Holy Prison 16th-layer.

The silence and deep breath is all over the entire 16th-layer, dark, cold, and never day.

Countless void islands are floating, one after another star fragments floating all around.

Here, Lin Chen once turned upside down, more than half of the area was destroyed, resulting in a reduction in the number of cages placed.

However, the powerhouse detained so far has a bit of anger in their eyes, because in less than a year, they have regained their short-term freedom, and briefly possessed the Holy Force to resist the Holy Prison.

This is a re-experience of the feeling of being alive anyway.

Boom~! boom!

The 16th-layer's space door collapsed!

This loud noise has shocked countless powerhouses!

"What's the situation, is it fighting again?"

"Isn’t it the same Demon Race guy from before?"

"Hehe, don’t you Thinking too much, who can go to the holy prison twice. If he can go to the holy prison again, he will be arrested too!"

"If he can come, I will put this on the spot Eat it in the cage!"

When the 16th-layer prisoners were discussing spiritedly--

At this time, the hearty voice of a young man came.

"Everyone, I came to the holy prison a year ago, the most handsome man in the holy world, Lin Chen."

On a cage island, Lin Chen’s Avatar sound transmission Quartet——

"The Demon Race that has been going forward for a year is what I installed. I was in a hurry before, and I couldn’t take you to pretend to take you to fly. This time I have a showdown, I am here. Take you away!"

"However, I only want people with normal temperament, those with wrong intentions and bloodthirsty, to stay obediently and honestly. Those who follow me, give their lives and spirits to them. I, being my servant, can take you out of the holy prison and return to the holy realm!"

As soon as these words came out, the 16th-layer was instantly quiet and weird!

"Well, who said that you want to eat the cage just now, please start your performance."

I don't know who is laughing.

If you say you don’t believe it, everyone is unwilling to believe it!

However, the news of the Holy Realm is closed. Only people like them know that it was a Demon Race who was in the Holy Prison before. How did he know it! Unless he is the Demon Race of the year!

"There are chasing soldiers behind, this commander has no time for you to think about it. If you want to leave or stay here, I will give you a quasi-trust."

Lin Chen shrugged, with a look in his eyes Sweeping the entire 16th-layer, there are still a lot of powerhouses.

There are even individual eighth rank cultivation bases, but the injuries are too serious, and now at most they can be Life and Death Realm or Na Xingjing.

"Is it Human Race...no wonder those 19 layers guys would follow him and leave."

"Should we trust him, or is it a conspiracy of Demon Race? "

"It's not like, this child is very righteous, and the spirit strength is very pure. There is a taste of Primordial Spirit Realm. Demon Race has no Primordial Spirit. This cannot be faked..."


"You said you are Human Race, not Demon Race, right..."

A hoarse voice came.

Lin Chen looked over. It was a shackled one-armed man with messy hair. Although his eyes were muddy, his sharp sharpness was still there.

Sorrowful Ghost spurred the Heavenly Eye with the green and yellow eyebrows, and at a glance clearly understood the cause and effect and good and evil of this person more or less contaminated, and then immediately nodded to Lin Chen, indicating that there is no problem.

Lin Chen said with a smile: "Yes, Human Race, authentic."

The one-armed man's eyes flashed sharply. "Then let me out, I am willing to follow you!"

Lin Chen immediately flicks with the finger, removing his nine-sharp seal, and directly engraving Zhou Tiansheng in his mind!

With Lin Chen's current realm, I am not afraid that they will resist. If they resist, they will suffer.


The one-armed man engraved a new spiritual imprint into his mind, without any resistance, and communicated Lin Chen’s spiritual strength in an instant.

Lin Chen flicks with the finger, a holy pill and Na Jie shot at him.

Next, Lin Chen’s Avatar said with a smile: "Follow me, I won’t treat you badly. Come out and have a fight with me. As the Holy Realm is about to change, we will change this God!"

The one-armed man was shocked, and took the holy pill one-knee kneels: "Subordinate Mo Juechen, follow the Lord's orders!"

Sorrowful Ghost is in front of his eyes Liang, "Oh, back then, I singled out a Grade 8 Aristocratic Family with one arm. Mo Juechen..."

"Take me away too!"

"Since You are Human Race, then I would like to serve you as the Lord!"

"Hehe, little fellow, let the old man out too. The old man slaughtered several Aristocratic families back then. The coordinates of the secret treasures inside are all It's still recorded, do you want it..."

"I would like to follow your Excellency, take the lead and charge without asking about the future! I just want to fight the holy prison!"

One after another, the void cages sent out requests. Before the Sorrowful Ghost stepped on, the green and yellow Heavenly Eye bloomed with the holy light and began to screen. Many treacherous cunning generations and people who deceive the world were screened out.

However, there are also many loyal and brave people!

Lin Chen said nothing, while unraveling the shackles of the Nine Demon Seals for them, his backhand pointed to Zhou Tian’s Life and Death Seal engraved into their essence Divine Consciousness Sea!

Boom~! boom! !

Lin Chen hasn't released many people yet, and a group of silhouettes rushed toward the giant gate of the 16th-layer space!

It is the prison guards!

The few Ancient One prisoners headed by Lin Chen saw Lin Chen release them, gnashing teeth, suddenly coldly shouted——

"Can’t let them take these prisoners away ! Since you can't keep it, then kill all these criminals!"

"You separate ten people and withdraw, and kill all the criminals of 15 layers!"

Immediately ten prison guards turned back the same way. They had already planned to burn both jade and stone with Lin Chen and did not intend to let him succeed!

Lin Chen rolled his eyes and immediately shouted coldly.

"Sorry, you and my Avatar are responsible for rescuing the remaining people. Linger, you and I are responsible for covering them, using your space skills to protect them, and my Avatar is responsible for catching up and returning 15 layers guy!"

Xiao Ling'er's space technique requires a cultivation base above the Open Heaven realm to be able to cultivation. Lin Chen's cultivation base cannot yet cultivation her stunts.


As soon as the sound transmission fell, Lin Chen’s Avatar was full of colorful holy light.

The five-color holy light continues to grow, and when it lingers all over the body, the Lin Chen Avatar swiftly swept away, instantly turning into a cloud of blood light in the sky, a hundred thousand li!


Many Ancient One prisoners were shocked, and they felt the blood light of assaults the senses passing by, dazzling!

"Flying Moon Finger!"

"Broken Sky 9th Layer Palm!"

"Myriad Transformations · Da Luo myriad forms!"

The terrifying offensive took shape and crushed away, crushing countless blood light afterimages!

A large number of blood light operations can still shuttle through their positions extremely quickly, and everyone is full of horror!

This movement speed is too fast!

Even the prison guard of the 7th or even 8th rotation of the cultivation base can't see through his movement method trajectory, so he hits nothing!

"Just because you also want to block the handsome... Avatar, it's still far away!"

Lin Chen Avatar gave a wicked smile and caught up in a blink of an eye Go to the ten prison guards of 15 layers, lift their swords and angrily slash the'Opening Heaven Sword' with a sharp sword glow, spin the snow-white sword light of the sharp sword glow, and pierce them!

"Fuck, why is this kid so fast!"

"Is this the damn speed of the Condensation Realm?"

"Quick, Stop him now!"

The prison guards were scared and sweating! What kind of enchanting speed is this!


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