time being, Lin Chen, who is unable to use the War God suit, cannot ignore the battle strength of the two.

"This Lin Chen brother, don’t be so wary, we are not here to trouble you."

Suddenly, one of them opened his cloak and revealed a handsome face with sword eyebrows. Star eyes, the end is Pianpian Young Master.

He grinned; "My name is An Qulang, from Tianzhou. Thanks to the Lin Chen brother, our mission can be completed safely, many thanks."

, He even threw a jade box at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen frowned, took it and opened it, can't help being emotional. Inside the jade box is sealed a Divine Pill with red golden marks!

It was actually Divine Grade medicine pill; Gold Jade Heavenly Origin Pill, Healing Divine Grade!

With Lin Chen's vision, it can be seen that medicine pill has not done anything, showing the sincerity of the other party.

"It seems that you are quite sincere."

When Lin Chen put down his guard, a beautiful shadow floated and embraced two baby girls.

It is the two Holy Infants who were auctioned off in the auction!

Lin Chen suddenly, it turns out that the goal of the two is them.

Lin Chen hasn't answered yet, suddenly a few divine lights come across Haiyue Island!

When the divine light shines, three silhouettes appear. Qin Wan and Qin Shuangjue from Qin Family are the first daughter, and she is Shangguanyun!

Lin Chen was astonished, "Good guys, how did you find me!"

Seeing Lin Chen by Shangguan Yun, there was no time to explain, so he said seriously.

“Don’t worry about it, the First Layer Realm Sea and the 2nd Layer Realm Sea are already in trouble. You are wanted for a lot of money, and you’re caught up and down.”

Lin Chen raised his brows and said calmly. .

"Oh? What's the matter with pinching, I'm the person Lin is not afraid of being pinched."


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