ka! ka! ka!

In the sky of Haiyue Island, the atmosphere splits and the airflow reverses.

The force of terror penetrated the void, forming a vortex-like center!

The sea waves are violent, rolling up a hundred zhang, and the raging waves are constantly surging, and the terrible roar is like the roar of Heaven and Earth. The entire super large island begins to tremble, and the divine force Formation shakes violently, and desire collapses!

Haiyue Island high in the sky; with Lin Chen's legs as the center, stepping fiercely on the void, the golden light shines, condensed into one point, and the dimension of time and space is constantly collapsing!

"Bring me all here!"

Lin Chen coldly shouted, pure power once again raged, his leg armor steadily exerted force, and the space of the sea was chaotic and distorted!

All True God who attempted to sneak attack Lin Chen, uncontrollably, began to absorb Lin Chen's countercurrent.

Take the most vivid example; space-time is a flowing "sponge", and space is like the surface of a sponge.

When an extremely heavy iron ball is placed on top of the "sponge" of the space, the surface of the sponge will be squashed due to the weight of the iron ball.

Lin Chen is this'iron ball'. He stepped on a point in the void with extremely strong pure power and directly bent the dimension!

When the dimensionality is bent, everything in the space-time range of the bend will tilt in the direction of the bend.

This is also the reason why the gods cannot escape at this moment.

It's not that they were "attached" to the past, but time and space tilted towards Lin Chen's "collapse"!

This is a technique that can only be performed by controlling the ultimate pure power. It is unreasonable, there is no reason at all, and the dimension of time and space can be penetrated by power alone!

"This...what kind of cultivation technique is this?"

"The old man's movement method can't get out?"

"divine force is like a deep sinking endless void, there is no response at all?"

The gods are horrified, the divine light burns all over, the divine force rushes into the sky, sweeping across the sea, spurring the mass killing technique to Lin Chen!

Lin Chen flicks with the finger, a strand of golden light splitting heaven and earth apart, piercing the sky, crushing many divine forces that attack him.

"War God golden body."

The majestic Golden War God set flows through layers of immortal golden light, protecting it like a barrier outside Lin Chen's armor, Lin Chen all resisted many attacks!

At the same time, his palms were shot continuously, and the divine force that destroyed the world tore through the offensive tide.

Boom! boom! boom!

The sky is surging, and the law of one after another is withered and shattered.

Lin Chen smashed the counterattack of these mixed law attacks in True God one after another.

There is no hope of attacking. When the gods tried to escape, they discovered a terrifying fact!

Whether it is using Space Divine Artifact, or using divine force to forcefully leave, or mobilizing rules to break through, it can't be done!


Island Lord of Haiyue Island was slanted, and he was dragged over!

With his cultivation base, he can't even break out of the scope of this'vortex'.

The two elders and Haiyue Island Lord have horrified faces. With their cultivation base, they can clearly perceive that the dimensional space-time has been completely bent!

Shih~! Boom~!

Lin Chen blasted forward with a punch, golden's fist wind flashed, sweeping away all the wastes, ten gods 4th layers were blown into the sky full of attribute light balls!

Even though Lin Chen’s pure power is concentrated on the leg armor, this punch is still more than a hundred thousand wild force of pure power, which is enough to match the 6th-layer of the gods and kill the 4th layer of the gods without controlling the law. It is crushing and instant killing!

"No...no, how can an old man die in the hands of such a kid!"

"Damn it, I fight with you!"

Hundreds of True Gods, rays of light skyrocketing, Five Elements yin and yang, wind lightning dark, bloody wind, all kinds of attribute divine force, turned into one after another goddess sky.

The laws of the sky roared, Heaven and Earth changed abruptly, and the gods spurred a final desperate counterattack.

However, when the shining golden light fist hits violently, it crushes all the laws and divine force!

Lin Chen’s divine fist slammed out like a violent storm, with a hundred thousand fists and violent powers. When sweeping the sky, it was like a hammer hitting an egg, and the egg shattered!

