The crowd in the Red Moon Platform was stunned!

What's the situation? Sacred Beasts are crazy! Even reveal the body at all costs to chase a few geniuses!

Han Yizhi shook his head helplessly. He could probably guess that it was most likely the squad leader’s handwriting...

Within a quarter of an hour, three geniuses were injured and sent away. According to the rules, If you are severely injured and abstain, you can immediately abstain and send away, without completely endangering your life.

The geniuses who teleported back to the Red Moon Platform were so angry that they gnash the teeth!

Lin Chen is totally playing around!

But everyone doesn't understand, what method did he use to drive the Sacred Beasts crazy, and only chase them and ignore Lin Chen?

Sacred Beast's spiritual wisdom is not low, and the ability is even stronger. I want to make them go crazy in an instant, estrus? This is not very revealing!

This fucking aphrodisiac also has a refining time!

"Is there a problem with the Longqingguo he gave us?"

"No problem...His Longqingguo is of excellent quality and color, and he is still treating me now There is nothing wrong with the injury!"

When the three geniuses were distressed, a few female geniuses by the platform stared at them full of lust and love.

Seeing the affectionate eyes of those female geniuses, Lian Wushuang among the three was struck by lightning in an instant!

As a Saint Level alchemist, he is very aware of the effects of Long Qingguo!

Long Qingguo contains the essence of dragon breath, mild energy, nourishing power, and if men take it for a long time, there is a chance that men will get the Goddess device "Dragon King Spear". When men take Dragon Qi, the body will nourish and rejuvenate. The masculine breath attracts the opposite sex!

Dragon is very kinky, and this effect is more or less incidental to the dragon Qing fruit. And Lin Chen didn't know how to stimulate all the thirsty Sacred Beasts, making them further'estrus' or become violent in the state of lust!

Then he takes care of one another, hides his own breath to the extreme, so that the geniuses take Long Qingguo, and the geniuses who exude a male aura and sacred talents will become Sacred Beasts in the extreme estrus. The primary goal!

In this way, Lin Chen doesn't need to take action personally. Sacred Beast, who is in heat and madness, will chase geniuses all over the sky!

"A good hand, brought trouble to others, steal the dragon and turn the phoenix. Lin Chen ah Lin Chen, you are a fucking devil!"

Lian Wushuang was convinced to lose, Instead, he recalled what Lin Chen said in the Holy Book of Refining Medicine,'He can bring it up a level'!

The so-called monster-level genius, compared with the real'monster', is really impossible to withstand a single blow!


Lin Chen embodies a shadow, concealing his merit and fame, and rushing to the center of the entire continent. The spirit strength is fully opened, looking for the location of Sacred Beast’s lair. .

"The young ones are still too tender now, hehe, but they can't get out without cooperating with this coach."

Lin Chen broke into a palace, spirit All strength is released.

"Found it, are you here." Lin Chen looked up, and a blood moon-like jade stone hung on the top of the palace.

Suddenly, a stream of light flashed, Lin Chen moved suddenly and stepped on the movement method suddenly!


Lin Chen took the lead in stealing the Crimson Moon Jade!

"Hehe, Lin Chen, worthy of playing geniuses, interesting."

A voice echoed with a natural and humble voice, and one silhouette appeared in the darkness.

He has a fair face, handsome appearance, delicate and pretty eyebrows, he is a handsome guy, but the lowly laughed on the corners of his mouth makes him want to crush him.

"Oh? One of the four legendary silver thieves, Xisao·Xixiaoxian?" Lin Chen was surprised and put away the crimson moon jade said with a smile: "I am underestimated. Already, if you use the movement method with all your strength, I may not be able to accept this crimson moonstone."

Xi Xiaoxian doesn’t care about curl one's lip, "What’s the crimson moon jade? When it's there, just try your skills."

After that, Xi Xiaoxian turned a blood-colored jade stone with his fingertips.

Lin Chen's heart moved, as expected, the name is not in vain!

This Xi Xiaoxian possesses an orange-level movement method and has a strong background. In the melee just now, at least half of his strength was not used, all kinds of strokes.

Lin Chen's speed can be so abnormal, it depends on [Enhancement] and the ultimate moment plus a high elemental attribute value, plus a pair of Saint Phoenix wings to reach the speed of the Orange-level movement method. It can be seen that there is a shocking gap between the half orange level and the orange level!

The evildoers of the evildoer list may not have the orange-level movement method! This is known as the rarest type of cultivation technique.

"Look at your strength, do you want to go to the depths of this handsome guy to play in the depths here. If you have something to gain, it will be divided into five to five."

Xi Xiaoxian made a suggestion .

Lin Chen said: "Oh? What cooperation?"

Xi Xiaoxian extends the hand means: "The other side of this space plane is the void thunder pool, inside the thunder pool There may be good treasures, but some weird monsters are born in the thunder pool. I am at risk if I am alone."

Lin Chen raised an eyebrow: "What if you sell me?"


Xi Xiaoxian said angrily: "Fart. I'm still worried that you will sell me!"

Lin Chen shrugged, indifferent: "I never lose money in doing things, you can choose not to cooperate . If you want to cooperate, you have to pay a deposit."

Xi Xiaoxian was taken aback: "Do you still need to pay a deposit?"

Lin Chen said with a smile: "I never do business that suffers, even more how, do you think there is a better partner than me now? Look at the guys outside who are crushed."

Xi Xiao Xian's mouth twitched: "You are ruthless!"

Xi Xiaoxianling handed Lin Chen a Holy Artifact worth more than 100 million silver coins as a deposit.

In the two-player action, Lin Chen summoned Sacred Dragon this time. Although the battle with Long Yijing wounded it, Lin Chen, who was coveted by Long Qingguo and dragon blood, helped Sacred Dragon bring it up. a level! Now it has only one Dragon Vein to reach 1 billion dragon power!

Lin Chen and Xi Xiaoxian went all the way to the edge of the southwest, with a chasm in the center.

The two went deep into the chasm, and Lin Chen felt a thunderous lust tearing his chest before he had ten breaths!

"With my current Saint Physique invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, it’s okay to hard-wire Saint’s full strikes. I can feel such a strong thunderous oppression from such a distance, and there are treasures in it!"

Lin Chen's spirit is lifted, running the Thunder Element holy energy, and the pressure is relieved. Sacred Dragon is full of azure dragon light protection body, and the azure light resists thunder.

And Xi Xiaoxian, who has always been frivolous, is also full of dignity at this moment, with 13 holy caves shining brightly, sheltering his body.

Lin Chen now has 10 holy caves, blessing the holy caves and elemental attribute values ​​of Taiyi Time and Space. The cultivation base is comparable to the 16 holy realm 2nd layer late stage, and the battle strength is even more chasing Saint Realm 3rd Layer. Early-Stage, as long as there is no existence comparable to the 4th layer of the Holy Land, he will retreat unscathed.


The two sneaked into the bottom of the chasm, and finally reached a gap in the space. The internal thunder and lightning bounced, and the crystal wall of the space was easily torn by lightning!

Entering the gap in the space, a gray sky of Heaven and Earth comes into view. Everything is gray, with dim vitality, all around crawling with lightning snake-like lightning!

Lin Chen's eyes suddenly shine!

In this void thunder pool, all around are floating lightning bubbles with numbers! It shows different numbers like '231', '642' and so on!

It is a special attribute value for making nirvana!

"This...These are the special attribute values ​​for making the blue-level top nirvana!"

Lin Chen's heart trembled!

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