The 16th-layer of the holy prison presents an unprecedented scene in history.

The broken space is empty, some are just raging space storms. Except for a space gate and a space channel, the 16th-layer of the holy prison is completely blank!

"What happened?"

Jiang Taixu and the others cast their eyes on the battle direction.

I saw, in the sky, a silhouette gradually appeared!

Is buried heavenly demon emperor!

The corner of his mouth was bleeding, the demon python on his shoulder broke off, and the monstrous demon eyes of demonic energy were turned around, and his expression was crazy.

"Very good, very good! A small garbage Human Race, dare to hurt the noble body of the emperor, I want you to die!"

It seems to be in the hands of Lin Chen Injury is a great shame!

On the other side, Lin Chen's upright posture stands proudly in the void, and does not fall proudly. The amount of bleeding all over his body has reached a level of horrible to see. The whole person seems to have crawled out of a pool of blood, blood Cross flow, full of blood!

【War God Three-Piece Charge-Ultimate Right Armor: 0%, Right Leg Armor: 0%. Left leg armor: 0%]

All the War God suit parts of Lin Chen, the charge is reduced to 0!

With that punch just now, he bet everything!


Lin Chen gasping for breath, grinning as the blood ran across his cheeks.

"You deserve to be the Demon Emperor. You are the first innate talent who has won me, and you can stand and finish talking."

Lin Chen tone barely fell ——

Buried heavenly demon, the pupil of the emperor trembled!

He looked at himself incredulously.


ka! ka! ka!

The crisp crackling sound is like a cracked brocade, one after another horrible to see The cracks are densely covered like spider webs, which continue to split, and the demonic energy collapses and cracks.

"The emperor lost?"

Lin Chen panted, grinning and said with a smile: "It seems that your Avatar has not been more than a cultivation base, Demon Emperor , Next time I see you, if you have a better attitude, maybe you can have a supper together."

Lin Chen is right! He bet that the Avatar who buried the heavenly demon could not exceed the kill line of the Heavenly Rebels. If not, if his Avatar could be stronger than the realm above the Open Heaven Realm, perhaps he would be able to lead the team to the Holy Prison earlier. People, why fish in troubled waters at this time!

Buried heavenly demon, the emperor suddenly laughed!

"hahahaha! Interesting, interesting! The emperor actually lost, your means, throughout the entire Human Race, the emperor has never seen anyone like you, you may become a threat to our race , The emperor looks forward to the day when I really meet you..."


The Avatar buried in heavenly demon, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, burst into shreds and turned into powder!

【Trigger the effect of Heavenly Rebellion successfully, has caused instant killing effect. 】

【The host kills the target character, and the desperate life and death are completely eliminated. ]

[The effect of the innate talent of the rebels ends. 】

Lin Chen almost fainted in pain when the system light screen played continuously!

Damn, taking medicine pill to enhance your strength on the spot is really painful, like the flesh and blood have been crushed!

However, Lin Chen, who was in pain, was surprised!

At the same time that the heavenly demon fell, ten high level Saint Demon Kings were also injured by his previous full punch, and they all fell.

First, the Avatar who buried the heavenly demon emperor, after the death and extinction, it dropped out the sky full of attribute light balls like Star River. A rough estimate, the number is at least 10,000 attribute light balls!

Moreover, every attribute photosphere is of high quality!

However, what makes Lin Chen so excited to forget the pain is a golden light dazzling attribute treasure chest in the center that rises like a beam of light, so angry!

This golden-bright and dazzling attribute rays of light can't be wrong, absolutely can't be wrong!

"little fellow!" Lin Chen hastily sound transmission.

Little Shadow’s heart is alive, and immediately swept across Sacred Dragon in the direction indicated by Lin Chen. Although it could not see the attribute light ball, it would execute the action command Lin Chen gave it without the slightest hesitation. .

[Host gets 12 trillion high level essence, 55 trillion high level essence, 19500 high level spirit strength, 59 trillion high level qi and blood, 100 billion enhancement points, 120 billion points High level dark energy...]

Lin Chen attribute value, soaring all the way! The attribute value obtained is extremely terrible. Just the attribute value of spirit strength uses the four Avatars of Lin Chen to concentrate on absorbing the essence of Divine Attribute.

And this time, Lin Chen let all the high level Qi Blood Attribute into his body! Because this time, there is no need to pretend!

Lin Chen's pure power began to increase crazily by a multiple of 300%, breaking through 200 billion and 400 billion dragon power, and it is still soaring!

【The host obtains the War God suit attribute treasure chest, opens the treasure chest, and obtains: Golden War God suit component-the ultimate left arm armor, charge: 0%. 】

Sure enough!

"hahahaha! Four pieces, a four-piece suit! Now only the Golden War God armor and armor are left. If the two pieces are complete, I can use the true power of the War God suit!"

Lin Chen laughed happily in his heart, and the corners of his mouth were cold, painful and happy.

Apart from this, Lin Chen’s harvest is amazing!

Although Pan Yunlong was killed by the Demon Emperor, a Demon Emperor Avatar and ten top-ranked Saint Demon Kings can only make up for the attribute value that has never been described before!

[The host opens the orange-level innate talent attribute treasure chest, and obtains the orange-level active innate talent fragment: Chrono-Space Fragment (1/3). 】

【The host gets the time-space fragment (2/3), the time-space fragment (3/3), the permanent orange-level intermediate active innate talent, and the time-space innate talent has been automatically integrated. 】

New innate talent! Lin Chen was refreshed, and he was still an orange intermediate!

When Lin Chen quickly cut into the innate talent column to read this new innate talent, he was completely stunned!

[Innate talent column-Orange-level intermediate innate talent · Time and space, within the domain of the host’s mental perception, can consume a large amount of innate talent points, and select one or more hostile targets to ingest super The time and space plane, the time and space plane is exclusive to the host. After ingesting the time and space plane, the enemy cannot be broken. The only way to release the time and space plane is to release it actively or exhaustion of innate talent points, and the transfer point remains in the original host. The position before the intake of the target, the use limit will be improved according to the host's strength. ]

[With the current host’s cultivation base, below Saint Realm 7th Layer, you can freely select the target to ingest the time-space plane. The consumed innate talent points are determined according to the number of people and the target cultivation base. The longer the host stays in the time-space plane, the more innate talent points will be consumed. 】

"Damn, this innate talent is another killing move!"

Lin Chen was stunned!

This innate talent is simply nonsense!

Forcibly draw your opponent into your own time and space plane?

Isn’t this, as long as Lin Chen has enough innate talent points, whoever he wants to fight against?

If you encounter an enemy, even if you are surrounded by a group of powerful holy realms, you can accurately choose the target you want to kill first!

Imagine that even if Lin Chen is surrounded by a group of holy land 6th-layers, he only needs to pick a hostile target, pull the opponent into the plane of'time and space', enter the plane of time and space by himself, and then Then release all your Avatars, and you can turn from a disadvantage to an advantage in an instant!

It can be said that the'magnificent army with thousands of men and horses can also safely take the head of the enemy general'!

"Cruel, too cruel! hahahaha, this innate talent is simply bullying to the extreme. As long as the opponent is pulled into my space, it will be the meat on my cutting board every minute! When do I want to Eat it whenever you want!"

Lin Chen laughed as the corners of his mouth twitched, and everyone was puzzled.

What's wrong with the lord, you ate bee shit? Laugh so happy?

Lin Chen waved his hand and smiled from ear to ear.

"Go! Get out of the holy prison! There is a great world waiting for us outside!"

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