I was about to copy the guys to continue chasing, but the screams of the subordinates came!

"Cloud Big Brother Long, save me! I'm going to die, I don't want to die like this ahhhh!"

"Big Brother, save people first!"

Whether it is the people of Na Xing Realm or Saint Mood, they all shouted Pan Yunlong.

"Damn it, shut up!"

Pan Yunlong was aggressive, his sword flew up, and the aggressive rush into the drug tide, he did not intend to let Lin Chen and the go. others!

On the other side; Lin Chen let the little shadow hide his Avatar, and after collecting all the attribute light balls dropped by the prisoner after the fall, all except the last eight people entered the space channel !

At this time, in the 18 Layer, the last eight powerhouses saw Pan Yunlong being chased by the dead, and they were ready to stand up and look dignified.

"After I come to break, you go first."

At this time, the handsome and free Qi Feiyan stood in the back of the crowd, and said with a smile indifferently.

"After that, the safety of the lord will be left to you."

The 19 layers are shocked!

"Qi Feiyan, do you use real cultivation base?"

"Don't be crazy, you will die!"

A few others are surprised and uncertain , Qi Feiyan laughed: "hahaha, the true cultivation base will naturally not be able to play, but it is still possible to deal with a Sacred Heart Peak."

Boom~! !

Qi Feiyan's holy cave glows circling, scarlet's holy glow is dancing, Qi Feiyan's temperament is constantly changing, shawl long hair flying upwards, like swaying fireworks, the holy cave begins to release a trace of suppressing the eternal Holy Force!

He was violently burning with ten groups of red sun beside him, and the high temperature filled the entire 18 Layer of the holy prison. The power was so powerful that it burned all the poison mist zi zi!

Qi Feiyan stretched out his hand, and within ten rounds of red sun, one after another red clouds surged violently, and he finally pulled out a hundred zhang red arrow!

The arrow tip is flowing with a terrifying edge that penetrates the sky and the earth. It seems to be transformed from a round of red sun above Nine Heavens. The temperature of the burning sky and the earth makes Qi standing next to him. Everyone feels a sense of violent heat!

The ten groups of red sun burned into a wave of fire like Fire Dragon, which turned into a vast red bow of Saint Wei, turned out to be held by Qi Feiyan!

He uses the red sun as his bow and the red clouds as arrows. Qi Feiyan stepped on the billowing waves of fire. When he leaned back slightly to draw the bow, the tips of his hair flew and the red clouds surging. A generation of Deity goes down!

The corners of Qi Feiyan's mouth are bleeding constantly, but he laughs proudly!

"I’m going to sing my own life, who is arrogant and domineering!"

"This arrow is my gift to the recognizing Master from Qi Feiyan!"


Choke~! Huh~! !

The extreme sound of breaking wind is like a sonic boom, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, a flash of red clouds rises from the horizon, infinitely magnified and enlarged, and finally becomes the most dazzling path between Heaven and Earth Light!

The seven powerhouses who retreated are shocked!


The Burning Sky Arrow Saint of the Flame Region is back! The charm of this arrow is as old as before!

With one arrow, one arrow can smash the world, and one arrow can burn the sky, undefeated as a god!

The scalp of Pan Yunlong who was aimed at by the red bow exploded, as if locked by the sharpest sharp edge between Heaven and Earth, cold glow was biting like an ice cellar! The instinct of life keeps issuing warnings!

Boom~~! !

Holy Prison 18 Layer, the dazzling red glow bursts out, and the Holy Prison is covered!


After a quarter of an hour.

"I underestimated them..."

Pan Yunlong wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, floating in the air, panting like a cow.

His chest is full of holy caves, the holy bones are broken, and there is still a fist sized scar hole left up ahead, which directly penetrates his Saint Physique, which can be described as horrible to see!

True Dragon is always True Dragon, even if Longyou Shoal is broken and incomplete, it is always True Dragon!

Qi Feiyan's arrow almost made him fall on the spot!

Unfortunately, he is the Peak powerhouse of the Sacred Heart, the Sacred Heart is not broken, and the body is Eternal Undying!

"These dog thieves can't get away, kill them again later!"

"Things are not that simple, what you have to face is the whole prison of the holy prison The Lord and the prison guard, what can you do with your stubborn body! Later, I will surround you with a front and back flanking, and you will all die!"

Pan Yunlong took the knife and plunged into the poisonous tide. Rescue your subordinates.

In the space channel;

Lin Chen gave a thumbs up to the black-haired little girl, chuckled.

"You can kill the seven Nastar Realm Peaks as soon as you shoot."

The black-haired little girl said with a smile with her hands on her hips, said with a smile: "Don’t forget yours. Commitment."

"No problem, you can have a lollipop after it's done."

"What is a lollipop?"

"It's the good things that men like to ask girls to eat."


When everyone sighed in relief, the last seven people caught up with the large group. Lin Chen saw Qi Feiyan unconscious. The complexion changed immediately.

"What's the matter?"

The seven looked at each other and couldn't help smiling.

Jiang Taixu said: "He liberated a little strength in order to break the post, and now the wound has opened again. Although his life is safe, the battle is impossible to fight."

Lin Chen Suddenly, it was no wonder that the retreat was so successful just now, this Pan Yunlong did not catch up, it turned out to be Qi Feiyan's handwriting!

"Take good care of him, none of you can die, all of you have to survive and return to the Holy Realm!"

When Lin Chen handed Jiang Taixu a ring, he scolded everyone , Everyone looked at each other and laughed heartily.


The time has passed slightly, when 18 Layer hit Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

19 layers, deeper.


The channel entrances of several magic caves suddenly expanded. The difference from the past is that this time it is no longer the low-level Saint Demon King, but a group of humanoid Demon Races!

The headed young man has a fair and handsome face, flying sword eyebrows, a tall nose, and a strong heroic spirit. When the corners of his mouth are raised, he is like that handsome Young Master who is not dusty.

But, what is strange is that his white neck suddenly split a gap, turning an ash-gray eyeball, scanning the square, like a living thing!

si si hiss~ ~!

Demonic energy The ascending demon snake confided the snake letter, derived from the sides of his shoulder, evil and strange, ten ash-gray eyeballs from the boy’s cheeks, neck, and unbroken eyes Closed again, extremely weird!

Ten powerful Demon Race, standing quietly beside him, dare not make a sound, dare not breathe!

After a while, the young official said with a smile.

"Well, the natural phenomenon that the concubine was aware of was really good. There was a big battle here. The Human Races imprisoned here are gone."

"The mother Fiend belt After leaving the group with good strength, the remaining group of Human Race, although not as strong as the previous group, but the group with the strongest potential, um, disappeared at the same time, it seems that they are escaped."

The young man looked up at the sky of 19 layers, faintly smiled and said.

"Lost the nine-sharp seals, they are Chinese food on the plate, at your fingertips. If you have these bodies, our clan plan can continue to advance one step ahead."

"The kings, follow the emperor. Let's go and see a good show together, it's best..."

When ten eyes were opened from the boy's forehead, the boy smiled wickedly.

"Best, can bring people back."

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