Boom! boom! boom!

The sword light is cut across, divided into five, no front is broken, and five prisoners are slashed by Lin Chen with a single sword, and Saint Physique is gone and dissipated!

The remaining five are nothing more than the fourth or fifth rotation cultivation base, and they must grit their teeth to resist!

Now Lin Chen's "Cloud Shadow Skylight" movement method is genuine [Enhanced + 17]!

Strengthening +16 will have a 110% improvement, and strengthening +17 will be 150%!

In other words, Lin Chen's current movement method has increased by 670%!

Blessing'Ambilight' increased the same level cultivation technique by 50%, and the effect of [Strengthening 17] more than six times.

In other words, the'Ambilight' cultivation technique can provide a 3.35 times increase for the orange-level high level and the cultivation technique below the high level!

On this basis, add 300% of the [Extreme God Possession] innate talent, that is to say, Lin Chen's movement speed has increased by almost 13 times! !

If you let the world know, I'm afraid you will be scared!

The orange-level high level cultivation technique formidable power that doubles 13 times, this intensity even surpasses the Martial God bloodline of Wu Pianjue's mid-term!


The entrance to the space gate of 15 layers——

It is another sword edge cut through, the cold air is frozen, and the ice is thousands of miles away, and the sword edge cuts three people in a row!

In the end, no one can escape in front of Lin Chen's Avatar, and he can't even kill a criminal!

"This holy prison looks an eyesore, except that the lower three floors are the main space to suppress the Demon Race space, the rest can be demolished!"

Lin Chen's Avatar eyes A ray of excitement flashed, "The casting materials of the holy prison are not trivial, all have been dismantled and replaced with attribute values!" All Saint Kings are fighting in a melee!

Outside the holy prison.

The location of the holy prison is not strictly considered to be in the 36 domains. At the junction of the Sacred Domain and the Saint King domain, this position is to deter the heroes and all influence.

In the eastern part of the Sacred Domain, a loft that stands above the sky straight into the sky, the majestic and majestic as the sun, unparalleled, Shengwei Gao will never fall!

This place is the site of Sky Tower, the Grade 9 force of Sacred Domain!

On the top floor, three silhouettes stand with their hands behind them, lonely at the top.

The leader suddenly sighed.

"Ai, the Genesis Alliance was born. It was originally expected that we and Martial God would reach an agreement. After joining in the Conferred God Ceremony, we can quickly suppress all influence and take control of the Sacred Domain, becoming one of the alliance's big names. "

"But Lin Chen, the dark horse clubhouse, dark horse clubhouse, is really the number one dark horse in the holy world..."

The Pavilion Lord of the Pavilion, the great character of Saint King in half a step!

"Pavilion Lord, did we choose the wrong one, Lin Chen, this child’s team, now has three Great Saint King battle strengths, three Saint Kings in the next half-step, and a dozen peerless saints, just Even Lin Chen himself is the most terrifying threat."

"At this stage, unless most of the Grade 9 sects who joined the Genesis Alliance join forces to encircle and suppress them, there is absolutely no possibility of taking them..."

Supreme Elder on the side worried.

And the Vice Pavilion Lord next to Nine Heavens has lingering fears——"Yes, Pavilion Lord, in that battle, Lin Chen this child showed a killer move that was enough to threaten Saint King..."

However, the Pavilion Lord shook his head, his eyes surging with the determination to cut off one's means of retreat!

"There is no retreat. If you want to become a hegemony, you must bear its weight. Facing Lin Chen this child, I must not retreat..."

Boom~! boom! boom!

Xuntianhedi’s space explosion spreads all around all around at a speed that is countless times faster than the speed of sound!

Xing Nine Heavens: "...under what circumstances, there is an enemy attack?"

Supreme Elder: "No, it's the direction of the Holy Prison!"

Only Listen, the boy's laughter resounded through the sky!

"The people of the holy prison are at this level."

The entire Qingtian Pavilion was shocked, and the three people on the top floor were even more stunned.

