I said, Auntie, I just met you now, and you are like this?

And Xiaojing’s father, don’t you need to meet him?

No need for Xiaojing to say, Izumi Masamune has directly raised the question.

It was impossible to get married and stop wandering around for decades, leaving his mark on the bodies of different girls.

Spreading genetic factors throughout hundreds of people.

How can we get married if we improve human genes in the future?

Moreover, he is still a carefree and invincible Shizuka Hiratsuka who loves drinking and smoking.

There are many women around me who are suitable for marriage.

For example, Megumi Kato, Fairy Yamada, Saori Makishima, and Kotori Minami.

These girls are all very suitable as wives for marriage.

But Xiaojing's character has always had some flaws.

No need. I still believe in my daughter's vision. It's enough to be able to bring you in like this and still be so close to her.

Although Xiaojing hates getting married, she still has good taste.

After all, his good looks add to his family background.

It's not like there haven't been men pursuing her, but these Xiaojings can very rationally distinguish between those who are sincere and those who are simply malicious.

In a sense, the other party was able to delay until now.

It is also because of his own high vision.

That is to say, Izumi Masamune did not take the ordinary path and deeply adhered to the theory of a certain famous woman, so as to quickly get closer to the girls.

Otherwise, with his chaotic relationship, it would not be so easy to win over Xiaojing.

As for her father? We have been in the branch for a long time, and don't underestimate the women of the Hiratsuka family. The Hiratsuka Thunderbird is the ancestor. In the Hiratsuka family, I am the one in power.

Hiratsuka Thunderbird, a famous thinker, critic, and writer from District 11.

The most critical thing is feminist.

The leaders of the women's liberation movement before and after the war and the women's movement were also concerned about the peace movement in the later period.

Even in another country in his previous life, Izumi Masamune had heard of the other party's name.

Because the other party was a group of people who strongly opposed the war, both before and after the war.


Izumi Masamune's mood at the moment was very funny.

Good relationships, it turns out that the temperament and character of the women of the Hiratsuka family are passed down by blood.

And it’s no wonder Shizuka Hiratsuka later became a teacher.

Under the solidification of class in District 11.

It is not impossible for children to inherit their parents' family business.

So does it mean that there will also be a bunch of beautiful female teachers in the circle around Hiratsuka Shizu?

Izumi Masamune suddenly had such an idea in his heart.

After all, there are not many people in his harem who have the attributes of teachers.

Mom, about these things.

In the kitchen, Hiratsuka Shizuka was cleaning up the accidentally broken cup with her mother.

One person is responsible for clearing debris and one is responsible for clearing the floor.

What, don't you like that kid?

A glint flashed in his eyes, which was different from Shizuka Hiratsuka who relied on a pair of iron fists to gain momentum.

Xiaojing's mother, just standing here at this moment, is already calm and confident.

I like it, but.

But if you get married directly, your daughter will become famous in the entire education world.

You two have already done this.

He said coldly.

Xiaojing's figure, which had already stopped growing, suddenly changed.

How could a mother not know this?

How can such an obscene posture be achieved if a man is not capable of developing it?


However, we actually still have some difficulties, but...

In order not to make herself a joke, Shizuka Hiratsuka still tried hard to persuade.

I know, the other person doesn't look like he's only six years younger than you, so I'm helping you.

Adjusting her non-existent glasses, Xiaojing's mother spoke seriously.

This big boy's breath also has a heart-warming flavor.

Even after she stayed beside him for a long time, she couldn't help but rub her legs gently, feeling that her heart, which had been quiet for a long time, had begun to beat.

Such a man can be easily taken over by his idiot daughter?

Many things can actually be understood just by looking at them.

But, so what if you pretend to be confused about everything?

He took a serious look at his daughter.

The feeling of moisturized eyebrows and eyes is really enviable.

Now that my daughter has reached this stage, she naturally needs some help.

The men in the family are not responsible, so naturally the women can only take action.

