There were some signs of sweat, and it seemed that Shizuka Hiratsuka was not as calm as he showed.

Izumi Masamune!

Hiratsuka quietly called the man's name.

Because I was really embarrassed to tell my family that I had found a man who was more than ten years younger than me.

So when I arrived, I specially put on makeup for Izumi Masamune.

Put a little old makeup on the young man's face.

It seems that the gap between the two parties has suddenly become much smaller.

It is different from the original splendid and god-like perfection, but seems to have the wisdom carved by the years.


Originally, they were still treating the little man as a student and a teacher, but now they have quietly changed.

The eyelashes that flutter slightly, the breath blowing on the heart when lowered, the red clouds dyeing the ears.

And those smooth and delicate palms that didn't belong to a girl at all.

Our stipulated time to come is ten o'clock, which means there is still half an hour.

He whispered in Hiratsuka Shizuka's ear.

It's okay to play for half an hour. When they went upstairs, in the darkest place at the corner of the stairs, Izumi Masamune suddenly hugged the female teacher's soft body.

Izumi Masamune unbuttoned Hiratsuka Shizuka's sleeves in three strokes and opened the girl's collar in the ordinary corridor.


At this moment, the original door suddenly rang.

You can see that a woman with long, straight black hair and excellent clothing has already walked out of the door in the distance.

Shizuka Hiratsuka ......

Izumi Masamune ...

No matter how you think about it, it is very embarrassing to be suddenly discovered when you are trying to have fun at home.

Why don't you bring the guests in quickly? What's it like outside?

The woman who was undoubtedly Xiaojing's mother said loudly, as if nothing happened.

He is tall and straight, and about the same height as Xiaojing.

A gentle and decent smile, a command full of life experience, a standard image of a wife.

With his gorgeous physique, one would immediately think that he belongs to the kind of person who wears formal clothes and laughs with a bunch of women while drinking afternoon tea in the sun.

In contrast, Shizuka Hiratsuka, who likes to eat ramen, drive around everywhere, and occasionally give students iron fist sanctions to make them sensible, really makes people wonder if he was adopted, if not for the extra similarity. In terms of appearance.

Yes, Mother!

Just as he was complaining in his heart, Hiratsuka Shizuka spoke in a voice as dry as a robot, and then pulled Izumi Masamune over.

Awesome, my Jing!

Hello, aunt, I am Masamune Izumi.

Masamune Izumi bowed, greeted the elder, and then presented the souvenirs he bought.

When you visit for the first time, you naturally need to bring a gift.

However, Hiratsuka Shizuka had prepared these, and Izumi Masamune only needed to hold them and come over with a smile on his face.

Thinking about it this way, it really feels like being taken care of.

Here, your shoes.

Hiratsuka Shizuka bent over, then took out the slippers on the other side and carefully placed them on Izumi Masamune.

After all, I was teaching, and I had nothing else for such a long time, but I still had the heart to face the embarrassment bravely, except for the red color that would not go away for a while.

Come in and sit down.

As a gift, I looked Izumi Masamune up and down and nodded with a smile.

He has a mature and handsome face and a warm and genial temperament.

My complexion is also very good, and I look sunny and cheerful, with no hidden problems.

He followed Hiratsuka Shizu in and watched Xiao Jing's mother walk into the other side to prepare things.

He looks so gentle and considerate, but I really can't imagine that Shizuka and Hiratsuka are related by blood.

Perhaps, this is the so-called contrast, or is it because he has been unable to get married for several years, that is why Hiratsuka Shizuka is so worried? .

Or maybe it's just that I haven't trained Hiratsuka Shizuka in place yet?

I thought of Xiao Jing’s touching gesture of expectation and shyness when she was on Fushimi Mountain.

Izumi Masamune couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

The Hiratsuka family was pretty good. Although it was not as big as the Kondo family at that time, it was still quite spacious and gorgeous.

Modern furniture and electrical appliances are all available, many of them new models.

It seems that his parents are not old antiques.

It should be easier to get in touch with.

When outside, there is no wall, instead there is a glass door that can be opened.

This structure is Izumi Masamune's favorite because it allows for good lighting.

In spring, the feeling of sunlight shining through the glass in the living room is very comfortable.

