"Really deserves to be a sacred talent list. He has a way to break the space constraints. Rune of Slowness and super chaos are not useful to him, only to slightly disrupt his rhythm. In that case , Then use the offensive to suppress him!"

Lin Chen took advantage of the victory and pursued, violently crushing and fighting Wu Pian all the way into a group, the two turned into a sky full of lights!

At the moment when Lin Chen silhouette exploded the blood light cloud shadow in the sky, the Ancient Ones of the Divine flame palace, and even the people of the guardian hall, looked very wonderful!

At this moment, Yun Tianguang standing outside the Divine flame palace, the corners of his mouth could not stop rising.

"Bring it up a level, lord..."

xiu! xiu! xiu!

Countless breaking winds roar and roar, and the sky is blood colored afterimage Presenting a stormy scene, every cloud shadow blood light is actually the afterimage of Lin Chen!

Lin Chen lifts his sword swiftly, cuts open the roulette-like sword light, thousands of sword lights cut diagonally, Wu Pianjue's five fingers crush the sword light, and vice versa punch towards Lin Chen Chest, mountains and rivers, heaven falls and earth rends!

Boom! boom! boom!

The horrible aftermath of the explosion exploded wildly, raging across the Divine flame palace!

When bursts of brilliant light and cloud light collided at super high speed, the Elder Council almost dropped their jaws on the ground!

Keep up!

Lin Chen actually kept up with Martial God's'Martial God step'!

"This...what exactly is this movement method? Can it be comparable to the Martial God step of the orange-level high level first movement method?"

" The shadow is like blood. The sky follows the shadow, and the shadow turns into a blood body. This is the peerless movement method "Cloud Shadow Skylight" that has long been lost!!!"

Someone can recognize Lin Chen's movement method, and the corners of his mouth tremble. !

"His! It turned out to be the famous Absolute Art of the legendary Blood Lord Yun Tianguang?"

"What dogshit luck did Lin Chen go, can he get the blood Lord inheritance? I have to cultivate to the point of perfection so much!"

"It's so wonderful! Yunying and Tianguang are fighting against Martial God, how can they fight to this point?"

Elder When the Council and Grade 9 delegates lost their voice in shock, Wu Pianjue's cultivation technique changed again!


Death Aura, who is rushing like a river, goes up and down Nine Heavens, and dives down to Nine Nether, with a mouthful of swords that are as quiet as jade and shine like a mirror, Wu Pianjue holds in his hand!

Grade 8 sword weapon·Nine Hell Sword!

With a sword in his hand, Wu Pianjue is like a sword saint of death from hell. Death Aura is surging throughout his body, holding the sword and slashing horizontally, a dark death sword lotus blooms in the sky!

"Death to bury the lotus!"

Wu Pianjue's silhouette flashes like a wandering dragon. Every time the dagger will appear in a different position, the black sword lotus is lacquered by the tip of the sword. One point two, two points ten, one hundred percent!

In an instant, the sword qi spread all over the sky, and the Divine flame opened the sword lotus in the sky!

Black Lotus seems to be extremely slow, but in fact, the spilled edge has enveloped half of the flame space in one-thousandth of its breath!

Another orange-level high level battle skill! And more than ten times in a very short period of time!

Many powerhouse pupils tremble with fear——

Even the nine Great Saint sons have wonderful expressions!

The son of Martial God, can he also Sword Art?

In the past, no one could let Martial God really show his hole cards!

I know very little about the saints who are on the list of saints, and they will not really use their own killing move when they learn from each other. Almost no one knows that he is still proficient in word dao!

"How can Lin Chen block this sword!"

"Too fast! Wu Pianjue cooperated with Martial God to launch an offensive in almost all positions of Lin Chen at the same time. He can only take this sword hard! The victory or defeat may be about to be determined!"

When all the Ancient Ones watched intently--

Shih~! There was a crack in the sky. When Lin Chen swung his sword, the sky was suddenly split into two halves!

"Come on, son of Martial God, frontal anus, don't retreat ah ha ha ha!"

Lin Chen's wild laugh makes the heart tremble!

He is holding a frozen Heavenly Sword, slashing thousands of swords, and the tip of the sword blasts the blazing snow-white sword light. The sky is slashed by the sky!

