My Cell Prison

Vol 7 Chapter 1422: Tilt the balance

   When the dark purple light from the railgun filled the sky.

   Surrounding the space reflector, the [Void Order] who was performing a mysterious ritual was directly frightened...At first they thought that the enemy was in possession of another more powerful "king equipment".

   I don’t know.

  The bombardment like a comet, but it is [Marcomus City] that is locked

   The total amount of light energy at the moment of explosion.

Even the "Mythical Body-Lost Xingcai Cisse" of the Void Order cannot open his eyes (Image: The body is wrapped in a long black rock layered robe, and when the hood is removed, it reveals a cloud of bright colors. Stereotyped brain group)

   If it weren't for London to be sheltered by a recharged title deed, I am afraid that more than half of the urban area would be involved.

   "What the **** is this!?"

   Cisse stared at the dark purple brilliance of the sky, and [Marcomus City], which was bombarded into scrap copper and rotten iron, fell into the metal desert and set off a lot of sand and dust. The fast-running brain couldn't get the answer at all.

   In the combat plan he is currently aware of, there is no such thing as ‘shelling’ at all.

   But, anyway... the enemy’s biggest variables have been cleared. Although it is impossible to tell whether the mother is dead in this gun room, the threatening city of Markoms has fallen.

   In this way, you can concentrate on the war that takes place in the city, and you no longer need to control the Void Cult of the reflection device, and you can fully enter the battle.


   resounded all over the world, and at the same time dyed all the battlefield area purple, the war in London stopped for a few seconds.

   "This guy Nicholas...this is going to make a lot of money!"

   Green stared at the fallen Macomus City with a weird smile.

   At the same time, all the [mechanical programs] fighting in the city encountered the unexpected situation of disconnection not long ago.

   Now that the entire main city has been shot down, this incident has caused them to fall into an inexplicable panic, and their overall momentum has fallen into a trough.

  With the addition of the Mother Guard and the Human Expeditionary Army from outside the city, they immediately fell into an extremely disadvantaged situation with their backs and stomachs, and even some mythological bodies were panicked due to the fall of Markomes.


   Falling momentum, disconnecting the Internet, or the front and back flanking attacks of the human alien-devil coalition forces are nothing more than trivial things compared to the ‘other thing’.

  Because the city of Macomus was shot down by the weapon against the king, the [Matrix] trapped inside was unclear and temporarily lost contact.

   A man who appeared continuously in different areas of the battlefield finally vacated.

   The extremely boring "cat and mouse game" made him full of resentment.

   Northwest block, near the battle zone of London [Marble Arch].

   Leader Xia, who led the Scarlet Knights in front of the enemy, was injured by the Slaying Emperor before, and at the same time, he consumed a lot of energy due to the cast of the blood secret technique.

Xia’s opponent is [Thousand Sins. Horseman] from the sin world, a mythical strong man who is connected to a horseback and integrated into a whole. The field he expands can double the troop’s "action power". "At the critical moment, you can also give your subordinates a powerful war mount.

   Due to Xia's bad state, the overall battle has been suppressed.

   Although there is a large group of lunatic troops trained by Han Dong on the periphery, the effect is not obvious.

at this time.

   A chill came, which was different from ordinary cold, but a death chill that made the soul tremble.

   The chill came from a fallen corpse of the enemy army.


   The silver sickle cut the back of the corpse.

   The silver-haired man shrouded in black robe crawled out of the corpses and appeared inside the enemy army.

  Any individual who dared to approach, the vitality will be quickly drawn away, the closer the distance, the faster the rate of loss... until it turns into a dead bone or a piece of rotten iron.


   Thousand Sins Horseman is very wise, and when he judges the level of the **** of death, he decisively chooses to escape, exerts his "action power" to the greatest extent, and tries to carry his troops across the space as a whole.

   Alex lifted up his left arm calmly, palm up.

   A sphere exuding the breath of the infinite underworld is suspended in the palm of his hand.


   The fragmentation of the black sphere, a field that symbolizes absolute death unfolds super fast.

   Everything covered in it will become black and white.

  In the ultimate death, the basic movement of matter will be static.

   The Thousand Sins Horseman who was trying to step into the space was also motionless.


   The silver sickle flicked between the black and white areas, as if passing over the body of every enemy... The slash from the death god, the performance was not as intuitive as the Emperor Slash, and the enemy was not directly cut off.

   field recovery

   Silver sickle also hung back to Alex's back.

   In the next second, a series of painful and wailing sounds resounded across the sky, and the soul groups clinging to the flesh were forced to separate, all sucked into Alex's palm, unable to escape.

   Thousand Sins Horseman's body slowly overflowed with a dark red soul of sin, but the skull-shaped soul group adhered to the flesh...The realm of mythology was still firmly supported.


   Alex was a little upset, and made a pulling motion with his left hand.

   Thousands of arms of the deceased appeared in the air, desperately pulling Qijun's soul, and finally stripped of his body and brought it back to Alex's body.

   "So strong!"

   Although as an ally, Xia was shocked by the ‘Death Harvest’ in front of her in a cold sweat.

   When he was young, because Malone and Alex were close friends, Xia often followed them on missions... She knew the unique talent of the owner of Alex and the [death] that was born with him.

   Except for Malone, anyone close to Alex can't stand it.

at this time.

  Alex has stepped up to Xia and briefly explained the current situation.

   "The enemy [king] who controlled the program has not died yet, and my hunting mark still exists... However, she seems to have fallen into a state of ‘injured’ and it will take some time to recover.

   I must use this time to break the balance between [king and king]. UU reading will leave the support of the rest of the war zone to you. "

   "Well, which one are you going to support? The mother of the different demon, the big demon, or the Malong?"

   Facing Xia’s question, the **** of death did not answer, but turned and stepped back to the plane of death.

   Next second.

   A corpse in Dongcheng District was cut open.

  Because of the appearance of the cold and lifeless spirit, the Emperor Zhan who was not far away decisively gave a cut to the corpse...The wave of slashing air rose for several tens of meters, the corpse was annihilated, and the surrounding streets were also torn apart terrifying cracks.

   It's just that the breath of death does not decrease but increases.

  The black shadow formed by the silver sickle and the cloak has already leaned against Ma Long.

   did not wait for Malone to ask what was going on.

  Alex stretched out his hand to compare a number, "No matter the cost! In ten minutes, kill this guy..."

   "Come on! Do it!"

   The picture of Malong standing side by side with the **** of death seems to go back decades.

   An invisible tacit understanding has been formed, and the cooperation between the two is definitely not as simple as [1+1=2].

   The cold picture scrolls symbolizing the underworld have been intertwined with the scorched earth paintings symbolizing hell.



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