He naturally sank into the sofa, his familiar look actually made Shizuka Hiratsuka, who was nervous next to him, almost breathless.

You should at least sit down carefully. If someone discovers a problem like this, it will be bad!

Come, have some tea, Masamune.

Xiaojing's mother came out with a tray, which was steaming and tasted good.

Thank you, aunt.

Izumi Masamune took the teacup.

Maybe it's because I've experienced so many things and actually get along with each other that I don't have the entanglement of meeting my mother-in-law.

Don't be so polite, just treat it as your own home.

He looked at Izumi Masamune with a smile.

A lot of things should be revealed after having a meal and talking with each other, but when facing the man in front of me, I naturally feel at ease.

There's a faint attraction that makes people feel at ease, as if it's magic.

Even Xiaojing's mother, who has seen a lot, can't help but sigh inwardly at this moment.

This is simply a perfect killing of an eighty-year-old woman and an eight-year-old girl.

If he were ten years younger, he would probably have other ideas.

No, something is wrong now.


Even though she had just watched the interaction between the two outside and realized that the relationship between the two parties should be real, it still gave her an unrealistic feeling.

Can my daughter really find such a boyfriend?

Standing up straight, as if a graduate was starting an interview for the first time, the serious Hiratsuka Shizuka felt a little sad inexplicably.

Watching his mother serving tea to Izumi Masamune, he looked at his mother pitifully.

If you want to drink tea, bring it to yourself.

He snorted coldly.

Girls in District 11 can get married at the age of sixteen. At Xiaojing's age, she is the type that has made her parents angry for a long time.

It would be strange to be able to look good at this time.

What does Zhengzong do now? I heard that you are six years younger than Xiaojing?

Looking over with a smile, Shizuka Hiratsuka had just been driven away. Xiao Jing's mother continued to stare at her mother-in-law.

Six years old?

Xiaojing, you really dare to say this.

Izumi Masamune is really unable to complain.

Well, yes, I am now in the entertainment industry, working in an agency and serving as an idol producer.

This is something that was done before.

Because I have been here several times with Yazawa Sumi, Izumi Masamune also knows something about these things.

Although the goal is to continue to be an old doctor who measures the growth of young girls, but before, this kind of thing can't go wrong accidentally.

not bad.


Xiaojing's mother didn't comment much on these things.

The Hiratsuka family is very rich.

Although he is not the richest kind, it is enough for Mizu Hiratsuka Shizuka to drive a luxury car and choose the career he likes.

Regarding Izumi Masamune's work, this is just a habitual inquiry.

So, when are you planning to get engaged now?

Xiaojing's mother lowered her head, thought for a while, and then asked directly.

Staring at Izumi Masamune closely, his eyes were firm and without any hesitation.


In the distance, Hiratsuka Shizuka, who was working on his own, had prepared tea and planned to come over to drink it. He wanted to see if someone had done anything wrong. At this moment, he could no longer hold the cup and dropped it, shattering on the ground.

Originally, the reason why Izumi Masamune was exposed was because his friend Kirisu Mafuyu was lax in speaking.

When Xiaojing couldn't help but show off at the class reunion that she was no longer single, Kirisu Mafuyu accidentally leaked the news.

The purpose this time is just to explain it well.

Then think of a way to leave directly.

The minimum age for marriage is eighteen.


Someone seems to be really eighteen years old.

Hiratsuka Shizu suddenly thought of this.

In fact, it was because Masamune Izumi drove the car in advance through his relationship, so Shizuka Hiratsuka thought that he was old enough.

But that’s not the problem!

Masamune Izumi is probably a sophomore in high school.

I am still his teacher.

If they get married directly like this, it will definitely become a gossip about Sobu Taka that will not disappear for decades to come.

And as a teacher, she must have been passed down as an image of deceiving her ignorant students, and because she hated getting married, she had no inhibitions about taking action against others.

This is simply embarrassing!

Hiratsuka Shizu felt that her mentality was going to explode at this moment.

The eyes looking at his mother-in-law were also full of resentment.

How could you deceive your daughter like this?


Shizuka Hiratsuka walked out quickly, not caring about wiping other things, Shizuka Hiratsuka walked over.

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