My daughter will definitely not be hungry in the future, and she can even help Yukinoshita share some of the pressure.

Maybe you can give yourself some leftovers to try?

It feels good when I think about it.

This kind of relationship lasts from the student days to the future.

I know that in the past, 30% of the students in the school could reliably pass the early morning examination. But is this what you are pursuing? Will a mere early morning university be enough to satisfy you?

Hey, Kasumi, who was exempted from the exam at school, was interviewed by Zaoying Da. Although he is now making up for classes in a private school, every time he sighs inadvertently and resentfully, he keeps hinting to Izumi Masamune that he will do it himself. What a sacrifice.

It means that Kasumigaoka is actually very optimistic about Hayao, but because of Izumi Masamune, he had to change his goal.

As a result, it turns out that Yukino has no pursuit of Yingda now?

Izumi Masamune felt that if the two of them really came out of the same university, they would definitely explode.

Especially after there is still an insurmountable gap between the two sides.

Thinking of certain places, Izumi Masamune had a headache, and only the big dumpling in Yui could make him feel more comfortable.


A trembling sound sounded.

Yui blushed, panted, and her beautiful eyes were blurred.

766 Yui also wants to go to Tokyo University

Izumi Masamune had just discovered his own affairs at this moment.

When people are under pressure, they will subconsciously grab something to feel comfortable.

It's like someone who subconsciously pinches the corners of his clothes and touches his fingers when giving a speech. Even he is not exempt from this habit.

Originally I just wanted to play with the plasticine, but in the end my unnatural fingers caught the blush and pinched it.

With a dry laugh, Izumi Masamune retracted his hand amid Yui's eagerness to try and Yukino's coldness.

Since starting tutoring, Yukinoshita-sensei has begun to assume the dignity of a famous teacher.

Even though her presence is really too serious to be serious.

I want to go to Tokyo University, and Masamune is also going to Tokyo University. Are you sure you don't want to go, Yui-san? I believe many people will be disappointed by then.

Yukino said seriously.

For top student classmate Yukinoshita Yukino, it is not a difficult task.

It's probably the kind of thing where you can easily pass the exam and others won't have any problems as long as they work harder.

The scores of Dongda are indeed very high. Only students with a deviation score of more than 70 are likely to go. It is a place for true geniuses.

But Yukinoshita Yukino believes that there are no bad students who can attend Sobu High School, and she still has more than a year to prepare.

She also saw the rapid improvement in the grades of Ichika and Nino among the five sisters of the Nakano family. She did not know that the reason for this was the secret fact that Ichika and Nino wanted to get rid of their relationship with Izumi Masamune as soon as possible and become their girlfriends openly. Successive successes gave Yukinoshita Yukino a lot of confidence.

I think I can teach Yui well.

Then everyone will be able to go to college together.

After freedom, they even began to live together initially.

Thinking of the image of three people living together in some places, eating together and living like a family, Yukino couldn't help but look forward to it.

Of course, there was also the look of someone shamelessly dragging the two of them to sleep together.

At that time, I will be harassed by this guy every day, laughing at my problems, and spend my college career fighting.

Instead of living like Sobu High School now, you can only work for a while after school.

So Yukino, you brought a mat, so I asked you why you look a lot different.

The sound in her ears brought Yukino back to her senses after she had been immersed in imagining the future.

Izumi Masamune, who was holding Yui in his arms, was still comparing her size with Yui's unsatisfiedly.

In particular, Yui still seemed to take the initiative to lift up her clothes.

Yukinoshita Yukino glared over in shame.

This big pig's hooves!

You are still making trouble! Don't fail to pass the exam when the time comes. That would be embarrassing.

Yukinoshita felt that she was really blind.

At that time, I thought it was pretty good, someone who could stay in the service department and learn to read various books, but now he only knows how to play.

It's simply too much to not work hard when you have such great talent.

Yukino-chan, before you say this, you have to have higher grades than me first.

The smile on his face made Pingxia seem to be a lot more angry for a moment. It was full of anger.

Sobu High also likes to announce results.

The kind that are posted on the bulletin board, with only nouns and no results.

The ups and downs are unpredictable, but there is only one thing that has not changed, and that is Izumi Masamune's position, which has always been the first.

Hehe, Azong is so awesome. It's really great.

Don't you know how great I am Yui? Do you want to experience how great I am?


