My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 908: Converge

Great tomb area.

The "quality of the head" will determine whether the individual can be selected for the official competition.

Most people are similar to Han Dong, and it takes a long time to find their prey.

The number of mummified corpses in the tomb needs to be calculated in units of "100 million", and anything can happen here.

Not only is the mummy that Han Dong encountered quite unique, there are other more bizarre situations that are happening in different regions...


A mummy with fusion ability came out of the coffin.

Unlimited destruction of other coffins, taking out the internal corpses and fusing with them, no matter how low-level flesh, the visitors will not refuse.

At present, it has a height of more than six meters.

At this moment, the giant corpse collided head-on with a white-haired young man.

The youth’s actions are like wild beasts, quick and sensitive... they can always evade attacks at critical moments, and use fangs or claws to tear away a flesh and blood from the corpse.

Although this mummy can absorb without limits, as the volume increases, the speed is decreasing.

Unlimited consumption by young people, eventually leading to complete separation of limbs and trunk...

The swollen head was torn by the beast youth.

With the bandage on the mummy, this huge head was carried behind his back.

The other side of the large tomb.

The coffins here seem to be taken care of by people and stacked on both sides in an orderly manner, forming a tomb area similar to a maze.

A masked woman is running through the maze at a very fast speed, equipped with an ultra-light exoskeleton armor that does not add any load.

The back of the armor is also provided with a meaty groove for adsorption.

An abnormally sharp bone knife is attracted to the back, and a naked eye grows in the center of the knife body.

The mask woman's running is not chasing after something, but running away...

Swishing corpse beetles like tide are chasing behind them, packed with labyrinthine channels, and locked the masked woman.

These carrion beetles are not scattered, but are controlled by some kind of individual...

Hidden in the beetle's tide is a female mummy crawling on all fours, with holes all over her body, and carrion beetles drilled in and out of her body.

Controlling the tide, when chasing the front corner.

The target disappeared suddenly, and even the smell was gone.

Due to the loss of the target, the beetles gathered in a pile gradually spread out, when preparing to search separately... Whoo!

A tough spider silk thread suddenly shot from the top.

This close-fitting, lightweight form of exoskeleton armor provides little defense, but it has the ability to "combat camouflage" and can integrate women with the environment.

While the beetles are spreading out, the main body inside is exposed.

The spider silk sticks to the mummy's head through the beetle and pulls hard!

The mummy was pulled to a certain extent, and his head was completely raised... The neck area was completely exposed.

The eyeball embedded in the bone blade locks the attack area.

Once the semi-living blade is locked to the target, it can provide a certain degree of direction correction when the main body swings...If the direction of the swing is completely correct without correction, it can improve the beheading effect.

No reaction is allowed.

The white light flashed.

The next second, the masked woman had fallen three meters away, pulling a bandage in her hand, with a mummy head full of holes attached to her lower end.

Reserve area

Participants who successfully got a mummy head and come here will be prompted by the "Eye of Horus".

The Eye of Horus still monitors this area. Please do not interfere with other contestants for all the "high slaves" who come here.

Even if it is linguistically disturbing, it may be judged to affect others, and will be disqualified immediately.

Those in serious cases will be sentenced to capital punishment.

In addition, please send your mummy head to the "Obelisk" for quality inspection, your name and the corresponding quality score will be displayed.

Finally, the top 100 will be selected to enter the official competition.

When Han Dong came here, he used the fully armed form of "John's Spine" in advance, covering the whole body with soft bones, while building a pure white bone mask on the face.

Although there is no danger here, it is better to disguise.

"Huh? Am I still relatively early? The time limit of two hours, I also spent an hour and a half... there are fewer than fifty people.

However, everyone must be concerned about "the quality of the head" and spend a lot of time in the search for the mummy.

Andyeb, don't let me down. "

Han Dong raised the mummy's head with the bandage still in front of him, and his black and dry mouth showed Han Dong a very reluctant smile.

There was no rush to turn over the head.

Han Dong looked for a less conspicuous corner and carefully observed every member of the reserve area.

"The group of guys in Wangdu really came..."

Although the opponent also wears the corresponding biological exoskeleton armor, it can be easily identified based on some characteristics.

The person who flashes an electric current between his eyes must be Tesla.

And the disintegrator Walter, who has special arms and needs to be wrapped in unique materials.

However, at this time, Tesla and his party looked straight in one direction.

Looking at them from their perspective, Han Dong was also shocked.

"Dragon City team..."

Huo Ziping's swordsmanship has kept Han Dong awake because of the resemblance of the characters from the Dragon City team in advance in the town of whose style is similar to the characters in the fantasy fairy that Han Dong knew.


There is another big guy in the Dragon City team encountered this time, which can actually conduct a large-scale search through the dream and even carry out deep-level dream invasion.

"This monk really came... these Dragon City teams must be higher in rank than Huo Ziping, and they are also the elites of the elite.

Even if everyone is suppressed by the ranks, it is difficult to deal with them.

Moreover, it is not only the monk who is so powerful, this team is very special. "

The same is a team of four.

There is no disguise at all, and the appearance and some physical characteristics are actively revealed.

As a captain, the young monk did not wear any living equipment. He only held a simple stone stick in his hand. He was sitting cross-legged, closing his eyes and keeping his mind completely unaffected by the surrounding eyes.

Standing next to the monk was a handsome young man with fluttering hair, even better than some women.

The gray gray eyes revealed a vicious murder intention.

Although Han Dong's perception is closed, he can feel the danger of hitting the heart directly from this little brother.

Other than that.

There was also a woman in the team who exuded righteousness, had a good posture, and had a determined face.

Holding a heavy three-pointed rifle in his hand, he wears a living creature armor that can be retracted.

Finally, there is a little girl with pill head sitting on the suspended soil, who should be a master of the five elements.

"This monk's position seems to be the same as mine... are all support staff in the team."

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