In the great hall, the lights and shadows are dazzling!

When Bingxin Palace and the others were about to retreat in horror, the strange thing was that the imposing manner of the four fighting against each other did not spread out.

All Saints in the great hall suddenly felt a series of holy light flashes, and the specific actions could not be captured!

"Space greater teleportation! This is Saint Peak's unique way of fighting, moving part of its space to an independently created plane. Any aftermath of the battle will not hurt the flowers and plants next to it!"

Sword Domain's three old eyes are extremely solemn!

To use this fighting method, at least Saint Realm 9th Layer!

When the three were suppressed by Shangguan Jue——


A breaking wind blasted behind Lin Chen, and it was actually the Avatar of the swordsman with azure clothes!

Even if it is a casual spirit Avatar, the strength is also strong in the Sword Domain three elders level, the Avatar probes his hand and wants to grab it with one palm!


Behind Lin Chen, the magical talisman exploded for an instant, domineering in the sky, blooming in the sacred world, and almost invincible thoughts, it shocked the spiritual Avatar on the spot!

"This breath can't be wrong! It's that woman!"

The Avatar of the Azure Robe was shocked and backed away like lightning.

"en?" Lin Chen's War God armbands are already ready to go, but found that they have retreated?

"Boy, what is your relationship with that person!"

Azure robe's spirit Avatar screamed!

Lin Chen hasn't answered yet, and the magic behind him has condensed into a piece of ancient prose talisman.

"If his life is endangered, the whole clan will be annihilated-the Fiend Empress."

The monstrous character urn has changed the look of all the powerhouses present!

The three of them stopped and stopped the short fight.

Looking at the magic urn in the sky, this group of peerless powerhouses from Grade 9 sect are rare in their fear and fear!

"Does this little fellow really have any affection with the female emperor? Speaking of which, it would be outrageous to sleep with the female emperor..."

Shangguan Jue’s wonderful eyes were shocking , But I don’t know is it fortune or misfortune.

After a long time, the powerful young swordsman looked at Lin Chen deeply, his eyes were gloomy and uncertain.

"Notify others, don't rush over. This kid, you can't do it hard."

As soon as this statement came out, Sword Domain and the others were shocked!

The Fiend Empress is really terrifying!

Just one sentence, the Grade 9 sect is shocked! Lin Chen is completely covered!

Lin Chen looked surprised. He didn't expect Luo Yaoer to leave such a mark on him.

The three of them stared at Lin Chen, the Fiend Empress, and may not be able to overthrow the entire Human Race sacred world, but if she wants to retaliate against a Grade 9 sect, it must be from any sect. Absolutely nightmare!

They once witnessed the power of the female emperor’s magic sword by accident, separated by a very long distance. If they are facing this kind of existence, the other party does not even need to take action. The magic sword can easily be rolled. Cannibalize them!

Currently, it is a'special period'. The real people have not yet returned, and it is not their turn to call the shots. Anxious for such a powerful existence, they are impossible to afford!

"the student surpasses the master." After discovering that he couldn't take Lin Chen, the amiable old man couldn't help sighing, his face returned to his previous calmness, but his eyes were a little bit more sighing.

"Why, stop arresting people?" Shangguan Jue's eyes joked, "I don't know how you cultivation to this realm, seeing a name makes the tiger sick and the cat? "

The faces of the three people are gloomy!

Shangguan Jue said this with confidence. When she faced Luo Yao's childhood, at least she had never backed away. With this courage, the three of them couldn't get close to half a point.

"Boy, you can do it for yourself. When the great Creator is born, this thing is not only your body protection symbol, but your death sign!"

azure clothes people sneered, The three of them disappeared from the void, coming strangely, and leaving without a trace.

Lin Chen was secretly ruthless in his heart as he watched the three leave.

"Now, you are protecting me, and there will always be a time when I will protect you, Yaoer..."

Looking at the three people leaving, the three old Sword Domain looked at each other. , Sighed.

"Our Qingcheng really fell in love with an amazing kid..."

"Fiend female Imperial Capital covered him, but just as the three said, The group of existences in the holy world have not yet returned. If they return to the holy world, I am afraid this child will not end so well, unless the female emperor comes again..."

The three elders of Sword Domain exchanged glances.

Shangguan Jue looked free and easy, she patted Lin Chen's shoulder and exclaimed: "Boy, hurry up and become stronger, your Bai Ruoyan, maybe I won’t be able to keep it for long."


Lin Chen's eyes narrowed: "What's going on."

Shangguan Jue looked serious; "Divine flame Palace, the sky is about to change. Palace Lord is about to change, and a new era is beginning. , Divine flame palace, which has always been female disciple as its main palace, may undergo tremendous changes. Bai Ruoyan may become the next generation of Palace Lord, or the wife of the next generation of Palace Lord. The situation can not be explained in a few words. Yes, you have to use the fastest speed to reach the top 1000 of the enchanting list, and then come to Divine flame to propose marriage. I will try my best to help you with the rest."

Lin Chen's mind sank! This change came suddenly, and Shangguan Jue personally came to stand off a strong enemy for him this time. This favor is not unimportant. Lin Chen couldn't get angry even if he wanted to be angry.

As if seeing through his mind, Shangguan Jue sighed and said: "Relax, with me, if there will be nothing to do in a short time, you have to be careful. The vastness of the holy world is far more than you The powerhouse I saw today is so simple."

"Since you are all right, I should go back too. Remember, don't come to the Divine flame palace easily!"

Leaving advice, Shangguan Jue stepped into the air, floating like an immortal, and disappeared in an instant.

Lin Chen's heart is complicated. When he turned to look at the people in the hall, he first cup one fist in the other hand to the people of Zixia King Valley. When the words of gratitude came to his lips, the little demon queen embraced her breasts, charming The beautiful cheeks are full of smiles, standing in front of him, said with a beautiful smile: "Don’t say any kind words, don’t you bother me, don’t you feel like chasing your allure Little Sister, people run away angrily Now."

"Uh..." Lin Chen looked towards Sword Domain and the others, Jian Cheng winked immediately.

"Then...I will go first."

Lin Chen said with a smile helplessly, turned and rushed out of the great hall.

Looking at the direction Lin Chen left, the Purple Heavenly Tiger walked to the Little Demon Empress and said seriously: "Is this really all right?"

"That's enough." The Little Demon Empress still smiles as usual, "He just needs to be himself."

The Purple Heavenly Tiger sighed: "It's because of your mother's business. She is going to come back... and, listen. She said she wanted to be married to the Sacred Domain."

The Little Demon Empress’s smile remained unchanged, and there was a little helplessness in her smile.


In the fragmented mountain range, on the edge of a cliff, the beautiful woman embraced the jade legs with both hands, curled up, thin and emaciated.

On the edge of the cliff, half of the boy's face suddenly appeared, ten zhang away from her. When she was taken aback, the boy Shameless called.

"Allure? Allure beauty? Allure baby? Allure little elder sister, have you figured it out? It doesn't matter if you don't figure it out, I figured it out!"

Sword Qingcheng He was angry and funny. Seeing that the boy's cheeks were filled with crescent-like crescent marks, his anger suddenly stopped, he got up and walked quickly, stomping down on the boy's face!

"You dead man! Because I am so worried about you, you actually... actually do that kind of thing!"

"Mom, why are you stepping on your face! I don't want to Ah, I can't beat her! at worst I will suffer a bit and let you repeat the crime!"

"Play your head! This Young Lady beat you with one sword!"

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