[Obtain special attribute values: 2149 points, 7882 points, 12499 points in the road Leigang...]

Sacred Dragon wanders in the void and takes away the void thunder for Lin Chen There are a large number of attribute bubbles in the pool, and there are at least tens of thousands of special attribute bubbles here!

"Hey, what is your dragon doing! Don't act so blatantly!"

Xi Xiaoxian was very scared, he imitate the dog and steal chicken I'm used to his actions, how can I stand Lin Chen's high-profile mode of action.

Lin Chen patted his shoulder, "Don't worry, what are you counseling, I am here."


Thunderclouds are surging, and thousands of thunderstorms flash and condense into a dark Thunder Dragon. If there is spirituality staring at the two and the Sacred Dragon, the murderous aura is monstrous, Xi Xiaoxian has one's in an instant. hair stand on end!

Lin Chen said solemnly: "Xiaoxian, hand it over to you, the sky will come to you, and the people will work hard. I believe in you. I will wait for the treasure inside. I'll take it out and divide it with you!"

Xi Xiaoxian: "...Are you still a person?"

Suddenly, lightning condensed, and Thunder Dragon finally turned into a graceful lithe And graceful beautiful shadows, without strands, with delicate facial features in buds, and the dry and curvy figure made the two of them look at it for a moment.

The woman covered in thunder and lightning cast a wink at the two of them, her lips were slightly raised, and her whole body released an aura of joy.

Lin Chen suddenly said: "that's all, virtuous brother, take one step first. This place is too dangerous. I'll stop by Brother Chen."

Xi Xiaoxian said seriously. "Brother Chen, although you and I are strangers coming together by chance, but I can tell at a glance. You are a person worthy of dignity. This time the enemy has a hood of fierceness, and it is extremely dangerous. Virtuous brother, I do my part!"

Lin Chen said with a sincere expression: "The virtuous brother really moved me to the big brother, but how can I be the coercive generation? I want to fight together and run together. I want to do it together. Let's hack this fierce girl together!"

Xi Xiaoxian was heavily nodded: "Well, in that case, let's hack her three times!"

Lin Chen looked serious:" Just three splits!"

After that, the two wiped their nosebleeds at the same time.

bang bang bang! The energy of the void thunder pool was mobilized, the lightning woman pointed a little, and the endless lightning condensed into more than a dozen thunders and shot Lin Chen and Sacred Dragon directly!

Lei Mang’s destructive power is extremely terrifying, and the crystal wall of the space is torn apart like paper!

Boom! boom! boom!

The space where the two are located is broken into half, and the afterimage disappears.

Swipe~! Sure enough, the movement speed of the two was so fast, neither of them went to fight the Spirit Physique formed by thunder and lightning, but rushed straight into the center of the thunder pool!

The thunder and lightning woman with long hair and waist stepped on a bolt of thunder and lightning, and swept them straight away. The two'old fox' flashed again, flashing in different directions.

This woman is the intelligent form of this void thunder pool. It can control the energy of the entire thunder pool. Even Lin Chen may not be able to consume her!

Only the 4th layer of the holy realm can reach the existence of the'expanded cave realm', and the holy energy contained in the holy cave is like the stars, the sun and the moon, to be able to face this woman hard!

chi! chi! bang bang bang!

The entire void thunder pool is shaking. The movement speed of the two is very fast, but they still avoid it dangerously and dangerously. Railing's attack.

But at the next moment, the Lei Ling woman turned her head and rushed towards Xi Xiaoxian!

"I relied on his grandmother, why did I fall in love with me! That guy is handsomer than Lao Tzu, go and fuck him!"

Xi Xiaoxian's scalp It's numb, swiping away like a refracted crystal light, and while diving into the void, it immediately urges a cloak-shaped Grade 1 space Holy Artifact to drive away!

Lin Chen sighed in relief, perhaps because Lei Lingxi knew that his cultivation base was higher than his own, so Lei Ling first eliminated him!

"Fortunately, this thunderling form is just the beginning of wisdom, and does not fully know how to control its own power. If it has the battle awareness of the 4th layer of the Holy Land, neither of us can escape!"

