"Go! Get out of the holy prison! There is a great world waiting for us outside. Next time, I will invite you to the great sword!"

Lin Chen grinned loudly Laugh, this time the fourth piece of the Golden War God set + the new orange intermediate permanent innate talent!

This harvest can be described as'God'!

Lin's heart is a little buoyant, this feeling is like marrying a stunning Heavenly Immortal as a wife, and giving him a stunning concubine halfway through it. It's so cool that Lin Chen almost couldn't find Beibei. .

"The lord is really a master of mystery, I can't see him at all."

"What you can see clearly is not worthy of being the lord of me, hahaha , Go, kill out!"

Everyone laughed, and when they helped Lin Chen, they flew up into the air and went straight to the Fifteenth Layer of the holy prison, like a hot knife through butter!

When I left, no one noticed that, in the demonic energy vortex of the space channel below, a pair of eyes stared at Lin Chen's back.

"Isn't he Demon Race?"

The man murmured suspiciously.


"How is the lord?"

"The spiritual imprint in my mind just now is close to the limit, almost disappeared, is there something wrong with the lord? ?"

"Damn it, who dares to attack our lord, kill it back, hit the fuck! Isn't it just a death, who is afraid of whom!"

"You drink Chicken blood? What do you want to do so impulsively? Think about it with your muscular brain, we finally rushed up, don't let the master's efforts be disappointed and go back recklessly!"

"What are you talking about! Let’s do it together, let’s die together!”

Holy Prison 15 layers, everyone finally rushed to the Fifteenth Layer, seeing that the Zhoutian Life and Death Seal in the Divine Consciousness Sea became more and more bleak, and wanted to fight again. go back.

At this time, Lin Chen's laughter sounded.

"What is not dead, then we have to be happy, all charge ahead!"

Lin Chen dragged his wounded body and came out of the space channel with the sixteen people. Everyone is ecstatic!

"Lord, you are not dead!"

Lin Chen's mouth twitched slightly: "...Damn, what is your tone, I wish I would die!"

"Aiya, look at my cheap mouth!"

Everyone all the way happy laughter and cheerful voices, like a hot knife through butter, after 15 layers, break 14th-layer!

It’s not that the 14th-layer of the holy prison is empty, but the main forces have all assembled the 16th-layer, and Lin Chen wiped out a clean one. The remaining prisoners are not worth worrying about, even seeing Lin Chen, a large force, had to take a detour.

Lin Chen does not intend to be a good person. He releases more criminals along the way. Although he does not intend to take these people out, at least he can make them cause a lot of trouble for the holy prison.

13 layers, Eleventh Layer, 9-Layer, 5-Layer!

The prisoner before 5-Layer is still there, but facing the chaos created by Lin Chen's release of the criminals, it is basically impossible to subdue the scene.

Finally, Lin Chen and the others breakthrough to the Second Layer, there is no more threatening person!

The little shadow carried Lin Chen, and when he looked towards the distance, he couldn't help sighing!

Finally, I finally escaped from this ghost place!

In the holy prison for more than half a year, he was always on guard and cautious, and his spirit was tense. Someone in Lin almost came out of trouble!

When Lin Chen's team approached the center of the Second Layer of the Holy Prison, the giant space door directly above released a fiery and terrifying pressure, and even Lin Chen felt a hot burning sensation.

"This familiar taste should be that kid back then."

At this moment, the unconscious Qi Feiyan opened his eyes, the corners of his mouth rose, with a vague disdain.

"He estimates that he is waiting for us at First Layer. It is his responsibility to guard the First Layer. It is also the first and last line of defense of the Holy Prison. The Copper Wall Iron Bastion, even if we all return to its heyday, hard Chuang may also be completely destroyed."

Fang Ling said with a big smile: "It's a pity, let him wait, we simply don't have to go to First Layer!"

Lin Chen laughed and said nothing, the Holy Prison First Layer, it is said that there is the means and background left by Spiritual God to suppress everything in the Holy Prison, but it is a pity that someone Lin wants to'overtake halfway.'

Little Shadow once again used the bloodline divine ability to hide and eliminate everyone's breath in a large area. Its function, as long as it is for the criminals below who are ready to rush up, to prevent these criminals from knowing where to escape.

Except for the people from 17 layers onwards, Lin Chen couldn't believe any of them.

The reasons for these prisoners in the holy prison are different. Among them, there are some Great Demons. If they are released indiscriminately, it is a loss of life.

The people of 17 layers down, at least did not give in to the Fiend clan's command, they are proud and trustworthy. Needless to say, the people of 18 Layer and 19 Layers, their lives have been entrusted to Lin Chen, the same camp.

Walking all the way, Lin Chen came to the abandoned cell, and when his palm urged the magic seal, the hidden space channel gap opened again!

"This space channel used to pass through the area of ​​Demon Race!"

"A brilliant method of concealment of space, I am afraid that the senior officials of the holy prison would not think that there will be a space gap here. !"

Jiang Taixu can't help being emotional, Lin Chen said with a smile: "Don't hesitate to sigh, there is a hurricane of energy inside, we can only really go out if we survive it!"


Everyone looked at each other and smiled. For them, pediatrics. The holy prison has been hit, this is a bird!

Everyone stepped into the space channel, and after Xiao Yingying and Lin Chen concealed aura broke, finally the Second Layer of the holy prison returned to silence.

Holy Prison, First Layer.

The prison guards on this level are like enemies, all of them are waiting, their expressions are extremely solemn!

They don’t think criminals will break through the holy prison, but they don’t think they can save their lives if they fight together!

That is the team of criminals who killed all the prisoners down from 5-Layer! A group of guys who are not afraid of death, dying to fight back, the ghost knows what they will do!

Golden Armored Man occupies the center of Heaven and Earth, and a pair of holy eyes looks at the space channel of the First Layer as if the sun shines on the world.

"Not here yet? What's the matter, they are stage fright? Knowing that this seat is going to destroy them all at First Layer, do you want to create chaos through other methods?"

Golden When the Armored Man was about to move to the Second Layer, a silhouette emerged from the space channel, and everyone was ready to fight!

"Don't fight, I am your own!"

The person who came is the prisoner of Third Layer!

When he hurriedly ran to the Golden Armored Man, he tremblingly told.

"Report to your lord, all the criminals seem to have disappeared! I don't know where they are hiding..."


Everyone's scalp exploded!


In the space channel, in the hurricane and storm, everyone urged the Holy Force to defend, but their expressions could not hide the surprise, tension, expectation, dreamlike, Excited, excited, like the bridegroom entering the bridal chamber of First Layer, with a hint of anticipation in the depression of breathing, like a client who enters a brothel for the first time, yearning and excited, like a young girl who meets first love for the first time. Read but restless.

Finally going out!

They dare not even dream of it!

"Are you finally going out, spring and blossom next year, I would like to prostitute with the lord over thirty-six domains."

"Who do you look down on? Just look at our lord, This handsome, this face, this third leg still needs prostitution? Who are you humiliating? You are there!"


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