Yukinoshita, who was at the fifth level of Aikido, used the Meow Fist and smashed the table with one punch.

Just before the conversation between some unscrupulous guy and Yui took a strange direction.

She obviously wanted to help Yui-san with her classes.

Do you know that if you change someone else, you just recommend the other person to go to a private school, and you don’t care about anything else.

Of course, Heishita-san would not admit that the reason why he did not help Yui-san find a private school was because he received ten cat owners from Sakurasou by Izumi Masamune.

Pingxia still has the nickname Poverty.

At the very least, this is the way Yukinoshita doesn't want to accept funding from someone until she has established a relationship with that person.

Yui-san, are you still going to class? Do you want to go to Tokyo University?

In no mood.

Do you want to?

I just don't want to.

What's the point of being so tired at Todai? One year is wasted, why not have fun with Izumi-kun. Anyway, having Izumi-kun here is enough.

An Anxin should seize the time to have fun with Azong.

Isn't it good to listen to your mother and be a stupid little woman?

Just leave everything you have to Azong.

Isn’t this trust?

Xiaoxue cannot grow up because she thinks too much and consumes energy.

Yukinoshita Yukino, who was inexplicably darkened by Yui's heart, sneezed.

Then he glanced at Izumi Masamune and Yuigahama Yui.

I hope that we can continue to be together like this at Dongda in the future, whether it is serving the ministry or in ordinary life.

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Yuigahama Yui seriously.

Finally, he revealed his feelings.

I still have to prepare for the Nakano family, so I'll leave Yui's questions to you.

Very seriously, Yukino said to the two of them.

When I find that I really can't teach a certain guy, I can only place my hope on Izumi Masamune for the time being.

The three of them continued to be together like that.

Live happily.

For this reason, Yui’s Todai must be visited.

Don't worry. Everyone will be fine.

Izumi Masamune, who was joking with Yui, also looked serious at this moment.

The girls are all working hard for this, and Izumi Masamune has already felt that feeling.

Hey, Azong, give me some extra lessons.

Yui's face was full of seriousness at this moment.

This is Xianyu Yui's wish to stand up, after seeing Yukino's seriousness.

I was full of expectations when I thought about the situation during the make-up classes before the first semester exams.

I think it's great to be able to work hard to go to college with my boyfriend.

Okay, then Yuigahama-san, let's brush up on the knowledge of elasticity and friction first. The coefficient of friction is related to the surface roughness, so we only need to add some lubrication on it to make it easier for us.

...Huh? Is it so powerful?

Yeah, let me show you.

There was the sound of clothes falling to the ground, and Yuigahama Yui's cry of disapproval.

Wouldn't this be a good idea?

Yui, who was holding the man and using her body to learn from the experience, suddenly felt a little guilty.

When the time comes, Yui can just take the exam and I will help with the rest.

Masamune Izumi said seriously, even Todai needs to obey obediently in the face of absolute capital.

Then he buried his whole face in the big dumpling and refused to leave.

Yui is always so warm.

It makes people simply can't let go.

There was only Yukinoshita with a dark face next to him.

767 chance encounter

Life is never completely fair.

Every place has its own unspoken rules.

For example, immigration exams, various ethnic bonus points policies, foreign preferential policies, etc.

Izumi Masamune didn't know much about the situation in District 11.

But in this capitalist-controlled society, once it stands at the highest level, it is still possible to arrange a position at Tokyo University for Yui as a huge enterprise that can only appear in the second dimension.

This is a different kind of cheating that is hard to imagine for a genius like Yukinoshita-san.

There are many girls around me, and none of them are willing to let go of them.

While possessing the girls greedily, Izumi Masamune will also provide the girls with a happy enough life within the scope of what he can.

As for whether this will squeeze out other people's places.

It's not what he needs to care about.

People in this world hate unfairness, but if the unfairness is caused by themselves, then there is nothing wrong with it.

Eh? Don't you want to tell Xiaoxue?

Walking home with Izumi Masamune, Yui suddenly heard that Izumi Masamune wished not to say it out loud, and Yui looked over in surprise.

Although it can be arranged directly like this, Yukino probably won't feel comfortable. It's probably like a situation where everyone works hard together for a better future, but you suddenly run away.

It's simple and easy to understand, at least Yui nodded knowingly, as if she understood.

But how can I improve my scores in daily exams?

Yui worked really hard.

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