Boom! boom! boom!

Wu Pianjue’s dark green dragon’s blood energy overflowing all over his body turned into a shield, which was dissipated by Holy Force explosions again and again!

"This is Wu Pianjue's own orange-level high level defense cultivation technique, "Taishi Spirit Dragon Technique"!"

"Refining Immemorial spirit dragon blood gas protection body , You can resist Saint's offensive in the first turn and remain unscathed! Even the second-turn Saint's offensive can withstand the next part!"

"Lin Chen broke his defense!"

"No, Martial God hasn't really been injured yet!"

Divine flame Palace Elders complexion slightly changed.

Sword Art by Lin Chen's "Extreme Que Kaitian" is divided into nine strokes: skill, speed, force, and three types. Each stroke can deal with different situations, from Lin Chen cultivation to Perfection, switching freely.

In terms of lethality, perhaps Wu Pianjue's "Death Burial Lotus" is even better.

But as far as the degree of flexibility is concerned, Lin Chen's "Extreme Que Kaitian" is even better!

Hidden in the team, Fang Ling, who had been disguised, looked at Lin Chen's step by step to push Wu Pianjue into ruin with his'extremely open sky', showing the old Master's smile.

"The Lord is really Heavenly God, I can’t describe a ten thousandth of it!"

"In order to comprehend this Sword Art back then, I was cultivation in the Valley of Love for nearly a hundred years. It entered the Great Success Realm. It was only after the great defeat of the Venerable Sword saint from all sides that it suddenly enlightenment to Perfection. I did not expect that the lord would take it suddenly enlightenment in only about five days..."

Lin Chen at this time After inducing Wu Pianjue to reveal the weak spot, he quickly attacked and hit Wu Pianjue many times in a row, and finally took out his second trump card, destroying and exploding the innate talent!

Destroy the explosive innate talent with a 10% probability. 50% of the host’s attack formidable power will penetrate the enemy’s defense and cause an explosion.

This innate talent has to be triggered by hitting the opponent——

Although Lin Chen and Wu Pianjue were comparable to Wu Pianjue, they rarely really hit Hit him, and even if he hits him, he can't break the defense!

"My defense is being gradually disintegrated by his mysterious tricks! It's not good!"

Wu Pianjue had a bad heart. He couldn't fight for a long time, so he stabs his sword. When piercing Lin Chen's sword light, Martial God took a turn, consuming a large amount of Holy Force to urge it, and then backed away from hundreds of thousands of li.

Wu Pian Jue's Holy Splendor soft armor with purple light in his shirt is revealed, which is actually a Grade 8 Holy Artifact!

This class of net worth is simply numb to the scalp!

Even the top 100 enchanting evildoers on the evildoer list, the number of people holding Grade 8 Holy Artifact can be counted by five fingers!

At this time, Wu Pianjue had an explosive head on his head, and his robe was ripped apart. He was very embarrassed and funny.

Looking at Lin Chen, the imposing manner is like a rainbow, and the spirits are flying high. In this wave of confrontation, Lin Chen has gained the advantage!

However, Wu Pianjue was not really injured.

"The foundation of Damn it, the son of Martial God is metamorphosis..."

Several masterminds couldn't help but explode.

Wu Pianjue's defense makes his scalp numb.

There is Taishiling dragon blood qi body outside, Grade 8 defense armor inside, apart from this, Wu Pianjue’s core method'true martial arts Heavenly Art'cultivation Great Accomplishment, self-contained' The body of real martial arts'.

The body of Zhenwu can make his Saint Physique Myriad Poisons Immunity, demonic energy baleful aura undisturbed, and impervious to water, fire, thunder and lightning!

In other words, Wu Pian must have three super defenses!

Just breaking the defense and wanting to hurt him, you have to break these three layers of defense!

Lin Chen broke his'Taishi Dragon Qi' at most before!

Orange level high level cultivation technique, Grade 8 Holy Artifact, these countless evildoers yearn for something even in dreams, countless Grade 8 sects are regarded as Sect Protection Absolute Art, sect protecting Holy Artifact’s peerless treasure, Coming soon by Wu Pian's hand!

