"system, are you sure?"

[The search for the host has been completed. The fortune of evil is transferred to the spirit plant of air luck, and this spirit plant will become an unprecedented disaster spirit plant. ]

[Please note to the host: Regarding the Disaster of Pain, all records are theoretical, and may have different effects and risks from actual implementation. 】

Lin Chen is sure to turn the'disaster of pain' into a truly harmless Spirit Physique form!

Although the black-haired little girl can freely control power within the body, it is not absolute control. After losing the nine-sharp seal, after a period of time, there will still be a large-scale disaster. Once released to the outside world, It is indeed a loss of life!

Everything has its own turn. One drink and one peck. When Lin Chen released her, he had already determined that he had been in contact with the previous disaster of pain in the records of Tuosheng that year.

Tuosheng is good at recording the characteristics and characteristics of other races’ creatures. He had a deep enough understanding and study of the "disaster of pain", but unfortunately he has not been able to implement it. The human race Supreme fell under the siege.

"I hope to get what I want. If this Little Lass can become a harmless Spirit Physique similar to that of the Void Thunder Pool, I equivalently bring a super powerhouse by my side!"

The black-haired girl is different from Lin Chen's other servants. Even if he can lead the crowd to kill and return to the Holy Realm, they will not be able to help Lin Chen in a short time.

One is their identities. Their identities cannot be seen, otherwise they will let the senior officials of the holy prison know that Lin Chen immediately will be copied.

The second is strength. The holy prison has been imprisoned for countless epochs. After battles with a large number of Demon Races, their cultivation base and Saint Physique are weak to an extremely low level and must be recuperated.

The third is resources. The identity of the people cannot be seen, which means that they want to obtain resources to recover their wounds. It is extremely difficult. There are few ways and opportunities to heal their injuries. Obtain.

Secondly, relying on the refining skills of someone in Tarlin, I want to heal them, but an utterly inadequate measure can not completely cure them, at best it can delay their injuries and make up for the Holy Force for them.

Even if Lin Chen has the authority of refining medicine like the Good-Fortune Pill Saint's "Wandering to Life", one is that it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, and the other is that he can't exert his own medicine strength, dragging his assistant. Injury to the body, how can we refine Peak's sacred pill.

So, on the whole, Lin Chen's breakthrough this time will eventually bring out the battle strength that can be used immediately. Only this black-haired girl, of course, can't reveal her identity.

She kills the star realm like picking up grass and mustards, and brings this'big guy' to her side. It's exciting to think about it!

When Lin Chen looked forward to it, Jiang Taixu said suddenly.

"Lord, we are at the entrance to 17 layers."

Lin Chen's spirits lifted up, gearing up, fighting intents are rising, and shouted: "Everyone has it, ready to fight!"

"This group of bastard definitely wants to make dumplings for us, flanking us back and forth, hehe, then we will give them a central burst of bloom, and if they fight later, we will try our best to delay the time!"

The powerhouses are waiting, everyone's guess is the same!

They only passed the first test!

Next, we have to face the powerhouse of the holy prison!

Dashuai Lin forced the corners of his mouth to rise frantically.

"When I want to be in front of Lao Tzu, I will be behind Lao Tzu? This handsome guy prefers to be in the middle!"

17 layers of the holy prison!

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ~!

Ripples in space, Lin Chen entire group is here!


"This...Tie Xiaosheng big brother, didn't they come back?"

Perceiving everyone coming, there are only four 17 layers left The face of the famous prison guard changed drastically!

"Everyone listens to the order, all support the 16th-layer, and all criminals must be suppressed in the 16th-layer!"

At this time, the four prisoners received There was an urgent message, and the four of them looked at each other and immediately opened the giant door of the space, leading to the 16th-layer of the holy prison!

The main power of the holy prison, all mobilize the 16th-layer of the holy prison!


Long Jiushan and Ji Wuchen stood in the up ahead, and when they were waiting, everyone discovered that the entire sacred prison had 17 layers, except for the gloomy and dark prison. No prisoner?

"en? Everyone is gone?"

When Long Jiushan was puzzled, Lin Chen stepped forward, his eyes narrowed.

At this time, the little shadow sound transmission Lin Chen: "They just opened the space channel above, and went to the upper level."

"Upper level? It seems that they are likely to be in Concentrate your strength and plan to kill us all at once!"

Lin Chen was silent for a moment, and then said with a smile: "However, they can’t make time to take away the people from 17 layers. These people will also become an important force for us to break through. !"


Holy Prison 17 layers, to the south, extremely cold prison.

A bare-chested man closed his eyes and rested his mind, covered his body with frost, and the bone-to-cold cold air penetrated into his body. He looked pale, but stood still, sitting cross-legged in the cage.

Suddenly, he seemed to be aware of something, and suddenly opened his eyes, his pair of eyes turned out to be turquoise, like a hidden edge!

"en? This is..."

Shh~! A breaking wind strikes!

Bang~! Boom~!

The ice cage was blasted to pieces, and the frost exploded into crumbs, a white glow-like glow shot into the eyebrows of the blue-eyed man, and his "Nine Demon Seals" were lifted!

Immediately afterwards, the evil and awe-inspiring laughter spread to all the cold prisons in the south!

"You are paralyzed when you sleep! Those who are not afraid of death, and want to go to the Holy Prison, all follow the king to break through the Holy Prison, kill one guarantee, kill two blood to earn!"


The raindrops flashing golden light white glow all over the world, and the naked-chested blue-eyed man's pupils trembled!

All gold coins!

"Demon Race? How does Demon Race have the means to unlock the Nine Sesame Seals?"

"Punch through the Holy Prison? Hahaha, count this one!"

"Stay here is also used as a tool, one day sooner or later, I will do a damn thing before I die!"

Many powerhouses from the holy prison all directions responded to Lin Chen, Lin Chen led his team, liberated all the criminals of the 17 layers and left a large amount of gold coins, gave them the right to choose, and then Lin Chen's entire team aggressively killed the space door leading to the 16th-layer!

"Get out of the way, let us come this time!"

Long Jiushan, Lang Fanyun, and Fang Ling rushed to the forefront. Long Jiushan followed Lin Chen's example and lifted up. It's just a kick on the leg, shaking the entire space door with a single blow with pure power!

Lang Fanyun and Fang Ling immediately exploded into the sky with sharp sharp edges, using the Holy Force to transform the sword, sharpening the sky, and condensing into a holy sword, invincible, one left and one right, with the attack of Long Jiushan, Split the space door!

An extended space channel leads directly to Nine Heavens, and the whole team enters in an instant to go to the next level!

Seeing that the space door is opened, the 17 layers of powerhouses released, enter the space channel one by one, and they are endless, in groups!

"Master, don't you plan to subdue the 17 layers people?"

In the space channel, Jiang Taixu asked Lin Chen's puzzled sound transmission.

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