The Purple Heavenly Tiger shook his head while exclaiming, silently giving Lin Chen two thumbs up.

This boy, very awesome.

Sword inherits a serious way.

"To some extent, he did what we Sword Domain, Sword God, and even men in the whole Holy Realm, could not do."

The three elders kicked at the same time. He kicked.

"Now is not the time to admire this kid!"

"Qingcheng ran out, you still admire a hairy! Believing or not old man go back and kill you!"

Jian Cheng discovered that Jian Qingcheng ran away from the great hall sobbing. Lin Chen wanted to say something to stop him. Shangguan Jue came to him, holding his clothes, and was about to question, suddenly said.

"Hey, your strength..."

Shangguan Jue went from surprise to shock!

"You breakthrough Saint Realm 3rd Layer Perfection? No, it's not just that simple..."

It's only a few days! How could this kid's cultivation base soar into the sky!

In addition to the cultivation base, Shangguan Jue also discovered that Lin Chen’s Saint Physique and spiritual realm have all undergone an amazing transformation!

Although the spiritual realm has not penetrated the Great Accomplishment period, it has nearly doubled its strength before, and the gaze facing her has several points of neither overbearing nor overbearing.

More importantly, his Holy Force condensing has surpassed the ordinary 4th layer Perfection of the Holy Realm in all aspects!

"Once this child expands the acupoints, the expansion multiples will probably be directly comparable to the top 5,000 or even the top 3,000 of the enchanting list. Is it because of the female emperor, it is really terrible!"

After Shangguan Jue sighed, he suddenly asked seriously.

"little fellow, tell me honestly, what is your relationship with that woman."

"Now, in the 36 domains of the Holy Realm, there are more than half of Grade 9 sect I have been paying attention to this side, and within a few days, there will be a powerhouse coming. If you don’t understand the relationship and her situation, then my Divine flame palace will not be able to protect you!"

Yes, The crisis has not been resolved! Once Lin Chen makes a mistake next step, his life is still at stake.

The Fiend Empress, her actions affected her whole body!

If the powerhouses of the major Grade 9 sect are born, or the high-rise powerhouses of the Grade 9 sect arrive, the potential will force Lin Chen to be suppressed.

Her Divine flame palace can't rely on strength of oneself to block all Grade 9 sect!

Grade 9 sect, what grade is it? To give a clear example, if Grade 8 sect can be called the top of the holy world, the giant in the sect, then Grade 9 is the beginning of the origin of the historical civilization of the holy world!

A powerhouse in Grade 9 sect was born, which can easily kill any Grade 7 and Grade 8 forces!

The current enchanting list is a system formed by ten Peak Grade 8 sects and dozens of Grade 8 forces. It has crushed most of the forces in the holy world and can grant the enchanting genius Supreme rights. , And run across the domains.

And Grade 9 sect, in ordinary people's perception, simply will not appear.

In the history of the Holy Realm, Grade 9 sect has no record of being born. They will not ask about the worldly affairs of the Holy Realm. They have their own circles and independent planes. Mortals are not qualified to snoop. The highest domain,'Sacred Domain'!

And most of the top 3000 in the enchanting list and the holy talent list are also in the'Sacred Domain'!

But this time the situation is very different! The powerhouse of Grade 9 sect will definitely be born!

Fiend Empress, they are impossible to ask.

The only way is to ask about the relationship between Lin Chen and the Fiend Empress. Secondly, use him to dig out the information of the Fiend Empress. Even a trace of useful information can give him a grade 9 sect. Opportunity.

"Is she who I am?" Lin Chen's expression suddenly became serious and calmly said: "She is my woman, senior does not need to ask more, I have my own way to deal with it."

"You have to deal with a fart!" Shangguan Jue interrupted Lin Chen directly: "Do you know what you are going to face next, and deal with it, you are honest..."

Boom~ !

When the space vibrated, the ultra-high-altitude cracks directly above the Qiyu began to heal slowly. The Qiyu space, which was destroyed by the anger and turmoil of the female emperor, began to recover at this moment, only within a few breaths.

Shangguanjue's expression changed suddenly.

It really wants to come to come!

"Oh? Is the Lord Shangguan of the Divine flame palace also here."

"Is the Lord also here for the previous That Aura."

Three silhouettes, ghost-like emerge, stand at the door of the great hall, with the waist straight as a gun, walked like a dragon and stepped like a tiger, and step into the great hall.

A person with azure clothes, his hands are empty, and his eyes are like Star River spinning, exuding the starlight that died hundreds of millions of years ago. An old man, with a pleasant face, always seemed to have a gentle smile and squinted eyes. When he opened his eyes occasionally, the Divine Lightning opened and closed.

The last one, a pompous man, turned out to be a young man, with an azure sword, and a green rainbow surged, stirring up the wind and clouds above Nine Heavens, faintly shattering Heaven and Earth.

The mysterious thing is that when Bingxin Palace waited for Elder to look towards the three of them, they couldn't feel the slightest Holy Force fluctuations and breath, as if they didn't exist in that space, but they were standing there again!

They have never seen such a weird phenomenon!

Only the people from Sword Domain and Zixia Wanggu are cautious and serious.

After Lin Chen's strength increased, his perception rose sharply. He vaguely felt that the power of these three people was stronger than that of Yin Tianzi and Ultimate Shadow, but weaker than Shangguan Jue.

"Sword Domain people, and Zixia Wanggu..."

The kind old man with squinting eyes looked around the scene, representatives of Sword Domain and Zixia Wanggu People cup one fist in the other hand to salute, and the old man waved his hand.

He looked towards Lin Chen with a smile, "hehe, kid, have you been in contact with that person? Excuse me, are you Human Race or..."

The old man’s His face was instantly cold—"It's still Fiend."

The azure clothed man pointed like a river, his eyes narrowed: "Boy, think carefully before answering, what do you know, what has been through the past few days, If you say it without omission and in detail, it’s about our human race in the holy world. If you dare to lie, you will instantly fall to the ground."

However, Lin Chen’s reaction was beyond these three powerhouses. The expectation of——

"It's up to you." Lin Chen smiled politely and elegantly, but'spitting out fragrant mouth.'

Should he betray Luo Yaoer? It is absolutely impossible, even if it is dead, Lin Chen will not regress!

Another young swordsman sneered: "Oh? You are young and energetic, you are full of that humble and disgusting aura, the bones are a bit hard, so cut it off first. Ask again."

Choke~! He uses his finger as a sword, a finger pointed, his fingertips turn into awns and penetrate the void. He has a sense of measure, and the formidable power controls Lin Chen to the extent of being disabled just now.

Bang~! Shangguan Jue smashed the finger glow with his slender hands, half of his body stood in front of Lin Chen.

"I’ll send you here? I don’t feel shameful to deal with a youngster like this."

The three people face doesn't change, the old man said calmly: "Listen to the Lord's meaning Is it to protect him? Divine flame Does Gong want to go through the ruined war of the year again?"

Boom~! The sky has changed for thousands of miles, and Shangguan Jue’s peaceful beauty hides a crazy killing intent!

"Hehe, you can fight the three of us without falsification, but it is not realistic to completely protect him."

The three urged the silhouette all the way, and they rushed forward. Shangguan Jue, the three human race Supremes fought directly!

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