My Cell Prison

Chapter 755: Black smell

What is the weakness of the "tentacles"? It must be directly connected to Han Dong's most important brain.

Physical damage is not a big problem for Han Dong. All kinds of painful nerves can close on their own. As long as it is physical damage, both G virus and yellow sand can be reconstructed.

But the tentacles are a big problem.

Once injured, it will bring Han Dong the most intuitive pain and injury ... In severe cases, it will even cause Han Dong to fall into a state of severe pain and be unable to fight normally for a period of time.


Blood dogs formed by isomerization of tentacles failed to bite the enchantment in one bite.

On the contrary, Han Dong [toothache] was shocked, and he had a sour feeling that he was pulling his nerves, and he quickly waved back the blood dog into his body.

Holding back the pain, even the whole arm was shaking slightly.

"His !!!! It really hurts me ... can't bite? Although the blow just now doesn't have the blessing of" Nether Blood Necklace ... "But the blood dog's power is not low at all.

Is this guy so hard? "

The earl in the body answered immediately:

"Did I not say that? This corpse-type strange monster has a high individual combat effectiveness, and the body is not ordinary hard ... and his ability is very weird.

Call out all your little brothers.

Otherwise, if you are seriously injured in the battle, it may affect your next expedition test ... I am looking forward to the expedition for a long time, and I want to see how your humans face the old king [under the night]. "

"There is no need to fight, there is no need to fight.

If I really wanted to do him, I would just use the power of the blood.

This guy's condition is very unusual.

As usual, the monster is an individual who has formed a sound consciousness ... not to mention that the corpse hider is a 'human'.

However, under the condition of sound consciousness, knowing that this is my place, I have to make a fortune.

Seeing my lord, I still chose to hunt down the target.

This kind of "abnormality" corresponds to the "entry point" of the problem. Maybe it will be able to recruit the strongest thug in the manor before the expedition. "

That's what Han Dong thought at first.

"The corpse hider may not be affiliated with any of the old kings", but this information is very interesting to Han Dong.


The other end.

The corpse seeker, who was about to be chased through the side door, also stopped because of the "crazy bite" of the blood dog.

Although his body did not appear to be injured, three 'cross nails' of the left arm used for blocking fell off and turned into a pool of powder in a short time.

Where the wooden nails are vacant, tentacles exuding dark and dark air grow in the small holes between the skin.

The corpse shifted his face and stared in the direction of the stone seat with his eyes covered with white cloth.

A black tongue with a "cross" imprinted on the surface slowly spit out from the mouth.

The hoarse and high-pitched male voice echoes through the main hall through the tremor of the tongue and the effect of the throat.

"Lord, please forgive my savage invasion ... I must kill the knights who have discovered the [secret], and they must not be allowed to bring information about the village back to the human base, otherwise I will spend decades of hard work You will lose power.

Afterwards, I will definitely apologize for my rude behavior until the lord is satisfied with you. "

Han Dong smiled slightly when he heard the attitude of the corpse hider.

Crackling, an ink-stained tentacle formed in the palm.

Based on the memory of a month ago, Han Dong copied a "investigation mission letter" on a blank parchment paper that involved the corpse hider and the unknown village.

Pass the tentacles to the other party.

"This is the information that the holy city currently has. These knights are not looking for you for no reason ... The writers in the holy city can anticipate your existence in advance.

Even if you can kill these knights, their death messages will be immediately noticed by the Prophets in the Holy City, and there will be big trouble to find you. "

Staring at the mission letter, listening to Han Dong's statement.

The face of the corpse became extremely distorted, the body was filled with heavy corpse, and each of the wooden posts intervening between the skin was shaking slightly.

When Han Dong's anger rose to a point, he immediately followed the sentence: "Maybe, I can help you ... there is a perfect solution.

However, you have to tell me first.

Did the "secret" that these knights knew from the village involve the "old king" behind you? "

"I don't belong to any king. [Secret] It's just my personal affairs. It's something that I have to accomplish at the expense of other forces. It is the meaning of my existence."


When he heard this, Han Dong couldn't control it for a while and laughed wildly. Quickly reached out and held his face to curb this impolite smirk.

Just because the corpse hider was quite honest, all the secrets were revealed at once.

"Sorry ... I have a disease and I laugh from time to time.

So, I will help you solve the problems of these knights ... In the most intuitive way of 'brainwashing', let them forget your [secret], and things will be solved.

To be sure, I will let them forget the whole process of contacting you.

As for your personal affairs, feel free to go back and finish it ... If I need my help, I can also lend you a few ravens or ghouls. "

"My own personal affairs, I will do it alone. But lord, please let me witness the brainwashing process with my own eyes."


"Thank you, Lord Stuart! I don't know how to repay you."

With that said, the whole thing is simple.

"In other words, the big cemetery in my manor just happens to be short of people. You don't belong anyway. How about coming to my manor when you finish your private affairs?

Accommodation, food, and some simple needs can satisfy you. "

"Let me think about it for a while, and such things also require [her] advice."

"she was?"

"Well ... some more burials will bring her back to life, and I will give you an answer at that time."



Han Dong released a crow who could only share his vision with him, and landed on the shoulder of the corpse hider.

"You can directly see the whole process of brainwashing through the eyes of the crow ... During this time, you can move around in the manor at will."

"Thank you Lord ~ ​​ ~ Of course.

Han Dong will not let any stranger who is unfamiliar run around the manor.

Dr. Swell has been secretly monitored throughout the process.

As Han Dong got up and headed for the Cavaliers Rest Area, a corpse not far away sniffed his nostrils ... just because the blood dog smelled too much, he didn't smell the smell.

"Dear Lord Stuart, how could your body smell like my original owner ...

Although the smell is light, it is certainly not wrong. "

"What smell?" Han Dong looked curious.

"Black ... black smell."

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