Snow white sword glow is like a half-moon falling into the world, every sword is divided into five, one sword smashes the lacquered Black Sword lotus, the sky explodes one black one white, and the endless sword light overflows. Shoot!



"Movement method is there, so do you have Sword Art?"

" Nani?"

The black and white aurora exploded, reflecting the dumbfounding and horror of countless people!

Lin Chen is actually also an orange high level Sword Art?

What's the situation with him?

The orange-level high level cultivation technique ……Is it his Chinese cabbage?

Even the Divine flame Gongdian’s orange-level high level cultivation technique on the surface has only six types!

Each one is a handed down level, which has passed through countless generations of powerhouse's inheritance!

The three major Sword Venerables of Sword Domain and the dozens of Grade 8 representatives invited are even more exciting!

Lin Chen not only cultivated this orange-level high level Sword Art, but also cultivation arrives at perfection!

Master two orange-level high level cultivation techniques at the same time, and cultivation to perfection boundary? This is a who-shaped monster!

Only the three major Sword Venerables seem to have seen something. When they looked at each other, the sound transmission exchanges were filled with unprecedented shock!

"hey hey hey, the Sword Art that the kid used, shouldn't it be..."

"Can’t be wrong, it’s "Jique Kaitian"! It was Fang Ling's big defeat back then Lu Sword Domain Heaven’s Chosen’s fame Absolute Art!"

"But it’s not right! Fang Ling is dead?"

Blue Guardian once used the Holy Force to increase the protection of the holy flame space , Looks more and more solemn!

It is true that Lin Chen and Wu Pianjue’s cultivation base is quite different. This is a big gap that does exist.

But every time, Lin Chen's sword skills are one point faster than Wu Pianjue, one more gear, starting with momentum, and equalizing the gap between the two sides with numbers!

This makes the battle almost 50-50! The trump cards of both sides are tied again, there is no element to determine the outcome!

"This child can beat Wu Pianjue to this point, and he is still a sage in the world..."

Lin Chen held the Heavenly Sword in a horizontal direction, Wu Pian Jue held the Nine Hell Sword in a vertical cut, and when he opened the tip of Lin Chen's sword, he slashed Lin Chen's shoulder with his head!

As soon as the movement method stepped on, Lin Chen avoided this cut. Wu Pian chased him in desperation. With one sword and a hundred swords, he cut and slashed continuously. The death sword lotus bloomed frequently, and he wanted to cut Lin Chen’s item. On the head!

Do you know that Lin Chen held the sword in his backhand, and slashed down in the air. The tip of the sword drew Nine Heavens, tearing the sky into a beam of white light!

The white beam of light transforms into a white light giant sword like an aurora falling down, splitting the sky in the sky and cutting it down!

Giant sword penetrates the heavens and divides into five. When it falls, it crushes the lacquered Black Sword lotus picked out by Wu Pianjue!

The moment before the sword lotus shattered, Wu Pianjue's face, who had always maintained the upper hand, changed slightly!

"This guy deliberately showed a weak spot to draw me closer, so insidious! What kind of play is this?"

He stepped on Martial God to withdraw, with a boom, giant sword cleaved lonely.

But Lin Chen took the opportunity to step on the movement method and turned into a blood light, thousands of afterimages chased after them and fought away!

Wu Pianjue's posture has not been adjusted to the best. Lin Chen's sword speed is faster than one sword, three thousand swords in a flash, it can be said to be fast to the extreme, and suddenly he suppressed Wu Pian. Absolutely, everyone is shocked!

But next moment, what’s even more exciting is——

[Trigger Orange Intermediate Passive Innate Talent: Destruction Explosion! 】

Boom! boom! boom!

Almost every time Lin Chen stabbed dozens of swords or chopped out hundreds of swords, Wu Pianjue would have a series of explosions all over!

Holy Force exploded through his layer of defense, and directly exploded his handsome face covered in dirt, his hair was erected, and it became a real'explosive head'!

"Wu Pianjue exploded!"

"What's the situation? And this cultivation art?"

The Elder Council looked at each other in shock. This is What a cultivation technique!

Since the start of the war, Wu Pianjue’s face was shocked for the first time!

Lin Chen kept the sword in his hand, jokingly said with a smile.

"How about, do you still like the Afro head specially made by Dark Horse Club?"

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