When they glanced through the void, there were dozens of silhouette criss-crossed in the sky, and some battles directly overturned the sky! It was actually a melee of Saint King Realm!

Among them, the silhouette of the golden divine splendor circulated dozens of punches, shattering the space and disintegrating the stars!

The endless burst of air echoes all directions, and every punch can force several prison guards back!

The offensive of the prisoner was fierce and violent. When the strikes were in the golden armor silhouette, he released a golden light divine splendor all over his body to resist!

Qingtian Pavilion Lord said in astonishment: "There is such a fierce man?"

In this half of the step, Saint King didn't dare to neglect the attack, he actually made it head-on, unscathed. ?

Who is this golden armor silhouette? Even the current Sect Master of all major Grade 9 sects may not be able to do this with this technique!

When he saw the face of the other party, Xing Nine Heavens lost his voice in shock!

"Lin...Lin Chen?"

The corner of the Pavilion Lord's mouth twitched, "He is Lin Chen?"

Supreme Elder shivered suddenly: "No ...That's not right! That direction is the Holy Prison, and there are ghostfiend Saint King, Celestial Phenomenon Saint King, Celestial Phenomenon Saint King! He was actually shot from the Holy Prison!!"


The corners of the three people's lips twitched, and their eyelids jumped wildly!

They were just figuring out where the Lin Chen team will go to retreat, how many years will it take for the closed-door cultivation to affect their layout, and this is the damn appearance! !

The most important thing is...what the hell is going on!

This kid was shot from the holy prison?

Singlehanded just finished the Divine flame palace, killing four Great Saint Kings in a row is not enough, is this going to the holy prison again?

Why didn't he go to heaven!

Is this still a human? Can you do something to be human?

hong long!

A bunch of golden light fist winds swept across the sky above Qingtian Pavilion, smashing the void hundreds thousand li, Lin Chen's eyes swept away when he floated in the air, I found the eyes of the three people in Qingtian Pavilion——

A large number of offensives hiding the sky and covering the earth, covering the stars and covering the moon, strikes from all angles!

Lin Chen urged the additional feature of the War God five-piece set [War God Golden Body], turned his back to all powerhouse strikes——

Boom! boom! boom!

The endless offensive exploded one after another, Lin Chen turned his back to all the powerhouses, and real men never looked back at the explosion.

While he resisted all the strikes, he looked into the direction of Qingtian Pavilion and when he stared at the three of them, he raised an awe-inspiring eyebrow and said with a smile jokingly.

"Oh? People from Qingtian Pavilion? I heard that you and Wu Pian are absolutely in the same group? Why, do you want to join?"

The three were dumbfounded. The silhouette shining with golden light, standing above the sky like a War God, propping up Heaven and Earth, being in all attacking vortex, still able to talk and laugh, like an undefeated War God!

When he came back to his senses, Qingtian Pavilion Lord squeezed out an ugly smile and said with a sound transmission.

" could it be, the spirit of Your Excellency Lin Chen is the person I admire. We absolutely don't want to be an enemy of Your Excellency Lin Chen..."

The two people next to you The corners of your mouth twitched...

Pavilion Lord, what about your domineering ambitions?

Pavilion Lord handed over a look: a real man, able to bend and stretch!

Lin Chen laughed sound transmission and said-"That's easy, wait until I finish hammering this wave of holy prisons, I will go to your Qingtian Pavilion for supper!"

, Lin Chen turned around and raised his hand to punch, exploded many offensives and continued to kill--

The prison guard of the holy prison called out abnormality!

What kind of monster this guy is, only Lin Chen can beat them, there is no time when they beat Lin Chen!

Because I can’t move at all!

Why is he so hard!

The most terrifying thing is that they can't beat Lin Chen. Lin Chen hits them, but they are torn skin and gaping flesh! This kid made him know no secret technique. As long as he was injured, the wound would get bigger and worse!

If we fight for a long time like this, they will die!


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