Absolute power crushes, without any suspense.

[Golden War God set charge remaining: 4%……3%……]

[Get 35 points of high level set essence, 20 points of high level set essence... Fill up the charge of the War God set. 】

Golden War God sets are consumed at high speed, and quickly make up for it. A lot of True Gods are beaten into the sky and wreckage is flying. Some of them don’t control the law, and some die without a whole corpse!

Within less than thirty breaths, there are more than two hundred True Gods who have fallen on the scene!

Everyone is a veteran who has been in the world for thousands of years. In terms of means and achievements, almost all of them are better than the same realm powerhouse of the five continents outside!

Lin Chen’s this move is not without a cracking method. On the contrary, there are many probabilities of dismantling tricks.

The simplest and rude, if the divine forces of the gods can unite, hit a certain direction in a unified manner, and force time and space to be rolled back, you can completely withdraw from this pierced dimension of time and space.

However, no matter how strong the powerhouse of Jiehai is, and how cunning it is, it can't use this kind of joint method!

In the sea of ​​cannibalism, believing in others is tantamount to suicide, so even if it comes from the same force, it may not be able to do it. Let us join forces!

It is far different from Lin Chen’s previous encounters with the ten thousand gods. These True Gods will not join hands even if they die. "Only trust in yourself" has become the law of survival engraved into them in the bones. !

"No, little friend Lin Chen, let's talk about it! This is the Island Lord of Haiyue Island, and he is the speaker here."

Several sound transmissions quickly Passed to Lin Chen, the divine force is strong, far beyond the ordinary 5th layer of the gods, almost half of the feet have entered the powerhouse of the 6th-layer of the gods!

"oh?" Lin Chen thoughts move, "Island Lord?"

Seeing Lin Chen's offensive stop, the black clothed Island Lord quickly sounded transmission——

"Yes, if you and I fight like this, if everyone in this seat is driven to a dead end, it will be no good for everyone! In the end, if you have to end up perish together, you will lose more than you gain!"

"not equal to me Let's stop here. My Haiyuedao compensates you for a large amount of losses, and we will never participate in your wanted!"

Island Lord is anxious to express his position, Lin Chen sneered.

"Just you doing things? Perish together, who do you look down on here? Wasn't it very hilarious when I was wanted? Now talk to me about compensation, and kill you, your compensation for me Take whatever you want! I'll let you talk about it!"

Lin Chen raised his hand as a punch, the terrifying divine force smashed away, and the 100,000-stranded golden fist was crushing dry weeds and smashing like a storm. Rotten wood's boom!

black clothed Island Lord gnashing teeth, a huge black knife appeared in the palm of his hand, slashed forward with a violent sword, the law of darkness violently shot, turning into a dragon-like Blade Qi and swept the sky!

The two elders next to him were entangled with divine force, the law roared, and the law of one ice and one fire was raging like two beams of storms. Lin Chen slapped them with one palm, and the three joined hands!

Boom! boom!

Fist strength shots in all directions, the law is turbulent, the three of them shot, and broke out an attack comparable to the 6th-layer of the gods!

"If you can catch a punch, how many can you catch!"

Lin Chen's breath is shaking, Motionless As Mountains, punching like a dragon, standing between Heaven And Earth does not fall, only this one person stands, and it disturbs Zhou Tian Han Che, the soul flew away and scattered of the gods!

"Damn, this madman!"

The three cursed, when the Island Lord was about to call back his Haiyue Island guardian--

Seeing this, the purple-haired youth who went to deal with Lin Chen Avatar decisively escaped in a flash.

"Mother, it's really wonderful every year, this year is particularly fierce."

When the purple-haired youth rushed out of Haiyue Island, he suddenly looked back, and his eyes were full of fear of escape. !

"This guy's strength is very confusing, it looks like Saint King, but maybe it's far more than 30 million defective Divine Jade rewards!"

I want to get it. It's not realistic to play this lunatic!


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