The foundation of the sacred talent list is terrifyingly strong!

"If he can't break his defense, my extinction rift will have no effect. His three-layer defense is harder to break than the other. Well, it's a bit hard..."

Lin Chen continued to refining massive gold sacred yuan coins to fill up the consumption, stepped into the air and suspended, and incorporated all the attribute light balls dropped by Wu Pianjue into his body.

[Host gets 450 billion points of top essence, 3 million points of cultivation technique essence, 8 million points of Heavenly Dao value, 100,000 points of intermediate strengthening points, 36 billion points of top spirit strength......]

Lin Chen's accumulation has become more and more powerful!

In addition to the attribute value gained from revenge for the servants some time ago, his accumulation is close to the limit, reaching a terrible point!

Wu Pianjue slowly closed her eyes, extremely angry and smirked.

"Very well, a wild boy of unknown origin. You can force me to this point, you are worthy of a thousand history!"

He doesn't use his sword, he holds his palm, ten The blood glow of feet long is generated out of thin air, outlined into a half moon shape, and finally turned into a blood bow, faintly wrapped around a dragon Qi, lifelike.

It is actually another Grade 8 Holy Artifact · Hidden Long Potian bow!

When Wu Pianjue opened her eyes again--


A glorious and unfailing divine might burst out in Wu Pianjue's body, like the reincarnation of Martial God, an undefeated legend!

Wu Pianjue's pair of sword eyebrows burned into flames, and his god eyes flashed with orange rays of light, shining brightly, and a cross-shaped orange pattern appeared!

All powerful eyes shrank!

At this moment, below the fifth revolution of Saint, if any Saint looks directly into Wu Pianjue's eyes, his hair will stand up instantly, have one's hair stand on end!

It seems that the secrets of the whole body are clearly understood by him!

"Martial God eyes!"

'Xuejie' Fang Xietian licked his lips excitedly, the fighting intent boiled.

"Good fellow, this is the first time I saw this kid open the eyes of Martial God!"

The interest of the nine Great Saints grew stronger, and Lin Chen actually took his Martial God's eyes are forced to open!

What is Martial God? Beyond Realm of Saint, the one who multiplies martial arts to a new height and realm, can clearly understand the advantages and disadvantages of Human World's cultivation technique to the extreme.

This is the Absolute Art, which is exclusively the son of Martial God. Once the eyes of Martial God are opened, all the weak spots and blind spots in the battle will be insightful!

Even the cultivation technique that is seamless to the world will be seen through its weaknesses by the eyes of Martial God!

Wu Pian Jue's eyes turned, and when he suddenly looked towards Lin Chen, Lin Chen used the core method.

The pressure of Martial God's eyes did not give him half a point of pressure, making Lin Dashuai force Serene to be calm and calm.

Wu Pianjue raised his hand and pulled the bowstring. The Dragon Qi wrapped around the bow suddenly swam around, condensed into an arrow, turned into a wyvern-like arrow, aimed at Lin Chen!

Even the evildoers of the Divine flame palace and the Grade 8 masters can't help but take a few steps back subconsciously.

If this arrow is released, it will be overwhelmed and the plane will explode!



A starburst shakes the sky!

When Lin Chen put away the frozen Heavenly Sword, a bunch of starlight appeared in his palm, such as the pole star falling on Nine Heavens. When he held it in his hand, it turned into a star bow!

Grade 8 Holy Bow·Nine Heavens Starfury!

Lin Chen holds a bow in one hand, and pulls the thunderous bowstring with the other, and slams at Wu Pianjue!

"Come on, the surname Wu, the middle door is sniping!"

Lin Chen laughed frantically--"Let's shoot later and see who lasts longer! ”

Directly scared the Divine flame all the people in a daze!

Even the VIPs attending the ceremony were shocked!

This is a damn thing!

This Lin Chen, can he even use the orange high level arrow technique?


In the servant team, a black robed man broke out with heroic laughter!


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