My Cell Prison

Vol 7 Chapter 1421: Shelling

   Whether it is sending half of the troops out of the city, leaving London at a disadvantage,

   Still abandon the defense of the city gate, compress the front line to the city,

Everything that    does revolves around one purpose-[Lure the enemy into the city].

   I want to kill all the enemy troops without fail,

   If you want to completely block the escape opportunity of the enemy king, you must confine them to a fixed space.

   Otherwise, it is very difficult for the king of the same level to kill. If the opponent wants to escape, it is easy to achieve without the restriction of the scene.

   Nowadays, a completely real war interpretation has successfully led the enemy into the city. Although there is still a special king outside the city... but it is enough.

  The darkness fell.

   With the support of "Endless Energy", the London title deed has returned to its normal state.

   The curtain opened by the king-class title deed immediately completely shrouded the city, and London once again turned into a dark sacred place.

   The same moment.

   The "program network" built by the matrix Matrix and covering the City of London was immediately forced to infiltrate the City of London protected by the title deed.

   This also means-[Disconnected].

   The program army under the mother body can not be transmitted back to the city of Macomus.

  The Terminator army with the characteristics of [Endless] instantly becomes an ordinary mechanical army. When their mechanical shell is destroyed, the internal programs cannot be transferred away, and they can only be annihilated together.

   More important point.

   Maternal consciousness cannot penetrate the City of London, and cannot carry out long-distance mechanical control.

   means that the "cat and mouse game" with Grim Reaper Alex is over...

   Markhams City.

   The "metal ball" symbolizing the mother body only fluctuates slightly. Facing the sudden situation in the battlefield area, the mother body is only slightly anxious, and most of the CPU cores are in a low temperature and calm state.

  The cooled positron cannon is accumulating energy.

   The mother body has completed the analysis of the current situation:

   "The "Land Deed Parameters" provided by the Black Tower must not be wrong, and I have checked it more than a hundred times.

   In fifteen days, with the help of the extreme environment of Pandora, it was enough to consume the energy of the title deed, not to mention the impact of the positron cannon on the title deed.

   The current situation is bound to be only a temporary supply of backup energy... The duration is not long and the overall stability is not high.

   Only one shelling is enough to tear the barrier and completely shatter the land deed. Then the "program network" will be covered again, and the situation will remain stable.

  The artillery shot will be controlled by me personally. I will use the magnetic field to intervene to deflect the artillery shot in the middle, which will surely avoid the enemy’s "mirror" which can only be used for fixed-point reflection.

   The overall estimated time is three minutes, and it is estimated that the force consumption in the city will not exceed 20%.

   At that time, I will bring Macomus City directly to "cover" the enemy's main city. "

   The mother body takes the fluctuation parameters caused by the current situation into the calculation, and still believes that the battle is completely biased towards them.

   hum! The energy storage is complete.

   The huge cannon barrel slowly came out from the liquid Marcomus city wall.

   A circle of invisible internal magnetic field is also formed simultaneously. Under the control of the mother body, this gun shoots at the London enchantment at an extremely tricky angle.

   Once hit, it is powerful enough to instantly tear the land deed that maintains the enchantment, and even overload the "Endless Energy" and permanently damage it.


   Detected energy accumulation from outside the city.

   The [Void Mystery] directly under Pope took action immediately, driving the space reflection device while also moving the device to the direction facing the muzzle.

   "Something is wrong, we must expand the reflecting surface of the device as much as possible... This time the shelling seems to be disturbed by some kind of energy, and the shooting direction may be shifted."

  Even if the Secret Envoy of the Void is aware of the abnormality.

   However, the temporarily designed reflector body is huge and needs to be driven at full load to withstand the terrifying positron bombardment. Once it is fixed, it cannot continue to move.

   What [Void Mystery] can do now is to expand the coverage of the reflective mirror as much as possible.

   At the same time, in the ruins of the church in Dongcheng District.

   Olivia Captain was gazing at the all-metal city outside the city. When she saw the huge gun barrel that did not emerge from the inside, she immediately pressed the remote control in her hand.

   Although it is not clear what Han Dong did during his departure from the city, since Han Dong desperately wants to convey this message, it must be useful.

   An encrypted signal is transmitted from the remote control (the remote control manufactured by Han Dong can match the signal band restricted by London, and the signal can be freely transmitted outside the city without being affected by the land lease) and received by the robot at the nearest station-Xiao Huang.

   "Du Du Da~??

   The boss’s signal has finally come, I can’t wait!

   I want the guy who killed Xiaofen to have a taste of the low-Earth orbital gun! This is the most satisfying masterpiece of [Handsome Jack]. It was once the main reason why Hyperion was able to dominate the planet Pandora. "

   That's right.

   The "Shelling Plan" drawn up by Han Dong integrates all the important departments and equipment within the company into the station system and takes them away together.

   In addition to the ultra-space restriction device that contains the Emperor Zan, the railgun, which can threaten the king class and has the highest stability, is also integrated. Xiaohuang, a self-produced engineering robot of Hyperion, is responsible for debugging.

  At present, all the parameters of the railgun have been debugged.

  The bombardment energy comes from the high-purity gold produced by Han Dong, which has as many as one carriage.

   Xiao Huang's small mechanical hand trembling with excitement fell on the button with the skull logo...

   (The mechanical sound keeps on)

   The subsequent carriages were continuously assembled and changed. The huge gun barrel with a length of more than hundreds of meters protruded from the underground station to the ground... locked in the [Marcomus City] suspended in the air thousands of meters away.

   rushed before the opponent's positron cannon fired.


   Railgun shooting. UU reading

   The terrifying recoil directly caused a large number of cracks on the metal wall of the station. Several large support pillars were all broken, and there was a tendency to collapse.

   The energy emitted by the barrel is like a dark purple annihilation comet.

   The light that it emits even covers the five stars in the sky, dyeing the sky in this area into a dark color.


   When the mother perceives high-energy fluctuations, it is too late.

   She has used the defensive magnetic field of Marcomus City for the position correction of the positron gun, and she has no time to switch.

   Boom! ! !

   The huge mushroom cloud rises along with the magnetic storm.

   Even standing on a nearby planet can witness this exaggerated explosion scene...Pandora planet has become more unstable due to such a strong explosion, and a large number of plane rifts are torn out.

   This orbital bombardment of a nearby planet directly caused the world to collapse by five days.

  The all-metal-Macomus City, which was built with the design concept of the parent body and the crystallization of technology, has been turned into a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron, and it has fallen heavily to the ground.



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