Lin Chen releases Sacred Dragon again, charging special attribute values ​​frantically.

"Avatar, go and save the second fool."

Lin Chen releases two Avatars, runs the Holy Spirit of Dark Tribulation, urges the'Innate Shadow Technique', eliminates the breath, and sneaks in Void.

If Xi Xiaoxian were to die, it would not be considered a cooperation, and Lin Chen would not have sold him completely.

Lin Chen turned into a white light dragon shadow, dashing into the deepest part of the thunder pool, and in the center is a purple thunder pool.

The purple thunder pool is ten cubic meters in size. The'water surface' of the thunder pool is beating with wire arcs, causing space distortion. Its pervasive thunder makes Lin Chen feel like he has a lingering heart!

And just above the purple thunder pool, there is a five-light treasure box floating!

Lin Chen slightly happy, grab it!

[Open the Supreme treasure chest of the Five Lights, and the host will obtain: Sub-grade Thunder Element Alien Crystal·Thousand Thunder Alien Crystal. 】

Thunder Element Alien Crystal!

Lin Chen is delighted, he is missing Thunder Element, Wood Element and Wind Element crystals!

At this time, the purple thunder pool is filled with special attribute value bubbles, and Sacred Dragon releases the dragon body to its maximum!

[Get 1592 points of high level Thunder Element energy, 899 points of Thunder Element energy, 722 points of Thunder Element energy...]

There are not a few Thunder Element energy here, Sacred Dragon all Catch it all in one go!

Lin Chen stared at the purple thunder pool-"This is the energy accumulated by the holy thunder, which has been completely transformed into a substantial appearance, and contains the rich Thunder Element holy yuan...huh?"

In the depths of the thunder pool, there is a purple vine, which is the thunder vine! It is the raw material that is about to transform into a low-grade crystal!

On the other side, there is a thunder sword inserted. The sword is like a fish intestine. It is three feet long and three fingers wide. The sword is very blue in purple. It is a Thunder Element Grade 1 holy sword!

It's just that this holy sword has been refined by the energy of the thunder pool all year round, and its formidable power is better than the general Grade 1 holy sword.

Suddenly, in addition to the two treasures, Lin Chen also vaguely saw the faint five-color attribute rays of light deep in the thunder pool!

"There is also a five-light Supreme treasure chest in the thunder pool!"

Lin Chen moved!

Two five-light Supreme treasure chests, this time he is going to make a lot of money!

Lin Chen first concealed his breath to the lowest point with the Innate Shadow Technique, and when he thought of it, he launched the'super-dimensional teleportation'!

Swipe~! The space rays of light flashed, and the Avatar brought Xi Xiaoxian to Lin Chen's position. He was a little confused, "This...what is this Space Secret Technique!"

He saw Lin Chen At that time, I couldn’t help but sighed in relief: "You still have a conscience."

"Look below."

Lin Chen's voice echoed in his ears, Xi Xiaoxian fixed his eyes. Look, emotionally said: "Thunder Sacred Vine and Thunder Element holy sword!"

Lin Chen directly sound transmission said: "The energy of the thunder pool is too strong. It takes enough time for me to go in and get the treasure, my Avatar I will help you to delay that guy. After it's done, Thunder Sword is yours, and Lei Teng is mine!"

bang! bang! bang!

The terrible lightning swept over again. , The thunder pool Spirit Physique is here again!

Lin Chen didn't wait for Xi Xiaoxian to agree, so he kicked him up. Lei Ling's attention was placed on him in the distance, while Lin Chen was lurking in the dark!

Xi Xiaoxian wailed: "Lin Chen, what are you..." Lin Chen smiled and sound transmission: "Happy cooperation."

Xi Xiaoxian wants to cry without tears:" Happy your brother-in-law!"

Said so, Xi Xiaoxian still cooperates with Lin Chen honestly and continues to attract Lei Ling to other positions, because even if he is replaced by him, Xi Xiaoxian can’t go to the thunder pool. The only thing to fetch is to hand it to Lin Chen. From his use of Avatar to cover himself, it can be seen that this guy does not intend to cast aside all considerations for face.

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