My Cell Prison

Chapter 756: Cemetery manager

From the above dialogue, two things can be affirmed.

1. [Master], who can be a mature body—an alien monster, must itself be a high alien monster recorded by a slate, or even an old king.

2. As for the smell of black ... why black can be used to describe the smell?

However, Han Dong himself felt the so-called "black smell", that is, the period when he and his slate consciousness lived together in a dream.

Han Dong could smell the black smell from the black woman.

One smells a slightly dull but seductive fragrance.

Han Dong, who has been staying with slate consciousness for a long time, even slowly developed a 'photophobia', which is the side effect caused by long-term inhalation of this odor.

And to a certain extent, this smell also made Han Dong feel a sense of dependence on darkness.

Especially in the late stages of the dream, Han Dong slowly got used to moving at night and sleeping during the day.

The most important thing is that for black women who have been in the caves of Kojima for a long time, they have gradually added a ‘good feeling’, which should be a kind of “possession”.

Until the end of the dream, "possession" remained for some time.

You must know that Han Dong's head is matched with the perfectly integrated crazy laughter attribute. For any tricks targeting [the brain], it can be said to be ‘100 poisons do not invade’.

At least, in the same stage, no one can have a spiritual influence on Han Dong.


Faced with the breath question asked by the corpse hider, Han Dong simply answered:

"Well ... I usually live in the Holy City as a human being. In a museum in the Holy City, there are artifacts related to your original owner.

I happened to touch the dark matter on the surface of the antiquities not long ago, and this should be the source of the smell. "

In this way, Han Dong's gains this time can be as simple as more than one 'nursing home'.

The origin of the "Hidden Corpse" even happened to be related to the ultimate goal of the Great Expedition.

And, according to the harbour dictator, he was essentially out of touch with the old king ... it was really two birds with one stone.

Han Dongqiang resisted the eternal smile. "Well ... we'll talk about the black thing later. I'll go and see how the knights are, and fulfill my promise."

"Thank you."

Crunching ... Han Dong left from the side door and went to the rest area where the "Blue Illusion" team was located, which was also a laboratory.

Click ~ Click ~ Click

Not long after walking in the passage.

A weird ghoul with 60% of his body transformed with steam technology, crawled quickly down the front of Han Dong along the ceiling.

On the bare back of the ghoul, a miniature version of the brain seal was printed.

The seal belongs to Dr. Swell's new ability, "absolute brain domain manipulation". With the seal as a node, the goal will be completely controlled by the doctor. The various nerve conduction will reach 100% and the ability to return to the controller perfectly. It is only applicable to swelling Species with the same or lower PhD level.

"Master, do you really want this guy to stay and manage the cemetery?"

"Anyway, no one manages the cemetery, as long as it doesn't touch your underground laboratory, doesn't it matter?"

"The cemetery is the habitat of the two-headed ravens, and it is also the place where I store the perfect culture ... The arrival of this guy may have a certain impact on the ghouls.

In case he had no intention to follow the adult, he secretly controlled the mixed breed of corpses that we had so hard to cultivate, which would greatly hurt the whole manor. "

"I will do my best to sign a contract with the corpse keeper, and he will not be given the right to manage the cemetery because of a simple verbal agreement.

Besides, the Tibetan corpses have a unique way of cultivating the cemetery. Maybe it will make the "hypocrite" more stable and powerful.

The expedition is coming, and it is also important to get the help of a mature body.

Rest assured, no one can influence your position in the manor, and the relevant authority of the laboratory will only be continuously improved, and will never be disturbed. "

"Yes lord ..." The doctor was completely relieved when he heard this sentence.

Han Dong continued to ask, "That's right! What about the female Cavaliers in the Cavaliers squad that was deeply polluted?"

When it comes to the ghouls controlled by the doctor here, two eyes roll back and forth:

"That's what I want to talk to adults.

Through the biological extraction and purification method of the serotonin (5-HT) antidepressant provided by the adult, and then adding a kind of "brain serum" to my brain that does not contain any pollution.

Effectively inhibited her degeneration process, and has not seen any obvious side effects. "

"Oh? It works so well."

"Yeah ... better than expected, you go and see for yourself."

"it is good."

Han Dong wrapped himself tightly in a doctor's beak costume, letting himself exude as much as possible.

Take a quick look at the room that looks similar to the infirmary.

The female knight named Ivy Gold Leaf has recovered her mind and is healing herself through the Holy Light. Although her face is still stained with pollution, her mental state has recovered to about 80%.

See Han Dong coming.

Captain Eugene immediately bowed his head and thanked him.

In Eugene's eyes, he only considered Han Dong as the elder of the crow ... Once he heard of the Old King incident at the Stuart Manor, a large number of crows assisted the knights to escape.

Now it seems that this group of "neutral" crows seems to be biased towards the human side, but the reason is unknown.

"Thank the lord for staying, we will leave soon ... sorry for the trouble your estate has had."

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Black and White is kind to us. If a knight asks for help, I will generally provide help within my ability."

Han Dong removed the teacher's name, and immediately resolved the puzzlement in the hearts of this group of people, by the way, giving his teacher a wave of goodwill.

"Crow Prophet! No wonder ..."

"Since the death of the original lord, I have taken over here. In addition to the help of Mr. Black and White, we also have scientific and technological cooperation with the Steam Knights.

The medicine just given to this Miss Cavalier is the anti-stress medicine studied together.

It's just not sure what the side effects of the drug are. You need to observe for a long time after you return to the city, and you need to deal with any abnormalities in time. "


There is also the possibility of contamination in the land of the stranger for a long time. Eugene saw that his teammates' physical fitness had recovered almost, Ivy also recovered from the fallen state, and the whole team was ready to leave.

"Go straight through the back door."

The grateful group followed Han Dong's instructions as they left the back door.

Although it looks like a normal stone tunnel, there is a feeling of stepping on a soft surface.

Captain Eugene realized that something was wrong and felt fully open ...

In front of him is a brain pathway, like walking on the surface of someone's brain.

"This is ... the alien who was watching us in the graveyard before!"

As the entire staff just relaxed and relaxed from the state of intense hunting, and Han Dong moved out of "Mr. Black and White" and "Steam Knights", let them further relax their vigilance.

The "brain domain" of Dr. Swell successfully invaded the brains of this group of people.

"Doctor, brainwash."


By the time the team was conscious, they had appeared somewhere in the "safety stronghold" of the Gain Forest, and they could not remember anything about the zombies and the Stuart Hill.

At the same time, a horrible memory was added, so that they had to give up the task and return to the city immediately.


After observing the entire process of 'brainwashing' through a crow ~ ~ the corpseman confidently returned to the unknown village.

It continued to take twenty days and completed a major plan that took several years.

When the zombies fulfilled their promise and returned to the Stuart Manor ... there seemed to be an extra living creature in the huge coffin behind him.

In order to express their gratitude, the Tibetan corpse signed a "cemetery manager contract" with Han Dong, officially became a part of the manor and was directly managed by Han Dong for a period of five years.

In this way, with some episodes, the first phase of the test on the eve of the expedition ended ...

The knights who have reached the expedition points will proceed to the second stage of the expedition screening-[will and courage].

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