Adhering to the spirit of the ancestor Hiratsuka Thunderbird, Xiaojing's mother didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

After all, he is a young man.


Hiratsuka Shizu was really calm at this moment.

Silently lowering her head, she didn't know that her mother was also moved by her heart, and she suddenly felt a little expectant.


Continuing to stay at the Hiratsuka family was going smoothly.

From the very beginning, he suddenly asked him if he wanted to get married to Hiratsuka Shizuka. Later, Xiaojing's mother no longer mentioned these things. On the contrary, she continued to have a pleasant conversation.

Although Xiaojing was inexplicably quiet and didn't say anything, Izumi Masamune didn't show any timidity and chatted with Xiaojing's mother.

A very talkative woman, and the most important thing is that she can grasp your thoughts very smoothly.

Every topic is just right, making you feel like spring breeze.

No matter how nervous the autistic person is, he can communicate with him well.

The only thing that made Izumi Masamune a little helpless was probably the overly friendly contact from Xiaojing's mother.

Do you really regard him as your son-in-law? Or something else.

She has a face similar to Xiaojing's, and has a gentle yet feminine stubbornness.

A perfect blend of momentum.

If Xiaojing had the level of her mother.

It is estimated that Izumi Masamune was infected by it half a year ago before he was as messy as he is now, and he completely calmed down.

An inadvertent collision, a delicate and gentle mind.

Izumi Masamune only hopes that every mother-in-law in this world can be like Xiaojing's mother.

After sitting for a while, I found that the other party seemed to want to keep me for lunch.

Izumi Masamune wanted to leave, but was already kindly pulled over by Xiaojing's mother.

There was also Hiratsuka Shizuka who followed silently.

My heart was softened by the soft and indistinguishable wrapping.

I can only stay with them and stay well.

There is quite a feeling that I am the protagonist.

But it didn't take long for him to regret it.

Look at the people who come to visit.

Those who can live here are naturally at the same level as the Hiratsuka family.

Moreover, it seems that because of the great educator's predecessor, all the residents here have a different kind of bookish temperament.

It is still different from what Izumi Masamune had encountered before.

At this time, he had already realized that something was wrong.

This one comes into contact with the Hiratsuka family's personal circle.

He rashly breaks into other people's lives.

The more you fall into such a quagmire, the harder it will be to get out in the future.

Silently glanced at Xiaojing's mother who was still smiling.

Masamune Izumi only thinks.

Sure enough, cultured people are different.

Aunt Hiratsuka, hello.

Just when Izumi Masamune was thinking hard about how he could get rid of this dilemma.

Suddenly another voice sounded.

It interrupted Izumi Masamune's original plan.

In front of him was a woman, a very familiar woman, Kirisu Mafuyu.

Yesterday, because I saw the alternative gameplay between Izumi Masamune and Natsukawa Masamune, I angrily stepped forward to take action. As a result, Izumi Masamune subconsciously counterattacked and was almost beaten to a disability.

If Izumi Masamune hadn't stopped in time later.

Izumi Masamune never expected that he would meet each other here.

Glancing at Shizuka Hiratsuka, the woman had joy on her face.

They seem to know each other.

The scary circle of female teachers.

At this moment, he really wanted to ask Hiratsuka Shizuka if she knew a guy named Chiseki Chihiro, and then also if she knew a guy named Tsukiyomi Komoe, if she knew a guy named Okamine Shue, if she knew him It's called Chifuyu Orimadara.

Just when he was thinking randomly, Kirisu Mafuyu came up and greeted Xiaojing's mother.

The other party's arm, which was holding her affectionately, quietly let go.

He looked at Kirisu Mafuyu seriously.

Hiratsuka Shizuka, who had been silent since just now, also greeted Kirisu Mafuyu, and they seemed to have a good relationship.

Liu Shui's student is extremely tough Xiao Jing.

This is a lot of fan fiction that Izumi Masamune has seen in his previous life.

From Shizuka Hiratsuka to Mafuyu Kirisu.

Is this the replacement of old and new?

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