My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 909: growing up

After a preliminary understanding of the situation of the Dragon City team, Han Dong thought of a problem.

"In other words, a total of five teams came to the world of "Prometheus".

We came in from the Toad's Gate and were labeled "Toad" and belonged to the Alien Squad.

Judging from the current situation

Two teams of Wangdu.

There is a team in Dragon City.

Where did the fifth team come from? Is it from the Knights of the Holy City, or another alien team that belongs to an old king... It is estimated that the latter has a high probability. "

Han Dong glanced around, and none of the remaining contestants met the characteristics and standards of the "knight"... after all, the human beings trained by the knight spirit are completely different from the local humans. You can see from the basic posture and standing posture Out.


"Aliens" that can enter the space of fate are mixed with some human genes, most of them are cunning and have the ability to disguise.

Most of the contestants who came here wore armor to completely conceal their appearance.

There is a great possibility that aliens will be mixed in.

"What are you looking for?"

A humid breath came from beside.

Lord Maritis, who has just completed the single test, is holding a mummy head with a spiky face in his hand.

"Seriously doubt that the "fifth team" should be a squad with a label, and it is hidden deep..."

"Maybe, but there is nothing to worry about."

Maritis looked around and found nothing.

Compared with the strange monster, she is more afraid of the human team.

In the case of being suppressed, her level advantage will disappear completely... Once she is hit by multiple human teams, there will be danger to her life.

Think of here.

Mary Tess looked at the size of the others' team and then looked at herself.

"Hey! Didn't you say that your teammates will come? There are only minutes left before the single-player test, why are we only two of us."

"Relax, it will come... It will take a long time to select the target, and many contestants are still fighting in the burial area. I estimate that most people will come to the reserve area within the last five minutes."

Waiting quietly.

With the last ten minutes remaining, more and more contestants came here carrying the mummy's head.

A young man with white hair floating on the whole body, white hair and messy hair entered the venue.

With a bandage, hang a giant head on his back... every move is like a beast, with a fierce light flashing in his eyes, even if he is prompted by safety to be alert to other participants here.

"Your teammates seem to have grown a lot..." When Maridis saw Abel, she was slightly different from the white-haired youth in her impression.

"Abel's adaptability should be the strongest among us. Under the condition of being suppressed, the unknown beast in the body will be released to a certain extent."

"Don't you call him over?"

"No worries... Meeting the team in advance will immediately reveal our identity.

In case the fifth team does not participate, we will be targeted by three human teams. "

In the last five minutes, another familiar figure came to the reserve area.

A tall woman wearing a trait mask.

The biological light-skeletal armor reveals a near-perfect posture, with a mummy head filled with disgusting holes at the end of the bone knife.

"It looks like wearing a mask, but the feeling when you first met... It seems that Mia not only fully adapted to Shendu, but also learned a new battle mode that does not rely on spider legs.

The quality of this equipment is not bad.

Didn't go to find everyone in the early stage, it really was the right choice.

Being close to the body of ordinary people and carrying the status of "subordinate slave", he adapts to survival in a completely strange and extremely dangerous god.

This ‘starting from scratch’ experience is itself a reward for the space of destiny. "

Unlike Abel.

When Mia came to the reserve area, she kept looking around, apparently looking for Han Dong's trail.

It is a pity that Han Dong hides in the depths and wraps his whole body with "John's Spine" without revealing his appearance.

In the case of limited perception, Han Dong's position should not be noticed.

Mia shifted her head to the right direction and moved towards the suspected Han Dong.

Too miss.

Judgment is not only based on height and physique, but the reason why the target is selected is because some of the "characteristics" imprinted in the subconscious mind

It's as if a good friend can be identified simply by the other person's back.

When the two are about ten meters apart.

Han Dong, who was originally sitting by the wall, also slowly got up. Such a move made Mia completely sure of her judgment.

Finally found!

Unlike Han Dong, Mia has been searching since she came to Shendu.

Moreover, Mia's situation is considered the worst of the five.

With a healthy figure and certain insect characteristics, she was picked up by a large biological company from the beginning and was ready to be used for experiments. She escaped through the gaps processed by the pipeline.

A few days before I first came to God Capital, I was in a state of sleepless escape.

Mia has been to any dark and foul area of ​​God.

There was even a time when he sewed himself into a decayed fat body through spider silk in order to avoid the search and arrest team, and because he was too tired, he slept directly in the body for several hours.

Even when dreaming, Mia dreamed of meeting Han Dong.

Fortunately, Mia with certain spider characteristics is valued and accepted by a leather factory, and is currently participating in the promotion competition on behalf of this leather factory.

All the time, Mia is eager to meet Han Dong again.


The man who missed every night and wanted to rely on was in front of her, but Mia restrained the emotion that should have spouted, without embracing or crying.

Instead of staying there, choose ‘pass by’.

the reason is simple.

Mia thought from a different angle.

Han Dong did not take the initiative to invite himself to join, and then consider his team’s alien label... The meeting between the team members is easy to expose their identity, which is locked and targeted by other teams.

That's when the two passed by.

A familiar voice came from the side, "Mia...well done."


Without too much stay, Mia found a place alone, wiped the tears falling from the mask, and adjusted her emotions.

Han Dong is very pleased with this, this is what he wants to achieve.

However, compared to Mia, he was more worried about the last member of the team, "It's only the last few minutes. Where is the Demps guy? Wouldn't he take the promotion game seriously? Right?"

The number of people in the reserve area is close to two hundred.

At the last second.

Demps, who was wrapped in a white collared robe, seemed to deliberately seize the time before the last contestant came to the reserve.

Unlike most contestants who were stained with death in the burial area, Demps' appearance was spotless, and even the surface of the pure white robe was not stained.

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